
Adam Barnett


Adam Barnett is DeSmog’s UK News Reporter. He is a former Staff Writer at Left Foot Forward and BBC Local Democracy Reporter.


Graham Stuart was billed to give a keynote speech at a conference where high-profile US climate science denier Marc Morano will debate “global warming”.

Graham Stuart was billed to give a keynote speech at a conference where high-profile US climate science denier Marc Morano will debate “global warming”.

At a thinly-attended “Freedom Zone” event, figures on the right of the party rubbed shoulders with an author who decries the “dogma” of global warming as a socialist plot.

At a thinly-attended “Freedom Zone” event, figures on the right of the party rubbed shoulders with an author who decries the “dogma” of global warming as a socialist plot.

The Institute of Economic Affairs has been in the media spotlight following last month’s disastrous “mini-budget”.

The Institute of Economic Affairs has been in the media spotlight following last month’s disastrous “mini-budget”.

The airport’s expansion plans would boost carbon dioxide emissions to 20 million tonnes by 2050, according to analysis by a green transport group.

The airport’s expansion plans would boost carbon dioxide emissions to 20 million tonnes by 2050, according to analysis by a green transport group.

Green groups warn that industry ‘greenwash’ risks diverting politicians from less-polluting alternatives.

Green groups warn that industry ‘greenwash’ risks diverting politicians from less-polluting alternatives.

The labelling will "deceive or confuse" consumers, say experts.

The labelling will "deceive or confuse" consumers, say experts.

Green MP Caroline Lucas said climate sceptics and “delayers” should be “nowhere near the prime minister’s top team”.

Green MP Caroline Lucas said climate sceptics and “delayers” should be “nowhere near the prime minister’s top team”.

While claiming to support net zero, the new PM is pro-fracking, plans to increase extraction of oil and gas in the North Sea and finds solar farms ‘depressing’.

While claiming to support net zero, the new PM is pro-fracking, plans to increase extraction of oil and gas in the North Sea and finds solar farms ‘depressing’.

Brian Catt wrote in a 2020 blog that the United Nations was trying to “deceive and control global populations”.

Brian Catt wrote in a 2020 blog that the United Nations was trying to “deceive and control global populations”.

Climate campaigners are concerned over Jane Toogood’s role in a company that sells technology to produce hydrogen from methane.

Climate campaigners are concerned over Jane Toogood’s role in a company that sells technology to produce hydrogen from methane.