
Stella Levantesi

Stella Levantesi


Stella Levantesi is an Italian climate journalist, photographer, and author. She is the author of the Gaslit series on DeSmog. Her main areas of expertise are climate disinformation, climate litigation, and corporate responsibility on the climate crisis. Her book “I bugiardi del clima” (Climate Liars), published in Italy with Laterza, investigates the history of climate science denial and obstruction tactics to climate action. She has an MA from New York University’s Journalism Institute. Her work has been published in The New Republic, Nature Italy, and others. Stella gave a TEDx Talk on climate change denial entitled “The dominance illusion: chi mente sul clima e perché”. You can follow her on Twitter @StellaLevantesi.


Activists warn that calls for energy independence are just “peace washing” the fossil fuels that enabled this conflict.

Activists warn that calls for energy independence are just “peace washing” the fossil fuels that enabled this conflict.
Series: Gaslit
Series: Gaslit

A new report suggests that lawsuits alleging false or misleading “climate-washing” claims are increasing and “pushing the cause forward.”

A new report suggests that lawsuits alleging false or misleading “climate-washing” claims are increasing and “pushing the cause forward.”

Powered by fossil fuel funding, PR agents have used astroturfing, “manufactured consent,” and other techniques to furtively shape public perceptions in favor of their polluting clients.

Powered by fossil fuel funding, PR agents have used astroturfing, “manufactured consent,” and other techniques to furtively shape public perceptions in favor of their polluting clients.
Series: Gaslit
Series: Gaslit

Lobbyists and an alliance of some EU governments push gas and nuclear in a sustainable investing guide. Scientific experts are “deeply concerned.”

Lobbyists and an alliance of some EU governments push gas and nuclear in a sustainable investing guide. Scientific experts are “deeply concerned.”

From doomsday scenarios to conspiracies totally removed from reality, a Twitter analysis found the top fear-based narratives that today’s climate deniers are spreading to prevent climate policy.

From doomsday scenarios to conspiracies totally removed from reality, a Twitter analysis found the top fear-based narratives that today’s climate deniers are spreading to prevent climate policy.

The Giudizio Universale lawsuit heads to court in December. It is one of many climate cases initiated by civil society in more than 40 countries around the world.

The Giudizio Universale lawsuit heads to court in December. It is one of many climate cases initiated by civil society in more than 40 countries around the world.