
Researching Marc Morano's Climate Denier Gang

We created this page to aggregate all of the information we have here on DeSmogBlog that relates to the recently uncovered list of climate deniers used by Senator James Inhofe‘s assistant Marc Morano to sow doubt about the realities of global warming.

The Scientists

Name: Bob Carter

Affiliation: James Cook University, Queensland, Australia

DeSmog research and articles related to Bob Carter

Name: Roy Spencer

Affiliation: George C. Marshall Institute

DeSmog research and articles related to Roy Spencer

Name:  Fred Singer

Affiliation:  Science and Environmental Policy Project

DeSmog research and articles related to Fred Singer

Name:  Vincent Gray

Affiliation:  New Zealand Climate Science Coalition

DeSmog research and articles related to Vincent Gray

The Bloggers

Name:  Dan Gainor

Affiliation:  Media Research Center

DeSmog research and articles related to Dan Gainor

Name:  Joseph Bast

Affiliation:  Heartland Institute

DeSmog research and articles related to Joseph Bast

The “Think Tankers”

Name:  Tom Harris

Affiliation:  International Climate Science Coalition

DeSmog research and articles related to Tom Harris

Name:  Dennis Avery

Affiliation:  Hudson Institute

DeSmog research and articles related to Dennis Avery

Name:  Christopher Monckton

Affiliation:  Science and Public Policy Institute

DeSmog research and articles related to Christopher Monkton

The Rest

Name:  Richard S. Courtney

Affiliation:  CoalTrans International

DeSmog research and articles related to Richard S. Courtney

Name:  Art Horn

Affiliation:  The “Art” of Weather

DesSmog research and articles related to Art Horn

Other related sources: