
Clare Carlile


Clare is a Researcher at Desmog, focusing on the agribusiness sector. Prior to joining the organisation in July 2022, she was Co-Editor and Researcher at Ethical Consumer Magazine, where she specialised in migrant workers’ rights in the food industry. Her work has been published in The Guardian and New Internationalist. She studied English Language and Literature at Oxford University, where she was also involved in student campaigning.


Campaigners warn Brussels is poised to water down — or fatally delay — bold pesticide reduction targets.

Campaigners warn Brussels is poised to water down — or fatally delay — bold pesticide reduction targets.

Campaigners warn of industrial farm lobby’s growing influence amid sharp rise in representatives attending UN climate talks in Egypt.

Campaigners warn of industrial farm lobby’s growing influence amid sharp rise in representatives attending UN climate talks in Egypt.

Two are advisors to a well-connected "forum" set up by the BP-funded Institute of Economic Affairs that wants to see UK fracking regulations relaxed.

Two are advisors to a well-connected "forum" set up by the BP-funded Institute of Economic Affairs that wants to see UK fracking regulations relaxed.