
Mat Hope


Mat was DeSmog’s Special Projects and Investigations Editor, and Operations Director for DeSmog UK Ltd. He was DeSmog UK’s Editor from October 2017 to March 2021. He began working with DeSmog as the UK’s Deputy Editor in October 2016, having previously been an editor at Nature Climate Change and analyst at Carbon Brief. He completed his PhD on political communication strategies in US Congressional climate change debates at the University of Bristol in 2012, which won the Hilary Hartley prize as the best thesis in his department’s graduating class. Mat is a member of the National Union of Journalists.


Whatever deal Brexit secretary David Davis manages to strike with the EU, it could have a negative significant impact on climate policy both on the continent and in the UK, a new report has warned....

The last few yards are always the toughest. The UK has been making reasonable progress down a path towards its legally binding climate goals, but it currently has no plan on how to get over the li...

The Mayor of London and the London Pension Fund Authority (LPFA) have agreed a strategy to “divest” assets worth around £10 billion from fossil fuel companies, DeSmog UK can reveal. The agreement ...

The methods may change from country to country, but it’s clear that fossil fuel companies are desperate to push their message onto kids. US companies promote fossil fuels in schools through a weir...

On June 23 2016, 46 million voters merrily skipped to the polls to have their say about whether the UK should remain in the European Union. Early the following morning, it was revealed that 52 perc...

BP’s relationship with the National Portrait Gallery is under scrutiny as the museum prepares to today announce the winner of an annual award sponsored by the oil giant. Many fossil fuel companies...

“As an American I’m not going to come here and tell the British how to put together a campaign and win, I can only share our experience. And our experience has been that to win you have to develop ...

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced a deal with Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) that she hopes will keep her in the job. But while the Tory-DUP “supply and confidence” pact...

Prime minister Theresa May has had a busy few days. She continued to reshuffle her front-bench yesterday, moving a number of junior ministers into new roles. One MP to find himself in a new job th...

Despite the government’s best efforts to boost the industry, fracking remains an expensive business in the UK. Fracking company Cuadrilla operated at a £3.4m loss over the course of 2016, its late...