
Rich Collett-White


Rich was the UK team’s Deputy Editor from 2020-22 and an Associate Editor until September 2023. He joined the organisation in 2018 as a UK-focused investigative reporter, having previously worked in communications for the climate charity Operation Noah. He has since pursued investigations into climate misinformation, greenwashing, and industry lobbying, which have been covered by the Guardian, Independent and Times. He graduated from Oxford University with a degree in French and Russian in 2015, after which he volunteered with grassroots climate activist groups and worked as a freelance translator.


Quentin Willson has left FairFuelUK, an anti-fuel duty group backed by several MPs, over its "lack of environmental sensibilities" and a report it recently released containing "unforgivable howlers”.

Quentin Willson has left FairFuelUK, an anti-fuel duty group backed by several MPs, over its "lack of environmental sensibilities" and a report it recently released containing "unforgivable howlers”.

May has called on fellow Conservatives to unite behind the government’s climate plans amid backbench opposition - but her own record is mixed.

May has called on fellow Conservatives to unite behind the government’s climate plans amid backbench opposition - but her own record is mixed.

Former UK Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May both lobbied the Bahraini government on behalf of Petrofac, whose co-founder is a major Conservative donor.

Former UK Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May both lobbied the Bahraini government on behalf of Petrofac, whose co-founder is a major Conservative donor.

Brendan Clarke-Smith has “no credibility” on climate change after “conflict of interest” is revealed, say critics.

Brendan Clarke-Smith has “no credibility” on climate change after “conflict of interest” is revealed, say critics.

Claire O’Neill will be free to advise energy companies and lobby government departments when the conditions on her appointment expire in two days.

Claire O’Neill will be free to advise energy companies and lobby government departments when the conditions on her appointment expire in two days.

The largest private company in the US and the family that owns it have financially supported a network of groups working to downplay the threat of climate change and kill off legislation designed to cut emissions.

The largest private company in the US and the family that owns it have financially supported a network of groups working to downplay the threat of climate change and kill off legislation designed to cut emissions.

Companies and individuals with an interest in extracting the UK's fossil fuels also met Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng more than a dozen times in advance of the publication of the North Sea Transition Deal.

Companies and individuals with an interest in extracting the UK's fossil fuels also met Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng more than a dozen times in advance of the publication of the North Sea Transition Deal.

GB News gave a platform to climate science deniers and went in hard on environmental policies in its first week of broadcasting.

GB News gave a platform to climate science deniers and went in hard on environmental policies in its first week of broadcasting.

Companies should consider pulling adverts from the platform until it takes further steps to tackle misleading climate-related content, say campaigners — but Facebook has been quick to defend its record.

Companies should consider pulling adverts from the platform until it takes further steps to tackle misleading climate-related content, say campaigners — but Facebook has been quick to defend its record.

Five of the individuals praised at COP26 event hold senior roles at fossil fuel companies and investors, including Suncor and the Royal Bank of Canada.

Five of the individuals praised at COP26 event hold senior roles at fossil fuel companies and investors, including Suncor and the Royal Bank of Canada.