
Kyla Mandel


Kyla began working with DeSmog’s UK outlet as deputy editor in November 2014 and was appointed as the UK’s Editor the following year. During this time, she broke numerous stories on energy policy, including one on the Koch Brothers’ European lobbying efforts as well as investigations into the cross-Atlantic climate denial lobbying network. She has also covered international climate science denial efforts in Rome and Washington D.C., and joined DeSmog’s reporting team in December 2015 at the Paris COP21 climate conference.

In January 2018, Kyla moved to Washington, D.C. where she was the climate editor at ThinkProgress until autumn 2019 when she joined HuffPost as deputy editor of the solutions-focused This New World Series. In November 2020, she rejoined DeSmog as managing editor. She is also the project manager for the Local Media Association’s Climate Collaborative.

Kyla studied at Columbia University’s graduate journalism school specializing in narrative nonfiction writing and science reporting. Her reporting during that time on climate refugees and coastal relocation in the United States was published in Mother Jones. Kyla’s work has also appeared in the New York Times, National Geographic, The Hill, and Outside. She is a member of the Society for Environmental Journalists.

You can find more of her writing at and follow her on Twitter at @kylamandel 


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