

Five of the individuals praised at COP26 event hold senior roles at fossil fuel companies and investors, including Suncor and the Royal Bank of Canada.
Five of the individuals praised at COP26 event hold senior roles at fossil fuel companies and investors, including Suncor and the Royal Bank of Canada.
More proposed rules to fix a broken regulatory system are a distraction from the real issue of the government failing to hold the oil industry accountable.
More proposed rules to fix a broken regulatory system are a distraction from the real issue of the government failing to hold the oil industry accountable.
More than 40 cities have enacted bans on new gas infrastructure, but in the Pacific Northwest one company is trying a new tactic to head off climate policy.
More than 40 cities have enacted bans on new gas infrastructure, but in the Pacific Northwest one company is trying a new tactic to head off climate policy.
For nearly a decade, pipeline companies have relied on the contested Nationwide Permit 12 when their projects cross waterbodies in the U.S.
For nearly a decade, pipeline companies have relied on the contested Nationwide Permit 12 when their projects cross waterbodies in the U.S.
Campaigners say there is growing dissatisfaction among Barclay’s shareholders over the bank’s approach to climate change.
Campaigners say there is growing dissatisfaction among Barclay’s shareholders over the bank’s approach to climate change.
After years of uncertainty, communities are demanding proper compensation from major oil companies who will soon begin construction of a major pipeline through their land.
After years of uncertainty, communities are demanding proper compensation from major oil companies who will soon begin construction of a major pipeline through their land.
People of color and those with incomes below the poverty line are more likely to live near oil refineries where air monitors show benzene levels that should trigger federal action.
People of color and those with incomes below the poverty line are more likely to live near oil refineries where air monitors show benzene levels that should trigger federal action.
Can states be trusted to tackle the nation’s orphaned oil and gas well problem with federal funds?
Can states be trusted to tackle the nation’s orphaned oil and gas well problem with federal funds?
Oxford University fellow Professor Peter Edwards has been appointed to the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s board of trustees.
Oxford University fellow Professor Peter Edwards has been appointed to the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s board of trustees.
The oil and gas industry is looking to capitalize off an increasingly-popular socially responsible investing wave that emphasizes the environment.
The oil and gas industry is looking to capitalize off an increasingly-popular socially responsible investing wave that emphasizes the environment.

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Five of the individuals praised at COP26 event hold senior roles at fossil fuel companies and investors, including Suncor and the Royal Bank of Canada.

Five of the individuals praised at COP26 event hold senior roles at fossil fuel companies and investors, including Suncor and the Royal Bank of Canada.

More proposed rules to fix a broken regulatory system are a distraction from the real issue of the government failing to hold the oil industry accountable.

More proposed rules to fix a broken regulatory system are a distraction from the real issue of the government failing to hold the oil industry accountable.

More than 40 cities have enacted bans on new gas infrastructure, but in the Pacific Northwest one company is trying a new tactic to head off climate policy.

More than 40 cities have enacted bans on new gas infrastructure, but in the Pacific Northwest one company is trying a new tactic to head off climate policy.
Series: NW Natural

For nearly a decade, pipeline companies have relied on the contested Nationwide Permit 12 when their projects cross waterbodies in the U.S.

For nearly a decade, pipeline companies have relied on the contested Nationwide Permit 12 when their projects cross waterbodies in the U.S.

Campaigners say there is growing dissatisfaction among Barclay’s shareholders over the bank’s approach to climate change.

Campaigners say there is growing dissatisfaction among Barclay’s shareholders over the bank’s approach to climate change.

After years of uncertainty, communities are demanding proper compensation from major oil companies who will soon begin construction of a major pipeline through their land.

After years of uncertainty, communities are demanding proper compensation from major oil companies who will soon begin construction of a major pipeline through their land.

People of color and those with incomes below the poverty line are more likely to live near oil refineries where air monitors show benzene levels that should trigger federal action.

People of color and those with incomes below the poverty line are more likely to live near oil refineries where air monitors show benzene levels that should trigger federal action.

Can states be trusted to tackle the nation’s orphaned oil and gas well problem with federal funds?

Can states be trusted to tackle the nation’s orphaned oil and gas well problem with federal funds?

Oxford University fellow Professor Peter Edwards has been appointed to the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s board of trustees.

Oxford University fellow Professor Peter Edwards has been appointed to the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s board of trustees.

The oil and gas industry is looking to capitalize off an increasingly-popular socially responsible investing wave that emphasizes the environment.

The oil and gas industry is looking to capitalize off an increasingly-popular socially responsible investing wave that emphasizes the environment.