
Sophie Yeo



Big polluters are to blame for slow progress in the annual UN climate negotiations in Madrid, Spain, according to activists — with several companies sponsoring the talks in exchange for tax breaks....

Climate change has been high on the agenda this election. The UK had its first ever leaders’ debate on climate change (where an ice sculpture stood in for the prime minister, Boris Johnson), more v...

Leaders of Britain’s major political parties – minus the governing Tories – have battled it out over their green credentials in the UK’s first ever general election debate on the climate emergency....

The police have been accused of abusing their power in more than 500 instances during the Extinction Rebellion protests in October, according to a report released this week by the independent Netwo...

“There was this incredible hullabaloo,” says Robert Brulle, recalling the moment that the Climategate scandal broke, 10 years ago today. He remembers thinking that it was all much ado about nothing...

From its tense soundtrack and flickering images of suspicious-looking wires, you could mistake the BBC’s latest documentary on climate change for some kind of cyber spy thriller. And that’s kind of...

After almost a thousand days of protest, Cuadrilla has abandoned its fracking site at Preston New Road in Lancashire – but is the company gone for good, or is this just a temporary reprieve for the...

Councils across the UK have committed more than £2 million to tackling climate change in response to declarations of a “Climate Emergency”, an investigation by DeSmog can reveal. While many counci...

Most activities I do these days are monitored, thanks to the small army of devices I carry about my person. On any given day, I’ll know how many steps I took, my resting heart rate, how deeply I sl...

This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 250 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story.   Millions of children and adults are expected to stri...