
Principia Scientific International

Photo credit: Principia Scientific International

Principia Scientific International


Principia Scientific International (PSI) is an organisation based in the United Kingdom which promotes fringe views and material to claim that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas. PSI was formed in 2010 around the time they published their first book, titled Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory.1John O’Sullivan. “Principles of Association,” Principia Scientific International. Last updated Jan 5, 2016. Archived July 30, 2016. URL:

PSI claims it provides its members with a “reliable port of call to ascertain the facts behind the news stories to better judge whether information being presented by third parties is accurate information and reflects a balanced view of all facets of the subject.”2John O’Sullivan. “Support & Advice,” Principia Scientific International, July 19, 2011. Archived January 7, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog. URL:

The PSI website says the organisation is “for everyone who supports the traditions [sic] scientific method against the rise of sinister and secretive government funded ‘post normal science’.”

As of 2014, PSI described itself as a “not-for-profit community interest subsidiary of PSI Acumen Ltd. That statement has since been removed.3John O’Sullivan. “Support & Advice,” Principia Scientific International, July 19, 2011. Archived January 7, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog. URL:

PSI Acumen was registered with Companies House in the UK in March 2013 (see PDF) as a private company, with an address in Battersea Park Road, London. In July 2013, the business address of PSI Acumen was changed (PDF) to an address in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, which is the same as the home address of John O’Sullivan, the organisation’s founder and chief executive officer. PSI Acument LTD was dissolved (PDF) on October 15, 2014.4“Certification of Incorporation of a Private Limited Company: Company No. 8428391” (PDF) Registrar of Companies for England and Wales, March, 2013. PDF archived at DeSmog. 5“AD01: Change of registered office Address” (PDF), Department of Business Innovation and Skills. Retrieved form Companies House UK. PDF archived at DeSmog. 6“Dissolved: 8428391” (PDF), Companies House UK. PDF archived at DeSmog.

The two named directors were John O’Sullivan, of the UK, and a Walter James O’Brien, with a US address listed in Fargo, North Dakota. Emails published by climate skeptic blogger Pete Ridley suggest that Walter James O’Brien no longer has any connection to the PSI Acument company.7“Certification of Incorporation of a Private Limited Company: Company No. 8428391” (PDF) Registrar of Companies for England and Wales, March, 2013. PDF archived at DeSmog. 8Spotlight On PSI and PSI Acumen Ltd.Global Political Shenanigans, June 16, 2012. Archived October 22, 2015. Archive.Is URL:

Principia Scientific reports that one of their “proudest endeavors is the ongoing support given to world-leading independent climatologist, Dr Tim Ball,” who is also a founding member and former chairman of PCI.9John O’Sullivan. “Funding Our Work in 2015 – Your Donation Sought,” Principia Scientific. January 23, 2014. Archived October 22, 2015. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

PSI regularly publishes commentary which claims that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas and that it could actually cool the planet. For example, in an article published in November 2013, “PSI Staff” wrote:10Science Confirmed: Carbon Dioxide & Water Vapour Cools Earth’s Atmosphere,” Principia Scientific International, November 20, 2013. Archived October 22, 2015. URL:

Scientists at Principia Scientific International (PSI), who peer-reviewed Nahle’s paper, are currently advising colleagues that the most reliable data available now confirms that CO2 is shown to act as a coolant in earth’s climate. As such, the notion of a so-called ‘greenhouse gas’ warming effect may be regarded as refuted, while environmental measures by governments and individuals to reduce “carbon emissions” to combat climate change are, in turn, rendered pointless.

In 2013, PSI also began to promote unfounded claims that wind turbines make people sick and that childhood vaccines were “one of the largest most evil lies in history.”11Andrew Baker. “The Vaccine Hoax Is Over?” Principia Scientific International, December 6, 2013. Archived October 22, 2015. URL:


PSI is described on its website as being part of PSI Acumen Ltd — a private company registered in the UK with two named directors. No accounts have been filed for the company.

PSI asks for donations on its website and also seeks members. Membership is free, but PSI asks people applying to make a voluntary donation (they suggest about $30). According to their website:12John O’Sullivan. “Support & Advice,” Principia Scientific International, July 19, 2011. Archived January 7, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog. URL:

“PSI is not beholden for its funds to any corporation, political party or undisclosed source. PSI functions on the income generated from its members and stakeholders ostensibly via book sales, consultancy fees and unsolicited charitable donations.”

Key People

Principia Scientific International (PSI) maintains a “selected” list of members and “friends/supporters” on its website:

Name201413John O’Sullivan. “A Selection of Member Biographies,” Principia Scientific International. Archived July 10, 2014. URL: O’Sullivan. “A Selection of Member Biographies,” Principia Scientific International. Archived July 17, 2015. URL: O’Sullivan. “A Selection of Member Biographies,” Principia Scientific International. Archived July 30, 2016. URL:
John SandersonYYYYYChairman
John O’SullivanYYYYYChief Executive Officer & Founder Member
Hans SchreuderYYYYYChief Financial Officer & Founder Member
Alan SiddonsYYYYYFounder Member
Charles AndersonYYYYYFounder Member
Joseph A. OlsonYYYYYFounder Member
Martin HertzbergYYYYYFounder Member
Terri JacksonYYYYYRecruitment Officer
John N EllistonYYYYYVice Chairman (Australasia)
Tom RichardYYYYYWebmaster
Albert EllulYYYYY
Alberto BorettiYYYYY
Alberto MiatelloYYYYY
Alexander LabounskyYYYYY
Alwyn van der MerweYYYYY
Andrew KirkpatrickYYYYY
Bevan DockeryYYYYY
Bill CoffeyYYYYY
Bo LehnertYYYYY
Bobby Brian Porch Y
Claes JohnsonYYYYY
Cliff OllierYYYYY
Cornelia CodreanovaYYYYY
Corneliu CiubotariuYYYYY
Costas CefalasYYYYY
Darko ButinaYYYYY
David J. PristashYYYYY
David StockwellYYYYY
Derek AlkerYYYYY
Dev DangolYYYYY
Don KeillerYYYYY
Doug LindstromYYYYY
Eduardo FerreyraYYYYY
Edward HoskinsYYYYY
Edwin X BerryYYYYY
Frank LichtenbergYYY
Franklin AmadorYYYYY
George MarlattYYYYY
Gerald V. ToddYYYYY
Geraldo Luís LinoYYYYY
Gerhard KrammYYYYY
Habibullo Ismailovich AbdussamatovYYYYY
James O. Coles IIIYYYYY
Jim PedenYYYYY
Jim PetchYYYYY
Jo MoscickiYYYYY
Joe BastardiYYYYY
Jose CrocaYYYYY
Joseph ‘Jef’ ReynenYYYYY
Joseph E. PostmaYYY
Jürgen KieserYYYYY
Karl L. ErdmanYYYYY
Ken CoffmanYYYYY
Kerry PendergastYYYYY
Klaus L.E. KaiserYYYYY
Lionell GriffithYYYYY
Liuda PozharYYYYY
Louis A.G HissinkYYYYY
Malcolm RobertsYYYYY
Marian Calcroft Y
Martin HovlandYYYYY
Matthias KleespiesYYYYY
Michael J. JacksonYYYYY
Myron Wyn EvansYYYYY
Nils AbramsonYYYYY
Nils-Axel MornerYYYYY
Ole HumlumYYYYY
Oliver K ManuelYYYYY
Paul DriessenYYYYY
Paul ReiterYYYYY
Paul V. SheridanYYYYY
Peter ChampnessYYYYY
Peter Devlin Y
Peter F GillYYYYY
Philip FosterYYYYY
Pierre R. LatourY Past Vice Chairman (North)16Pierre Latour PE. “Engineering Earth’s Thermostat with CO2?” Principia Scientific International, April 16, 2013. Archived October 22, 2015. URL:
Piers CorbynYYYYY
Piet De Pauw Y
Ray DelaforceYYYYY
Raymond HV Gallucci Y
Richard RoundsYYYYY
Robert Arthur Beatty Y
Robert AshworthYYYYY
Robert CheshireYYYYY
Robert FellYYYYY
Robert Hanes YYY
Robert WebsterYYYYY
Ross Cameron McLeod* (Not Associated with PSI)Y*Y*Y*
Sabin ColtonYYYYY
Sierra RayneYY
Simon CliffordYYYYY
Sisir RoyYYYYY
Stephen J. CrothersYYYYY
Steve CrouchYYYYY
Thomas Gillespie Y
Victor RiecanskyYYYYY

*Ross Cameron McLeod since contacted DeSmog and noted his name had been added by PSI without his prior permission, and he requested to be removed from the list.

Other People

Tim Ball — Founder member and former Chairman17John O’Sullivan. “Principia Scientific International (PSI): Serving the community,” December 14, 2010. Archived October 22, 2015 URL:

Former Members

In 2012, climate blogger Pete Ridley claimed that several people previously listed as members of PSI have withdrawn.18Spotlight On PSI and PSI Acumen Ltd.Global Political Shenanigans, June 16, 2012. Archived October 22, 2015. Archive.Is URL:

An entry on the PSI website from May 2013 said that Russian physicist Habibullo Ismailovich Abdussamatov had “resigned,” but a list accessed by DeSmog in December 2013 still had Dr Abdussamatov as a member.


July 2013

Principia Scientific International (PSI) offers to host a sacked Australian climate skeptic professor, Dr Murry Salby, for speaking engagements in London.19John O’Sullivan. “Scientist Fired by University for Exposing Truth on Climate Fraud,” Principia Scientific, July 9, 2013. URL:

PSI says it has secured funding from publisher Stairway Press for the trip. A later website entry made during Salby’s trip says that Ken Coffman, of Stairway Press, had donated a four figure sum to cover expenses for the Salby trip, which consisted (PDF) of two speeches in London, one in Cambridgeshire, and two more in Edinburgh.20Derek Alker. “On Professor Murray Salby’s Edinburgh Talk: November 7, 2013,” Principia Scientific, November 11, 2013. Archived July 30, 2015. URL: 21“Prof. Murry Salby UK TOUR: 4th Nov – 8th Nov Schedule” (PDF), Stairway Press. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

A speech given in the UK parliament was sponsored by British Labour Party MP Graham Stringer and attended by PSI membership officer Terri Jackson. A speech given in the Scottish Parliament was hosted by Scottish Conservative Party MSP Murdo Fraser.22Rev Philip Foster and Terri Jackson lead Professor Murry Salby in climate debate in House of Commons,” Terri Jackson’s Scientific Blog, November 8, 2013. Archived October 22, 2015. URL: 23So much for the consensus on climate change,” Patrick Harvie MSP, November 9, 2013. Archived October 22, 2015. URL:

May 2013

In April and May 2013, PSI chief executive John O’Sullivan became embroiled in a public row with prominent climate science denier Lord Christopher Monckton.

O’Sullivan wrote a letter to Monckton, saying he should not accept the basic physics showing carbon dioxide was a “greenhouse gas.”24John O’Sullivan. “Open Letter Challenge to Greenhouse Gas Promotor Lord Moncton,” Principia Scientific, April 9, 2013. Archived July 30, 2016. URL:

O’Sullivan wrote: “Greenhouse gas predictions (and thus the science) are shown to be wrong.”

Monckton wrote back, describing O’Sullivan as “confused and scientifically illiterate.” O’Sullivan responded, saying Monckton’s “belief in the greenhouse gas ‘theory’ is premised on misunderstandings, misrepresentations and half truths.”25Lord Moncton Replies to John O’Sullivan’s Open Letter,” Principia Scientific, April 23, 2013. Archived October 22, 2015. URL: 26John O’Sullivan. “Lord Moncton’s Appeal to Authority Backfires in Greenhouse Gas Debate,” Principia Scientific, May 3, 2013. Archived October 22, 2014. URL:

May 2013

The Australian newspaper’s environment editor Graham Lloyd cites Principia Scientific International in a news article suggesting there was a debate among scientists about the possibility of a coming ice age. The story cited an interview with Dr Habibullo Ismailovich Abdussamatov published on the PSI website. The interview had actually been published more than five years earlier on the Canadian National Post website.27The Australian Brings You The Climate Science Denial News From Five Years Ago,” Graham Readfearn, May 10, 2013. Archived July 30, 2016. URL:

Dr Abdussamatov “resigned” his membership of PSI soon after.

January 2011

John O’Sullivan launches a crowd-funding campaign to raise cash for PSI. As of December 2013, the campaign had raised just $450 of its stated $15,000 goal. The plea for funds said:28PSI: Politics-free Science Association,” (Campaign), GoFundMe. Archived May 1, 2013. URL:

Give generously for this good cause knowing you can help to counter the creeping folly of misguided societies that appear to have been commandeered by political lobbyists and shills serving self-interested corporations or misguided national governments.

November 2010

According to the PSI website, the organisation was originally conceived after several authors came together to write the book “Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory.”29John O’Sullivan. “Principles of Association,” Principia Scientific International. Last updated Jan 5, 2016. Archived July 30, 2016. URL:

The book, published in November 2010 online and then in print by Stairway Press in January 2011, claims to be the “only full volume refutation of the greenhouse gas theory of man-made global warming.”

Authors listed were John O’Sullivan, Hans Schreuder, Claes Johnson, Tim Ball, Charles Anderson, Alan Siddons, Joseph A. Olson and Martin Hertzberg.

PSI Acumen Ltd.

As of 2014, PSI described itself as a “not-for-profit community interest subsidiary of PSI Acumen Ltd. Registered Office: Penhurst House, 352-356 Battersea Park Road, London, England, SW11 3BY” in their website’s footer (the statement has since been removed).30John O’Sullivan. “Support & Advice,” Principia Scientific International, July 19, 2011. Archived January 7, 2014. Archived .pdf on file at Desmog. URL:

PSI Acumen was registered with Companies House in the UK in March 2013 (see PDF) as a private company, with an address in Battersea Park Road, London. In July 2013, the business address of PSI Acumen was changed (PDF) to an address in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, which is the same as the home address of John O’Sullivan, the organisation’s founder and chief executive officer. PSI Acument LTD was dissolved (PDF) on October 15, 2014.31“Certification of Incorporation of a Private Limited Company: Company No. 8428391” (PDF) Registrar of Companies for England and Wales, March, 2013. PDF archived at DeSmog. 32“AD01: Change of registered office Address” (PDF), Department of Business Innovation and Skills. Retrieved form Companies House UK. PDF archived at DeSmog. 33“Dissolved: 8428391” (PDF), Companies House UK. PDF archived at DeSmog.

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