

Dozens gather outside LNG2023 in Vancouver to rebuke the industry message that gas is good for the climate.
Dozens gather outside LNG2023 in Vancouver to rebuke the industry message that gas is good for the climate.
New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.
New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.
The prime minister praised Policy Exchange, which received $30,000 from oil and gas giant ExxonMobil in 2017, for shaping laws that target green activists.
The prime minister praised Policy Exchange, which received $30,000 from oil and gas giant ExxonMobil in 2017, for shaping laws that target green activists.
Department of Justice request seeks to shut courthouse doors on young people and climate science.
Department of Justice request seeks to shut courthouse doors on young people and climate science.
The climate lawsuit filed by Multnomah County is the first to name consulting firm McKinsey & Company as a defendant.
The climate lawsuit filed by Multnomah County is the first to name consulting firm McKinsey & Company as a defendant.
Carbon offsets are modern day Indulgences that companies use to avoid cleaning up their act.
Carbon offsets are modern day Indulgences that companies use to avoid cleaning up their act.
The state canceled two of its three expert witnesses and those who testified repeatedly emphasized that they are not scientists.
The state canceled two of its three expert witnesses and those who testified repeatedly emphasized that they are not scientists.
Climate activist Tolmeia Gregory sparked a social media sensation when she challenged a Shell executive at last year's festival. Now she's back, and urging other creatives to take disruptive action.
Climate activist Tolmeia Gregory sparked a social media sensation when she challenged a Shell executive at last year's festival. Now she's back, and urging other creatives to take disruptive action.
The state has never denied a permit for a fossil fuel project, despite its constitution’s guarantee of the right to a clean and healthful environment.
The state has never denied a permit for a fossil fuel project, despite its constitution’s guarantee of the right to a clean and healthful environment.
It just got easier to share sensitive environmental information with the world.
It just got easier to share sensitive environmental information with the world.

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Dozens gather outside LNG2023 in Vancouver to rebuke the industry message that gas is good for the climate.

Dozens gather outside LNG2023 in Vancouver to rebuke the industry message that gas is good for the climate.

New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.

New report details how more “climate-washing” lawsuits and complaints are being filed against corporations’ greenwashing than ever before, and experts warn complicit PR and ad firms could face legal risks.

The prime minister praised Policy Exchange, which received $30,000 from oil and gas giant ExxonMobil in 2017, for shaping laws that target green activists.

The prime minister praised Policy Exchange, which received $30,000 from oil and gas giant ExxonMobil in 2017, for shaping laws that target green activists.

Department of Justice request seeks to shut courthouse doors on young people and climate science.

Department of Justice request seeks to shut courthouse doors on young people and climate science.

The climate lawsuit filed by Multnomah County is the first to name consulting firm McKinsey & Company as a defendant.

The climate lawsuit filed by Multnomah County is the first to name consulting firm McKinsey & Company as a defendant.

Carbon offsets are modern day Indulgences that companies use to avoid cleaning up their act.

Carbon offsets are modern day Indulgences that companies use to avoid cleaning up their act.

The state canceled two of its three expert witnesses and those who testified repeatedly emphasized that they are not scientists.

The state canceled two of its three expert witnesses and those who testified repeatedly emphasized that they are not scientists.

Climate activist Tolmeia Gregory sparked a social media sensation when she challenged a Shell executive at last year's festival. Now she's back, and urging other creatives to take disruptive action.

Climate activist Tolmeia Gregory sparked a social media sensation when she challenged a Shell executive at last year's festival. Now she's back, and urging other creatives to take disruptive action.

The state has never denied a permit for a fossil fuel project, despite its constitution’s guarantee of the right to a clean and healthful environment.

The state has never denied a permit for a fossil fuel project, despite its constitution’s guarantee of the right to a clean and healthful environment.

It just got easier to share sensitive environmental information with the world.

It just got easier to share sensitive environmental information with the world.