
Rich Collett-White


Rich was the UK team’s Deputy Editor from 2020-22 and an Associate Editor until September 2023. He joined the organisation in 2018 as a UK-focused investigative reporter, having previously worked in communications for the climate charity Operation Noah. He has since pursued investigations into climate misinformation, greenwashing, and industry lobbying, which have been covered by the Guardian, Independent and Times. He graduated from Oxford University with a degree in French and Russian in 2015, after which he volunteered with grassroots climate activist groups and worked as a freelance translator.


Climate science denial and opposition to climate-friendly policies are widespread among Brexit Party general election candidates, analysis by DeSmog shows. Of prospective parliamentary candidates ...

A businessman credited with helping spark the 1970s North Sea oil boom has moved into offices at 55 Tufton Street in Westminster, where the UK’s principal climate science denial organisation and ma...

Climate science deniers have been invited to speak at an unofficial hearing in the Italian Senate this week by a politician from former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party. A gro...

In less than a year, climate protest movement Extinction Rebellion has become a household name, with its distinctive hourglass logo plastered around as a symbol of the urgent need for action.  But...

Extinction Rebellion protestors closed off sections of central London as the group launched two weeks of actions targeting the government's failure to sufficiently address the threat of climate cha...

The UK’s Science Museum and oil giant BP are increasingly concerned about criticism of their ongoing partnership, email correspondence seen by DeSmog suggests. The news comes as the Royal Shakespe...

The Brexit Party is tying itself in knots over its position on climate change, after a mailout from the party appeared to suggest it was set to acknowledge the climate emergency – a move that would...

US lobby groups representing the fossil fuel and automotive industries are world leaders when it comes to stalling government action on climate change, new research shows. Of the top 10 trade asso...

This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 220 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story.   The UK talks a good game on climate change, but its ...

“They seem to think that children can’t have their own opinion and take action for what they know is right.” It’s a familiar refrain. A sense of not being listened to. Of being dismissed as naïve ...