Steve Horn


Steve Horn is the owner of the consultancy Horn Communications & Research Services, which provides public relations, content writing, and investigative research work products to a wide range of nonprofit and for-profit clients across the world.

An investigative reporter on the climate beat for over a decade and former Research Fellow for DeSmog between 2011-2018, his work has appeared in outlets such as The Guardian, The Intercept, Wisconsin Watch, The Coast News, and elsewhere. His work has been cited in a U.S. Senate report, federal litigation, and by publications such as The New York Times, Bloomberg, The New Yorker, Voice of San Diego, La Jornada, Democracy Now!, among outlets.


Laurence Tribe, constitutional law professorย at Harvard Law School and of-counsel atย the firm Massey & Gail LLP, recently testified in front of theย U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce again...

By David Goodner and Steveย Hornย  Everyday Iowa voters are less likely to caucus for former Texas governor and potential presidential candidate Rick Perry โ€œbecause of his involvementโ€ with a contro...

Chesapeake Energy has sued its former CEO, Aubrey McClendon, for allegedly stealing its trade secrets in the months between his resignation and the formation of his new company, American Energy Par...

Additional Reporting by Davidย Goodner Former Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry has joined the board of directors at Energy Transfer Partners, a natural gas and propane company headquartered in ...

On January 16, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gaveย Enbridge a controversial Nationwide Permit 12 green-lightย for its proposed Line 78 pipeline, set to bring heavy tar sands diluted bitumen (โ€œdilb...

A U.S. federal court has ordered a haltย in proceedingsย until Mayย in a case centering around oil-by-rail tankers pitting the Sierra Club andย ForestEthics against the U.S. Department of Transportatio...

Heather Zichal, former top climate and energy aide to President Barack Obama his topย aide in crafting his 2008 presidential campaign energy platform, has joined the industry-funded Atlantic Council...

The Center for Public Integrity has broken new ground by publishing a months-long investigation into the public relations and influence-peddling spending conducted by Big Business trade association...

On December 12, Magistrate Judge Mark R. Abel issued an order for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio to place five sets of court records under seal for the ongoing case pitti...

DeSmogBlog recently revealed howย Big Oil's lobbyists snuck expedited permitting for hydraulic fracturing (โ€œfrackingโ€) on public lands into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2015, whi...