

The UK capital's six airports make it the most polluting city by aviation emissions, according to a new interactive tool allowing users to explore emissions data for the world's airports.
The UK capital's six airports make it the most polluting city by aviation emissions, according to a new interactive tool allowing users to explore emissions data for the world's airports.
Campaigners have criticised Captain Ian Finley, a UK resident who has represented the Cook Islands at the International Maritime Organization since 2006, for consistently defending industry interests.
Campaigners have criticised Captain Ian Finley, a UK resident who has represented the Cook Islands at the International Maritime Organization since 2006, for consistently defending industry interests.
Quentin Willson has left FairFuelUK, an anti-fuel duty group backed by several MPs, over its "lack of environmental sensibilities" and a report it recently released containing "unforgivable howlers”.
Quentin Willson has left FairFuelUK, an anti-fuel duty group backed by several MPs, over its "lack of environmental sensibilities" and a report it recently released containing "unforgivable howlers”.
Campaigners have said the findings show the group "has no authority to criticise electric cars" and is "driven by vested engine interests".
Campaigners have said the findings show the group "has no authority to criticise electric cars" and is "driven by vested engine interests".
Brendan Clarke-Smith has “no credibility” on climate change after “conflict of interest” is revealed, say critics.
Brendan Clarke-Smith has “no credibility” on climate change after “conflict of interest” is revealed, say critics.
Alongside the broad church of earnest opposition, disparate political interests adopted a series of talking points against the schemes for their own gain.
Alongside the broad church of earnest opposition, disparate political interests adopted a series of talking points against the schemes for their own gain.
Lobby group FairFuelUK produced report for APPG whose chair is campaigning against electric vehicles and net zero targets
Lobby group FairFuelUK produced report for APPG whose chair is campaigning against electric vehicles and net zero targets
Campaigners have said they will appeal the decision and believe the government's plans are "more at risk of being cut back this autumn than ever".
Campaigners have said they will appeal the decision and believe the government's plans are "more at risk of being cut back this autumn than ever".
A new report finds that powerful lobbying associations in Europe almost uniformly support 2050 net-zero targets but are seeking to weaken the policies needed to get there.
A new report finds that powerful lobbying associations in Europe almost uniformly support 2050 net-zero targets but are seeking to weaken the policies needed to get there.
The top oil trade group, which a senior Exxon lobbyist recently described as one of the company's "whipping boys," used similar delay tactics to push back against oil-by-rail safety rules.
The top oil trade group, which a senior Exxon lobbyist recently described as one of the company's "whipping boys," used similar delay tactics to push back against oil-by-rail safety rules.

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The UK capital's six airports make it the most polluting city by aviation emissions, according to a new interactive tool allowing users to explore emissions data for the world's airports.

The UK capital's six airports make it the most polluting city by aviation emissions, according to a new interactive tool allowing users to explore emissions data for the world's airports.

Campaigners have criticised Captain Ian Finley, a UK resident who has represented the Cook Islands at the International Maritime Organization since 2006, for consistently defending industry interests.

Campaigners have criticised Captain Ian Finley, a UK resident who has represented the Cook Islands at the International Maritime Organization since 2006, for consistently defending industry interests.

Quentin Willson has left FairFuelUK, an anti-fuel duty group backed by several MPs, over its "lack of environmental sensibilities" and a report it recently released containing "unforgivable howlers”.

Quentin Willson has left FairFuelUK, an anti-fuel duty group backed by several MPs, over its "lack of environmental sensibilities" and a report it recently released containing "unforgivable howlers”.

Campaigners have said the findings show the group "has no authority to criticise electric cars" and is "driven by vested engine interests".

Campaigners have said the findings show the group "has no authority to criticise electric cars" and is "driven by vested engine interests".

Brendan Clarke-Smith has “no credibility” on climate change after “conflict of interest” is revealed, say critics.

Brendan Clarke-Smith has “no credibility” on climate change after “conflict of interest” is revealed, say critics.

Alongside the broad church of earnest opposition, disparate political interests adopted a series of talking points against the schemes for their own gain.

Alongside the broad church of earnest opposition, disparate political interests adopted a series of talking points against the schemes for their own gain.

Lobby group FairFuelUK produced report for APPG whose chair is campaigning against electric vehicles and net zero targets

Lobby group FairFuelUK produced report for APPG whose chair is campaigning against electric vehicles and net zero targets

Campaigners have said they will appeal the decision and believe the government's plans are "more at risk of being cut back this autumn than ever".

Campaigners have said they will appeal the decision and believe the government's plans are "more at risk of being cut back this autumn than ever".

A new report finds that powerful lobbying associations in Europe almost uniformly support 2050 net-zero targets but are seeking to weaken the policies needed to get there.

A new report finds that powerful lobbying associations in Europe almost uniformly support 2050 net-zero targets but are seeking to weaken the policies needed to get there.

The top oil trade group, which a senior Exxon lobbyist recently described as one of the company's "whipping boys," used similar delay tactics to push back against oil-by-rail safety rules.

The top oil trade group, which a senior Exxon lobbyist recently described as one of the company's "whipping boys," used similar delay tactics to push back against oil-by-rail safety rules.