
Politics and Policy

The Argentine government has subsidized oil and gas drilling for years, and is now shifting its sights offshore. But opposition is growing.
The Argentine government has subsidized oil and gas drilling for years, and is now shifting its sights offshore. But opposition is growing.
The FairFuelUK survey covered by The Sun over the weekend has been dismissed as “fake” by transport campaigners.
The FairFuelUK survey covered by The Sun over the weekend has been dismissed as “fake” by transport campaigners.
Ahead of a race for a seat on the Texas Railroad Commission, two new reports document the agency’s failure to track harmful emissions and failing infrastructure.
Ahead of a race for a seat on the Texas Railroad Commission, two new reports document the agency’s failure to track harmful emissions and failing infrastructure.
Lobbyists and an alliance of some EU governments push gas and nuclear in a sustainable investing guide. Scientific experts are “deeply concerned.”
Lobbyists and an alliance of some EU governments push gas and nuclear in a sustainable investing guide. Scientific experts are “deeply concerned.”
The farming body has registered as a 'non-commercial' organisation on the newly updated EU Transparency Register, meaning it does not have to declare its lobbying spend.
The farming body has registered as a 'non-commercial' organisation on the newly updated EU Transparency Register, meaning it does not have to declare its lobbying spend.
A judge said the claimants’ focus on specific years when the companies received more in tax breaks than they sent to the government was “nonsensical”.
A judge said the claimants’ focus on specific years when the companies received more in tax breaks than they sent to the government was “nonsensical”.
A new report catalogues 15,896 federal and state violations from more than 100 U.S. Chamber of Commerce members, including major fossil fuel companies.
A new report catalogues 15,896 federal and state violations from more than 100 U.S. Chamber of Commerce members, including major fossil fuel companies.
“Most companies and financial institutions with the greatest ability to halt deforestation are doing little or nothing,” said Niki Mardas, Executive Director at Global Canopy, which conducted the research.
“Most companies and financial institutions with the greatest ability to halt deforestation are doing little or nothing,” said Niki Mardas, Executive Director at Global Canopy, which conducted the research.
An Oregon State University study of almost 3 million births in Texas found mothers living less than a mile from drilling sites were more likely to experience higher blood pressure and other potentially dangerous health conditions.
An Oregon State University study of almost 3 million births in Texas found mothers living less than a mile from drilling sites were more likely to experience higher blood pressure and other potentially dangerous health conditions.
Only 19 MPs and one peer signed the letter to the Sunday Telegraph, apparently contradicting Craig Mackinlay’s claim that his “Net Zero Scrutiny Group” has over 50 members.
Only 19 MPs and one peer signed the letter to the Sunday Telegraph, apparently contradicting Craig Mackinlay’s claim that his “Net Zero Scrutiny Group” has over 50 members.

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The Argentine government has subsidized oil and gas drilling for years, and is now shifting its sights offshore. But opposition is growing.

The Argentine government has subsidized oil and gas drilling for years, and is now shifting its sights offshore. But opposition is growing.

The FairFuelUK survey covered by The Sun over the weekend has been dismissed as “fake” by transport campaigners.

The FairFuelUK survey covered by The Sun over the weekend has been dismissed as “fake” by transport campaigners.

Ahead of a race for a seat on the Texas Railroad Commission, two new reports document the agency’s failure to track harmful emissions and failing infrastructure.

Ahead of a race for a seat on the Texas Railroad Commission, two new reports document the agency’s failure to track harmful emissions and failing infrastructure.

Lobbyists and an alliance of some EU governments push gas and nuclear in a sustainable investing guide. Scientific experts are “deeply concerned.”

Lobbyists and an alliance of some EU governments push gas and nuclear in a sustainable investing guide. Scientific experts are “deeply concerned.”

The farming body has registered as a 'non-commercial' organisation on the newly updated EU Transparency Register, meaning it does not have to declare its lobbying spend.

The farming body has registered as a 'non-commercial' organisation on the newly updated EU Transparency Register, meaning it does not have to declare its lobbying spend.

A judge said the claimants’ focus on specific years when the companies received more in tax breaks than they sent to the government was “nonsensical”.

A judge said the claimants’ focus on specific years when the companies received more in tax breaks than they sent to the government was “nonsensical”.

A new report catalogues 15,896 federal and state violations from more than 100 U.S. Chamber of Commerce members, including major fossil fuel companies.

A new report catalogues 15,896 federal and state violations from more than 100 U.S. Chamber of Commerce members, including major fossil fuel companies.

“Most companies and financial institutions with the greatest ability to halt deforestation are doing little or nothing,” said Niki Mardas, Executive Director at Global Canopy, which conducted the research.

“Most companies and financial institutions with the greatest ability to halt deforestation are doing little or nothing,” said Niki Mardas, Executive Director at Global Canopy, which conducted the research.

An Oregon State University study of almost 3 million births in Texas found mothers living less than a mile from drilling sites were more likely to experience higher blood pressure and other potentially dangerous health conditions.

An Oregon State University study of almost 3 million births in Texas found mothers living less than a mile from drilling sites were more likely to experience higher blood pressure and other potentially dangerous health conditions.

Only 19 MPs and one peer signed the letter to the Sunday Telegraph, apparently contradicting Craig Mackinlay’s claim that his “Net Zero Scrutiny Group” has over 50 members.

Only 19 MPs and one peer signed the letter to the Sunday Telegraph, apparently contradicting Craig Mackinlay’s claim that his “Net Zero Scrutiny Group” has over 50 members.