
Politics and Policy

Oil giant is appealing cancellation of permit to conduct seismic explorations in the ecologically rich waters.
Oil giant is appealing cancellation of permit to conduct seismic explorations in the ecologically rich waters.
Order was quietly signed on the same day that residents celebrated the energy company’s plea deal on charges of environmental crimes.
Order was quietly signed on the same day that residents celebrated the energy company’s plea deal on charges of environmental crimes.
New analysis sheds light on key industry lobbying tactics at a decisive moment for the future of agriculture.
New analysis sheds light on key industry lobbying tactics at a decisive moment for the future of agriculture.
The use of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation to intimidate campaigners is a global trend.
The use of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation to intimidate campaigners is a global trend.
Following complaints, Oregon’s Public Utility Commission is investigating NW Natural’s meter testing program and billing practices.
Following complaints, Oregon’s Public Utility Commission is investigating NW Natural’s meter testing program and billing practices.
Oregon regulators face challenges, old and new, to holding gas companies accountable during high-stakes energy system transformation.
Oregon regulators face challenges, old and new, to holding gas companies accountable during high-stakes energy system transformation.
Two of the Russian gas company’s subsidiaries are still active in UK and Dutch waters despite the ongoing Ukraine conflict.
Two of the Russian gas company’s subsidiaries are still active in UK and Dutch waters despite the ongoing Ukraine conflict.
Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, spoke at a Heritage panel event where net zero was branded “a religion”.
Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, spoke at a Heritage panel event where net zero was branded “a religion”.
Danielle Smith said she takes the Alberta Prosperity Project ‘very seriously’ — even as the group boosts conspiratorial claims about Indigenous rights.
Danielle Smith said she takes the Alberta Prosperity Project ‘very seriously’ — even as the group boosts conspiratorial claims about Indigenous rights.
Out of $3.4 billion spent by trade associations over 10 years, nearly $2.2 billion went towards advertising and promotion, with the oil and gas industry the biggest spender.
Out of $3.4 billion spent by trade associations over 10 years, nearly $2.2 billion went towards advertising and promotion, with the oil and gas industry the biggest spender.

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Oil giant is appealing cancellation of permit to conduct seismic explorations in the ecologically rich waters.

Oil giant is appealing cancellation of permit to conduct seismic explorations in the ecologically rich waters.

Order was quietly signed on the same day that residents celebrated the energy company’s plea deal on charges of environmental crimes.

Order was quietly signed on the same day that residents celebrated the energy company’s plea deal on charges of environmental crimes.

New analysis sheds light on key industry lobbying tactics at a decisive moment for the future of agriculture.

New analysis sheds light on key industry lobbying tactics at a decisive moment for the future of agriculture.

The use of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation to intimidate campaigners is a global trend.

The use of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation to intimidate campaigners is a global trend.

Following complaints, Oregon’s Public Utility Commission is investigating NW Natural’s meter testing program and billing practices.

Following complaints, Oregon’s Public Utility Commission is investigating NW Natural’s meter testing program and billing practices.
Series: NW Natural

Oregon regulators face challenges, old and new, to holding gas companies accountable during high-stakes energy system transformation.

Oregon regulators face challenges, old and new, to holding gas companies accountable during high-stakes energy system transformation.
Series: NW Natural

Two of the Russian gas company’s subsidiaries are still active in UK and Dutch waters despite the ongoing Ukraine conflict.

Two of the Russian gas company’s subsidiaries are still active in UK and Dutch waters despite the ongoing Ukraine conflict.

Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, spoke at a Heritage panel event where net zero was branded “a religion”.

Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, spoke at a Heritage panel event where net zero was branded “a religion”.

Danielle Smith said she takes the Alberta Prosperity Project ‘very seriously’ — even as the group boosts conspiratorial claims about Indigenous rights.

Danielle Smith said she takes the Alberta Prosperity Project ‘very seriously’ — even as the group boosts conspiratorial claims about Indigenous rights.

Out of $3.4 billion spent by trade associations over 10 years, nearly $2.2 billion went towards advertising and promotion, with the oil and gas industry the biggest spender.

Out of $3.4 billion spent by trade associations over 10 years, nearly $2.2 billion went towards advertising and promotion, with the oil and gas industry the biggest spender.