
False Solutions

Just 11 facilities are currently operational in the U.S. and they process a tiny fraction of the nation’s plastic waste, the report finds.
Just 11 facilities are currently operational in the U.S. and they process a tiny fraction of the nation’s plastic waste, the report finds.
While tax subsidies allay financial concerns about carbon capture and storage (CCS), key questions remain about the controversial technology and whether it’s able to reduce carbon emissions.
While tax subsidies allay financial concerns about carbon capture and storage (CCS), key questions remain about the controversial technology and whether it’s able to reduce carbon emissions.
Norfolk MP Jerome Mayhew says at Conservative party conference that only “mud hut zealots” would rule out ongoing exploration of North Sea oil and gas.
Norfolk MP Jerome Mayhew says at Conservative party conference that only “mud hut zealots” would rule out ongoing exploration of North Sea oil and gas.
The technology could provide cover for fossil fuel companies to explore more oil and gas drilling, campaigners say.
The technology could provide cover for fossil fuel companies to explore more oil and gas drilling, campaigners say.
Emails seen by DeSmog show a PR lobby funded by gas companies is looking to influence the opposition party as likely winners of the next general election.
Emails seen by DeSmog show a PR lobby funded by gas companies is looking to influence the opposition party as likely winners of the next general election.
The oil industry’s push to portray carbon capture as a climate solution at COP28 obscures how the technology is really being used.
The oil industry’s push to portray carbon capture as a climate solution at COP28 obscures how the technology is really being used.
A DeSmog review of 12 large-scale projects reveals a litany of cost-overruns and missed targets, with a net increase in emissions.
A DeSmog review of 12 large-scale projects reveals a litany of cost-overruns and missed targets, with a net increase in emissions.
James Millar, former TransCanada spokesperson, gave off-the-cuff damage control advice to industry proponents in Edmonton.
James Millar, former TransCanada spokesperson, gave off-the-cuff damage control advice to industry proponents in Edmonton.
‘Direct air capture’ of carbon pollution is still experimental, but a fossil fuel company is embracing it as a way to keep drilling.
‘Direct air capture’ of carbon pollution is still experimental, but a fossil fuel company is embracing it as a way to keep drilling.
New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.
New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.

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Just 11 facilities are currently operational in the U.S. and they process a tiny fraction of the nation’s plastic waste, the report finds.

Just 11 facilities are currently operational in the U.S. and they process a tiny fraction of the nation’s plastic waste, the report finds.

While tax subsidies allay financial concerns about carbon capture and storage (CCS), key questions remain about the controversial technology and whether it’s able to reduce carbon emissions.

While tax subsidies allay financial concerns about carbon capture and storage (CCS), key questions remain about the controversial technology and whether it’s able to reduce carbon emissions.

Norfolk MP Jerome Mayhew says at Conservative party conference that only “mud hut zealots” would rule out ongoing exploration of North Sea oil and gas.

Norfolk MP Jerome Mayhew says at Conservative party conference that only “mud hut zealots” would rule out ongoing exploration of North Sea oil and gas.

The technology could provide cover for fossil fuel companies to explore more oil and gas drilling, campaigners say.

The technology could provide cover for fossil fuel companies to explore more oil and gas drilling, campaigners say.

Emails seen by DeSmog show a PR lobby funded by gas companies is looking to influence the opposition party as likely winners of the next general election.

Emails seen by DeSmog show a PR lobby funded by gas companies is looking to influence the opposition party as likely winners of the next general election.

The oil industry’s push to portray carbon capture as a climate solution at COP28 obscures how the technology is really being used.

The oil industry’s push to portray carbon capture as a climate solution at COP28 obscures how the technology is really being used.

A DeSmog review of 12 large-scale projects reveals a litany of cost-overruns and missed targets, with a net increase in emissions.

A DeSmog review of 12 large-scale projects reveals a litany of cost-overruns and missed targets, with a net increase in emissions.

James Millar, former TransCanada spokesperson, gave off-the-cuff damage control advice to industry proponents in Edmonton.

James Millar, former TransCanada spokesperson, gave off-the-cuff damage control advice to industry proponents in Edmonton.

‘Direct air capture’ of carbon pollution is still experimental, but a fossil fuel company is embracing it as a way to keep drilling.

‘Direct air capture’ of carbon pollution is still experimental, but a fossil fuel company is embracing it as a way to keep drilling.

New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.

New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.