Petr Mach

Petr Mach


  • Ph.D. Finance,  University of Economics and Business (Vysokรก ลกkola ekonomickรก), Prague (2003)1โ€œลฝivotopisโ€ / Curriculum vitae, Petr Mach ( Translated via Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:
  • Ing. (“inลพenรฝr” or Engineering Degree), Finance, University of Economics and Business (Vysokรก ลกkola ekonomickรก), Prague (1999)2โ€œลฝivotopisโ€ / Curriculum vitae, Petr Mach ( Translated via Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:
  • Bc. (Bachelor of Science) Statistika-ekonometrie (Statistics-econometrics), University of Economics and Business (Vysokรก ลกkola ekonomickรก), Prague (1996)3โ€œลฝivotopisโ€ / Curriculum vitae, Petr Mach ( Translated via Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:


Petr Mach was the executive director of the Prague-based Czech group Center for Economics and Politics (Centrum pro ekonomiku a politiku)4โ€œAbout Us,โ€ CEP. Translated from the original with Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:ย from 1999 to 2009.5โ€œลฝivotopisโ€ / Curriculum vitae,ย Petr Mach ( Translated via Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL: The CEP was founded by climate change skeptic Vaclav Klaus, a former president of the Czech Republic. Petr Mach was an advisor to Klaus from 2003 to 2009.6โ€œPetr Mach: The Questionable Theory of Global Warming,โ€ CEP, February 1, 2005. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL: 7โ€œPetr Mach: How to read the Lisbon Treaty,โ€ CEP, July 4, 2008. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

According to his CV, from 2006 to 2010, Petr Mach was first a member and later deputy chairman of the Supervisory Board of MERO,8โ€œลฝivotopisโ€ / Curriculum vitae, Petr Mach ( Translated via Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL: a pipeline company that describes itself as โ€œthe only transporter of crude oil into the Czech Republic and the most important company ensuring storage of strategic emergency crude oil reserves.โ€9โ€œMero ฤŒeskรก republika,โ€ MERO. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

More recently, Petr Mach  taught courses at the University of Finance and Administration (Vล FS), a school in the Czech Republic, on โ€œMicroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Lobbying.โ€10โ€œMr. Petr Mach, Vล FS pedagogue becomes a Member of the European Parliament (MEP),โ€ University of Finance and Administration, June 16, 2014. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

Petr Mach was a Czech MEP (European Parliament minister) from 2014 to 2017.11โ€œPetr Mach,โ€ Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

Petr Mach has been the chairman of the extra-parliamentary Free Citizens’ Party (Strana Svobodnych Obcanu),12โ€œPetr MACH,โ€ MEPs: European Parliament. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:, which was founded in 2009. At its founding, the party campaigned against the Lisbon Treaty in the Czech Republic13โ€œMach to seek re-election as Free Citizens’ Party head,โ€ Prague Daily Monitor, November 13, 2017. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL: . While alleged as not having โ€œany formal link with Vaclav Klaus,โ€ Klaus was described as a โ€œclose associate,” and the party mirrored Klaus’ โ€œideas on the Lisbon Treaty and economics,” The Irish Times reported in 2009.14โ€œAnti-Lisbon party launches in Czech Republic,โ€ The Irish Times, January 12, 2009. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

Stance on Climate Change

December 1, 2009

Ahead of the Copenhagen climate summit in 2009, Petr Mach wrote in a post on the website of the Center for Economics and Politics (Centrum pro ekonomiku a politiku) titled “There is no global warming”:15โ€œPetr Mach: There is no global warming,โ€,16 December 1, 2009. Translated from the original with Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

โ€œAs is well known, global temperatures have not risen since the beginning of the millennium, while the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere continues to rise (from 370 to 390 millionths of atmospheric particles, or from 0.037% to 0.039%) [โ€ฆ] The computer models of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were again wrong.โ€

Mach continued:17โ€œPetr Mach: There is no global warming,โ€, December 1, 2009. Translated from the original with Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

โ€œThe policy of promoting renewables has been triggered by panic over global warming. Let’s hope that this panic has now been replaced by the swine flu mania. Global warming turned out to be just hype.โ€

February 1, 2005

In a post on the website of the Center for Economics and Politics (Centrum pro ekonomiku a politiku), titled “The Questionable Theory of Global Warming,” Petr Mach wrote18:โ€œPetr Mach: The Questionable Theory of Global Warming,โ€, February 1, 2005. Translated from the original with Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

โ€œWhile the general opinion supports the hypothesis about harmful global warming resulting from burning of fossil fuels, hard data do not support beyond all doubt the assertion that global warming is indeed happening and what is more, the theory does not prove that burning fossil fuels causes harm to the nature…[T]he theory of global warming is built on shaky foundations. It is, at least, questionable to set ourselves costly complying with regulatory requirements on the basis of a questionable hypothesis. Coal, oil and gas are gifts of nature and by burning them, we emit into the nature valuable carbon dioxide which serves as a source for renewal of life in the nature. No feeling of guilt should take place because of burning coal, oil and gas. Alternative energy sources will surely be competitive in future. For the time being, however, it is more efficient to produce energy by burning fossil fuels. Let us not waste resources โ€“ ten billion Czech crowns should rather stay in the pockets of our citizens, so that they may use the money more effectively than politicians influenced by momentary moods of environmental pressure groups.โ€

Key Quotes

December 2006

Petr Mach was interviewed on Cech Radio 1 regarding global warming:19โ€œฤŒRo Radioลพurnรกl: Dลฏsledky globรกlnรญho oteplovรกnรญ pro Zemi,โ€ (ฤŒRo Radioลพurnรกl: Consequences of Global Warming for the Earth)Petr Mach (, December 14, 2006. Translated from the original with Google Translate.20 Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

โ€œWell, I think it would be too bold to say that one could influence such a magnificent thing as the climate. I think that in this, Earth and nature as humanity still transcends us, because the idea that we could change the global temperature by one degree, by two degrees, by some regulation, policy measure and change in behavior and consumption is, I think, really bold. If we thought that this could be done by human activity, then imagine that humanity would decide to simply change the climate by two degrees. I don’t think it’s just possible, it’s out of the question. I think this thesis is supported by the existing uncertainty that there are, on the one hand, the studies that you mention and, on the other hand, that there are many studies that question this. I’m not an expert on global temperature. I think it’s hard to measure, but for example, if we look at a more reliable source, and that is the local temperature in Prague’s Klementinum, we can observe the history of two hundred and thirty, or how many years when it is measured, such a ‘U’ shape, the average temperature was sometime around 1800. eleven degrees, then dropped a hundred years later to nine and now rises again to eleven.โ€

Key Deeds

September 2020

Petr Mach and Vaclav Klaus were featured in Marc Morano’s film Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy.21Ben Jervey. โ€œClimate Hustle 2: Showcasing a Thinning Roster of Climate Science Deniers,โ€ DeSmog, September 24, 2020. The film was produced by the fossil-fuel funded Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and featured a โ€œThinning Roster of Climate Science Deniersโ€ according to DeSmog‘s reporting.22Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy. CFACT/ CDR Communications, Inc., 2020.

In the film, Vaclav Klaus claimed that โ€œthe green agenda, and the environmentalist agenda and the fighting climate agenda is trying to basically stop the existence of the free market system, which we were fighting for, for and we are dreaming about in the communist era for decades.โ€ Actor and film host Kevin Sorbo, commented that these โ€œsentiments are shared by others, like Petr Mach, who also lived under Soviet oppression.โ€23Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy. CFACT/ CDR Communications, Inc., 2020.

In the film, Petr Mach said, โ€œthat’s very sad for countries like mine that we got rid of regulation of Soviet style. And now, new regulations are coming from the West. Unfortunately.”24Climate Hustle 2: Rise of the Climate Monarchy. CFACT/ CDR Communications, Inc., 2020.

October 2016

DeSmog UK reported that Petr Mach was among around 30 people who attended a screening of the first Climate Hustle film, held at the EU Parliament building in Brussels. The event was organized by the Eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group (EFDD) and UKIP MEP Roger Helmer.25Kyla Mandel. โ€œEurosceptics Screen ‘Climate Hustle’ Denial Film to Mostly Empty Room in Brussels Parliament,โ€ DeSmog UK, October 22, 2016.


Social Media

Screenshot of PetrMachMEP Twitter Account Suspension


Petr Mach was the publisher of the monthly newsletter Laissez Faire from 1998 to 2016. He offers the following publications for download on his website:36โ€œลฝivotopisโ€ / Curriculum vitae, Petr Mach ( Translated via Google Translate. Archived October 14, 2020. Archive URL:

  • (2010) How to leave the EU (Jak vystoupit z EU)
  • (2003) Pitfalls of European Integration (รšskalรญ evropskรฉ integrace)
  • (2003) Dissertation: Theory of minting and inflation tax (Disertaฤnรญ prรกce: Teorie raลพebnรฉho a inflaฤnรญ danฤ›)

Other Resources


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