
Geoff Dembicki

Geoff Dembicki


Geoff Dembicki is an investigative climate journalist based in New York City. He is author of The Petroleum Papers and Are We Screwed?


Ad data reviewed by DeSmog shows industry group paid Google to link its website to hundreds of climate-related search terms.

Ad data reviewed by DeSmog shows industry group paid Google to link its website to hundreds of climate-related search terms.

DeSmog contributor Geoff Dembicki urged politicians to learn Imperial Oil’s history of spreading misinfo spanning back to the 1970s.

DeSmog contributor Geoff Dembicki urged politicians to learn Imperial Oil’s history of spreading misinfo spanning back to the 1970s.

An Indigenous Resource Network spokesperson confirmed funding from Cenovus, but denied the company’s membership status.

An Indigenous Resource Network spokesperson confirmed funding from Cenovus, but denied the company’s membership status.

‘That would be a death knell for our climate targets,’ says climate advocate.

‘That would be a death knell for our climate targets,’ says climate advocate.

Industry leaders attending a recent B.C. conference said local climate commitments will help them sell fossil fuels overseas.

Industry leaders attending a recent B.C. conference said local climate commitments will help them sell fossil fuels overseas.

More evidence the company’s net-zero plan is ‘total greenwashing,’ says one disinformation expert.

More evidence the company’s net-zero plan is ‘total greenwashing,’ says one disinformation expert.

Danielle Smith said she takes the Alberta Prosperity Project ‘very seriously’ — even as the group boosts conspiratorial claims about Indigenous rights.

Danielle Smith said she takes the Alberta Prosperity Project ‘very seriously’ — even as the group boosts conspiratorial claims about Indigenous rights.

The tar sands industry claims publicly it’s ‘aggressively’ reducing emissions, but documents show that a top producer is telling a much less inspiring story to investors.

The tar sands industry claims publicly it’s ‘aggressively’ reducing emissions, but documents show that a top producer is telling a much less inspiring story to investors.

Ad showing children happily playing near a gas stove is “terrible and misleading,” says Vancouver physician.

Ad showing children happily playing near a gas stove is “terrible and misleading,” says Vancouver physician.

Instead the company’s Canadian arm developed a communications plan to make climate solutions like carbon taxes look economically reckless.

Instead the company’s Canadian arm developed a communications plan to make climate solutions like carbon taxes look economically reckless.