
Samuele Furfari

Samuele Furfari



Samuele Furfari teaches Geopolitics of Energy at the Free University of Brussels where he obtained his PhD in coal gasification (his thesis was on the “transformation of coal into hydrocarbons”). He is a senior official in the European Commission on energy issues and sustainable development and has worked with the Directorate General for Energy and Transport.2“Samuele Furfari,” LinkedIn. Accessed October 24, 2019. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 3Sergio Ferreira. “Geopolitics of Energy with Samuele Furfari,” Leonardo Energy. Archived November 24, 2011. URL: 4“Les membres du Département: Samuel FURFARI,” Universite Libre De Bruxelles. Archived Deember 4, 2009. URL:

He has published several books (in French) in which he is skeptical of man-made climate change. His books include 101 quesitons sur l’Ă©nergie, Politique et gĂ©opolitique de l’Ă©nergie (Technip, 2012), and L’Ă©cologie au pays des Merveilles (Bourin Editeur, 2012). Furfari is also the president of the Association of Evangelical Protestant Churches of Belgium.5“ILE Breakfast Seminar March 17: ‘Ecology and Ethics’,” Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, February 7, 2012. Archived August 17, 2014. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

July 28, 2019

Furfari suggested there was “no reason to panic” about climate change, pointing to an article by economist Robert P. Murphy (who has worked for a range of industry-funded think tanks including the Institute for Energy Research). See Furfari’s tweet below:


In his book, 101 Questions sur l’Ă©nergie, Furfari wrote (translated form French):

“… there really is no imminent danger [in climate change]. Recall that we announced an increase in the temperature of 4°C in a century or 0.04°C per year, no thermometer has measured this.”6101 questions sur l’Ă©nergie, Page 80. Translated with Google Translate.

Key Quotes

October 11, 2019

Writing at Project Syndicate:7Samuele Furfari. “Europe Needs a Serious Nuclear-Energy Debate,” Project Syndicate, October 11, 2019. Archived October 24, 2019. URL:

“Sadly, the primacy of anti-nuclear sentiment over empirical fact has been a consistent feature of Europe’s nuclear-power debate since the 1980s. And the alarmist rhetoric surrounding today’s emerging nuclear technology is yet another example of this contradictory and self-defeating approach.”

September 8, 2019

Furfari, linking to an article from the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), suggested there is no need to fear “unsustainability” or population growth because humans are “not a bane to our planet.” See his tweet below:

April 2019

Furfari was interviewed by the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE) ahead of his appearance at the group’s 4th Annual Symposium:8“Teaser interview of Dr. Samuele Furfari, Speaker at the 4th Annual Symposium, 6 – 8 May, Athens.” YouTube video uploaded by user “HAEE Information,” April 5, 2019. Archived. mp4 on file at DeSmog.

“The energy transition is not an easy task. It will require many, many years. And, for sure, fossil fuels and also nuclear are not over,” Furfari said in the interview. “Greece, like many other EU countries, will remain in this paradigm. We should not dream that tomorrow everything will be 100% renewable.”

August 3, 2017

Writing on LinkedIn, Furfari claimed there is no connection between rising CO2 Levels and hurricanes:9Samuele Furfari. “No major huricane since 12 years,” LinkedIn, August 3, 2017. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

“Yesterday there were 4300 days (more than 12 years) without any major hurricane in the US while the film of Al Gore, and so others, predicted more and more . So there is no link with the growing CO2 emissions.”

July 8, 2010

“Putting our hope in environmentalism is the latest innovation of the Devil to keep man from the love and grace of God. Should C.S. Lewis have written The Screwtape Letters today he would probably add ‘environmentalism’ to the list of Satan’s tricks. Planting trees is not part of the Gospel, even if man has always and rightly planted trees.”10Samuele Furfari. “Ecology, the New Opium of the People,” Dieu, l’Homme et la nature, July 8, 2010. Archived July 19, 2010. URL:

Key Actions

May 7, 2019

Furfari attended the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE) 4th Annual Symposium in Athens. On May 7, he presented on a panel titled ”The Evolution of the Natural Gas Markets (Pipelines & LNG).”11“2nd Day | May 7, 2019 | The Evolution of the Natural Gas Markets Pipelines & LNG,” YouTube video uploaded by user “HAEE Information,” May 17, 2019. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

December 12, 2017

Furfari wrote an article titled “The Myth of a Fossil Fuel Phase-Out” where he suggested “despite fears of shortages or threats from pollution, the planet has actually entered an era of fossil fuel abundance that shows no sign of abating.”12Samuele Furfari. “The Myth of a Fossil Fuel Phase-Out,” Project Syndicate, December 12, 2017. URL:

“To put it bluntly, the world has nothing to worry about when it comes to reserves. After 40 years of fearing energy shortages, we have entered an era of abundance. We need to guard against false narratives, not scarce resources,” Furfari wrote.13Samuele Furfari. “The Myth of a Fossil Fuel Phase-Out,” Project Syndicate, December 12, 2017. URL:

September 2012

Samuele Furfari was registered to speak at a “Gas Power to Europe” conference which reported to “address the key role of Gas to Power in meeting the challenges of the UK and Europe’s energy requirements.”14“Gas to Power Europe,” Gas to Power Journal. September 25, 2012. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

Hosted by the Gas to Power journal, the conference would “investigate the challenges associated with developing and financing gas to power generation infrastructure and investments” and is aimed at technical specialists and buyers within electricity utilities and power companies, as well as banking, legal, infrastructure development, corporate and project finance experts.15“Gas to Power Europe,” Gas to Power Journal. September 25, 2012. Archived October 25, 2019. URL:

The conference brochure listed Furfari as “Adviser to the Deputy Director General of DG Energy, European Commission.”16“Gas to Power Europe” (PDF), Gas to Power Journal. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

March 17, 2012

Led a seminar titled “Ecology and Ethics: A Different View” at the Institute of Leadership & Ethics. Archived August 17, 2014. URL:

According to the event description, “Ecology will be given its due place by analyzing facts, not fears – in the clear light of the Bible instead of hidden agendas. Behind sometimes a pseudo-scientific position on ecology, the worship of nature has returned to a world where God has been put aside. On the pretext of “saving our planet,” the development of poorer countries is jeopardised.”17“ILE Breakfast Seminar March 17: ‘Ecology and Ethics’,” Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, February 7, 2012. Archived August 17, 2014. URL:

March 1, 2012

Held a conference on the “surprise emergence of unconventional gas.” In a later discussion with the European Energy Forum, Furfari describes how hydraulic fracturing and the use of new natural gas reserves will supposedly put off hitting “peak gas.” According to Furfari, “Natural gas, which is in overabundant supply, is now becoming a serious alternative fuel.”18“Samuele Furfari talks about the surprise emergence of unconventional gas,” European Energy Forum, March 4, 2012. Archived November 7, 2013. URL:

February 29, 2012

Furfari published Politique et gĂ©opolitique de l’Ă©nergie, in which he argues demand for oil and gas will eventually stabilize, and that there isn’t a pressing need to search for alternative energy sources.19Marie-Martine Buckens . “Samuele Furfari: ‘Use of fossil fuel inevitable in medium term’,” European Report, September 3, 2012. Retrieved from Archived October 24, 2019. URL:

Furfari also believes in the use of unconventional gas reserves which requires fracking. According to Furfari, “Not using these reserves is inconceivable.”20Marie-Martine Buckens . “Samuele Furfari: ‘Use of fossil fuel inevitable in medium term’,” European Report, September 3, 2012. Retrieved from Archived October 24, 2019. URL:

April 3, 2009

Furfari presented at the Climate and Energy presentation and debate at Sint Genesius Rode. Note that one of the authors of the presentation summary (PDF) was fellow skeptic Anne Debeil.21“Climate and Energy presentation and debate, 3rd of April 2009, Sint Genesius Rode” (PDF), Summary by Lars Myrén and Anne Debeil.

The objective of the conference was to “re-open the debate on climate and energy matters especially in the scientific world.”22“Climate and Energy presentation and debate, 3rd of April 2009, Sint Genesius Rode” (PDF), Summary by Lars Myrén and Anne Debeil.

The conference included presentations by well-known climate change skeptics including Fred Goldberg who concluded that “there are several natural phenomena that can explain the warming we saw between 1979 and 1998.”23“Climate and Energy presentation and debate, 3rd of April 2009, Sint Genesius Rode” (PDF), Summary by Lars Myrén and Anne Debeil.

Furfari spoke on “Geopolitical Energy Policy and Energy Supply Security.” According to Debeil’s summary, “We will be dependent on oil for transportation for many years in the future. That is not a problem as oil reserves will be discovered or exploited in function of demand.” Coal, according to Furfari’s presentation, is also an option because modern coal plants are supposedly “a cheap and good environmental solution.”24“Climate and Energy presentation and debate, 3rd of April 2009, Sint Genesius Rode” (PDF), Summary by Lars MyrĂ©n and Anne Debeil.



Furfari has associated with a number of Belgian climate change skeptics including:

  • Henri Masson
  • S. Fred Singer
  • Anne Debeil — A BP employee connected to SEPP and the Heartland Institute.
  • Göran Johnson
  • Michael Limburg — Vice President of the European EIKE skeptic organization.
  • Alain PrĂ©at
  • Corentin de Salle
  • David Clarinval — Local Beligan politician.

Social Media


According to a search of Google Scholar, Furfari has not published any articles in peer-reviewed journals on the subject of climate.

A full list of Furfari’s publications is available at his website at the Free University of Brussels.

Notable Books:

Other Resources


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