
Peer Ederer



Peer Ederer is a financial economist, business professor, and consultant to the agribusiness industry. Ederer’s consulting work focuses particularly on the meat and dairy sectors. 

Ederer is the founder of the Global Food and Agribusiness Network (GFAN), a “science-based service providing seminars and research to the global food system stakeholder community,”4About,” Global Food and Agribusiness Network. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL: as well as the Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences (GOAL Sciences), an “initiative created and promoted” by GFAN. GOAL Sciences is described along similar lines as GFAN as a “science-based service to the global livestock stakeholder community.”5About,” Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences. Archived November 30, 2022. Archive URL: 6Team,” Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences. Archived October 3, 2022. Archive URL: 

Ederer also founded africa enablers GmbH, which “develops and finances industry, infrastructure and power projects where their impact is greatest: in emerging economies in Africa, by transferring Western technology and investment,” according to its website.7About,” africa enablers. Archived November 30, 2021. Archive URL: 8Team,” africa enablers. Archived November 29, 2021. Archive URL: 

Ederer is a member of the Scientific Council of the World Farmers’ Organisation, an association for national farmers’ organizations and agricultural cooperatives around the world.9Scientific Council,” World Farmers’ Organisation. Archived October 2, 2022. Archive URL: The WFO describes its mission as to “represent the farmers’ voice and advocate on their behalf in all the relevant international processes affecting their present and their future, ranging from the global dialogue on agriculture to nutrition and sustainability.”10An Organization created by the farmers for the farmers,” World Farmers’ Organisation. Archived December 4, 2022. Archive URL: 

Ederer refers to himself on his LinkedIn profile as “a scientist and an entrepreneur” and has worked as a visiting professor at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) Zurich campus.11Peer Ederer,” LinkedIn. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL: 12PROGRAM MANAGERS: ZURICH 2018,” Global Food and Agribusiness Network Edition 2018. Archived May 17, 2022. Archive URL: 

Ederer is the creator of a video titled “Cows, Milk and Climate,” which supports the argument that cattle produced for the beef and dairy industry “cannot be made responsible for human-made climate change.” According to the video, its production was “financed” by the German Milchindustrie Verband, a trade association for the German dairy industry, as a “contribution to the public debate.”13Cows, milk and climate: clarifications by Prof Peer Ederer,” Archived December 18, 2022. Archive URL:  

Global Food and Agribusiness Network (GFAN)

The Global Food and Agribusiness Network (GFAN) is a research company founded by Ederer to serve the agribusiness sector.14About,” Global Food and Agribusiness Network. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL: 

GFAN has hosted three agribusiness industry conferences in Zurich, Switzerland, where the organization is based. 

The first, held in 2017, featured Wageningen University & Research as a partner. Vion Food Group, the third-largest meat processor in the world, was a conference “supporter.” The program included presentations by representatives of Nestle, Danone, Wageningen University, and Fair Trade International. 15Zuerich 2017,” Global Food and Agribusiness Network. Archived March 15, 2023. Archive URL:

GFAN’s 2018 conference featured the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and Wageningen University & Research as “program managers.”16PROGRAM MANAGERS: ZURICH 2018,” Global Food and Agribusiness Network. Archived May 17, 2022. Archive URL:

GOAL Sciences

Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences (GOAL Sciences) is a GFAN  “initiative” founded by Ederer in 2020.17GOAL SCIENCES,” LinkedIn. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Archive URL:  

According to its website, GOAL Sciences “aim[s] to curate such evidence topic-by-topic on the livestock sciences that is most relevant, accurate and objective” in “a world stirred up by an abundance of information and bias.”18About,” Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL:

GOAL Sciences defines its mission as “to build and continue to grow an observatory and repository of relevant, accurate and objective evidence from the livestock sciences to highlight actionable insights, and to inspire all our users to work jointly towards a sustainable global food system.”19Mission,” Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences. Archived Febrary 23, 2023. Archive URL: 

The organization has created a calculator called the “Planet Food Systems Explorer,” which uses data from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to create “an interactive tool … to examine how raw-materials and resources flow through the global food system from the production phase to becoming foods and other goods.”20Planet Food Systems Explorer,” GOAL Sciences. Archived May 18, 2022. Archive URL: 21About,” Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL:

According to its website, GOAL Sciences has four employees, including Ederer, whose areas of expertise include mathematical modeling, computer science, and “nutrition and management [consulting] for South African livestock farmers.”22Team,” GOAL Sciences. Archived May 18, 2022. Archive URL: 

Work with JBS

Ederer has worked with Brazil-based JBS, the world’s largest meat processor, and presented at industry events and panels alongside representatives from the company. 

In May 2022, the GOAL Sciences Twitter account promoted Ederer’s upcoming presentation at the “Methane Forum,” a conference hosted by JBS and Silvateam, a producer of chemicals for the leather industry.23Founder Peer Ederer will be presenting at the Methane Forum in Brazil on 4 and 5 May. We are excited to attend and listen to innovative ways to farm sustainably #methane #Sustainability #CarbonNeutral @portaldbo,” tweet by user @GOALSciences, May 4, 2022. Retrieved from Archived May 4, 2022. Archive URL: 

GOAL Sciences later tweeted about Ederer’s talk: “A reminder that focusing on Methane alone will not help climate change the way we believe. We are calling all researchers and data partners to help us in finding country specific numbers for true methane balances by looking at methane and carbon monoxide.”24A reminder that focusing on Methane alone will not help climate change the way we believe. We are calling all researchers and data partners to help us in finding country specific numbers for true methane balances by looking at methane and carbon monoxide. DM us! #methane #science,” tweet by user @GOALSciences, May 4, 2022. Retrieved from Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL: 

A May 2022 article in FoodNavigator reported that Ederer and Dr. Frank Mitloehner, a professor in the department of animal sciences at UC Davis, spoke at the conference, with Ederer telling FoodNavigator reporter Oliver Morrison that “the mood at the event is that [there] are serious problems and they need to be addressed.” He added: “But we can and will address them. I think the spirit at the conference was: as an industry we have actually a good story to tell. and we need to find a way to create our narrative of how we as an industry are contributing to solving many of the planetary problems.”25Oliver Morrison. “Methane reduction ‘an opportunity for beef industry to be part of climate change solution’, JBS conference hears,” FoodNavigator, May 10, 2022. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL: 

FoodNavigator is owned by William Reed, a digital publishing, data and events company for the food and beverage industry. William Reed creates content for the agribusiness industry and publishes it online under brands that range from FoodNavigator to The Grocer and DairyReporter.26About Us,” FoodNavigator. Archived September 1, 2022. Archive URL: 27What we do,” William Reed. Archived September 1, 2022. Archive URL: 

The article also addressed an April 2022 report by the Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy, (IATP) which alleged that JBS’ carbon emissions had risen by more than 50 percent from 2016 to 2021.28World’s largest meat company, JBS, increases emissions by 51% in five years despite 2040 net zero climate target, continues to greenwash its huge climate footprint,” Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy, April 21, 2022. Archived September 2, 2022. Archive URL: 

In April 2022, GFAN published a rebuttal by Peer Ederer of IATP’s report, stating that most of IATP’s findings were “false.” Ederer wrote that IATP “did NOT calculate JBS-specific GHG emissions” and that “the assumptions the authors made for calculating 2021 emissions are unrealistic and exaggerated.”29Peer Ederer. “COMMENT ON IATP,” Global Food and Agribusiness Network, April 2022. Archived September 2, 2022. Archive URL:  

JBS responded to IATP, writing that they had had IATP’s figures reviewed by “independent experts,” – including Ederer – who “found that the report uses an erroneous methodology and gross data deviations to arrive at conclusions about JBS emissions that are simply false.” IATP then published a document clarifying the methodology it had used to arrive at the 56 percent emissions figure.30JBS responds to report on emissions.,” JBS. Archived August 23, 2022. Archive URL: 31Note on the methodology for estimating JBS emissions in 2018 and April 2022 publications,” Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, October 27, 2022. Archived March 13, 2023. Archive URL: 

A follow up report from IATP later reported that JBS’s emissions had risen at least 17 percent between 2016 and 2021, based on publicly available data, and said of its previous estimate:32Emissions Impossible: Methane Edition,” Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, November 15, 2022. Archived March 8, 2023. Archive URL:  

“While the new estimate of JBS’s total emissions is lower than that published in April it does not change the fact that JBS is still the biggest polluter in the livestock sector – responsible for around 40% of the total emissions produced by the 15 companies assessed in this report – and that its emissions continue to increase at an alarming rate.”

IATP added: “Depending on the precise use rate of JBS’ slaughterhouses worldwide which only JBS can confirm, the emissions change over five years (2016-2021) could range anywhere between 17-56% increase in emissions.”33Emissions Impossible: Methane Edition,” Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, November 15, 2022. Archived March 8, 2023. Archive URL: 

An October 2020 FoodNavigator article by Oliver Morrison reported that Ederer had spoken on a World Food Day panel that also included JBS global CEO Gilberto Tomazoni. Tomazoni reportedly told the audience that “our population and the global demand for food will increase,” and that “the only way to meet this challenge is to embrace more efficient production and harness innovation to produce more with less.”34Oliver Morrison. “JBS: ‘Our suppliers are producing more while using less land’,” FoodNavigator, October 19, 2020. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL: 

Tomazoni also claimed that JBS was using technology to increase its “huge capacity to produce more without devastating anything,” and said that the company “can guarantee 100% of our direct suppliers do not deforest the Amazon​.”

Ederer reportedly agreed with Tomazoni that technology will transform the agriculture sector, telling the audience: 

“We’re not short of natural resources. We have enough agricultural land, water and atmospheric resources. If we were only using the land and the water and the atmospheric resources as efficiently as we knew, we could easily feed everybody we need to now and in 30 years.”​

Ederer added: 

“By 2025 at the latest there is no excuse for any private sector company that they cannot guarantee legality and ethical behaviour of their value chain. If they haven’t done their homework over the next couple of years and cannot make a solid guarantee of that then they have not used the right technologies.”

The article also stated that JBS suppliers were “producing more while using less land” and referred to Ederer as a “scientist,” although he holds no academic credentials in climate or environmental sciences.35Oliver Morrison. “JBS: ‘Our suppliers are producing more while using less land’,” FoodNavigator, October 19, 2020. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL: 

Stance on Climate Change

On a companion website for the video “Cows, Milk and Climate,” Ederer states that he:36Cows, milk and climate: clarifications by Prof Peer Ederer,” Archived December 18, 2022. Archive URL:  

“…does not doubt that planet Earth experiences climate change. There can also not be any doubt that there is human-caused climate change, and that such climate change may be in places rapid and have significant economic and ecological consequences.” 

He continues:

“Furthermore, there is no doubt that there have been massive injections of carbon compounds generated from the burning of fossil fuels into the atmosphere, since the beginning of the industrial revolution. It is plausible that these injections have had an impact on the chemistry and composition of the atmosphere, even though the International Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, has so far been reluctant to declare certainty about such impacts.”

Ederer questions the impact of livestock farming on climate change, writing:37Cows, milk and climate: clarifications by Prof Peer Ederer,” Archived December 18, 2022. Archive URL:

“However, there is no convincing scientific evidence so far that the same is true for livestock farming in general, or dairy production in particular. On the contrary, the scientific evidence that does exist, rather points to the contrary – that livestock farming is a stabilizing factor for the climate and the ecological environment in which we as the human species are living and thriving. Declarations by scientists about climate-damaging effects of livestock farming are without exception based on mathematical modelling only, whose variables are usually assumptions, and which mostly contradict the measured evidence, as well as defy historical experience. That these declarations are repeated frequently and are received as truth in the public discourse, does not by itself substantiate them – and does not change the absence of real evidence.”

Key Quotes

January 12, 2020

Ederer published a video titled “Cows, Milk and Climate,” which supports the argument that cattle produced for the beef and dairy industry “cannot be made responsible for human-made climate change.” According to the video, its production was “financed” by the German Milchindustrie Verband, a trade association for the German dairy industry, as a “contribution to the public debate.”38Cows, milk and climate: clarifications by Prof Peer Ederer,” Archived December 18, 2022. Archive URL: 39Cows, Milk and Climate_English,” video uploaded to Vimeo by user Peer Ederer, January 12, 2020. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

In the video, Ederer states that it is a “mystery” how “anti-milk and anti-meat activists can be so absolutely certain that it is necessary to reduce milk and meat consumption in order to save the climate.” 

A voiceover in the video states: “There is no justification to call into question the deeply anchored symbiosis of human civilization and livestock cattle. Neither in Germany, nor anywhere else in the world.” 

The video concludes with Ederer claiming: “We can be absolutely certain: milk and dairy products are superbly healthy. You may enjoy this age-old cultural good and natural food with a clear conscience.”  

Key Actions

October 19 – 20, 2022

Ederer co-organized and presented at a two-day conference in Dublin, Ireland on “The Societal Role of Meat: What the Science Says.” Teagasc, the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority, hosted the event.40The Societal Role of Meat – What the Science Says,” Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc). Archived January 17, 2023. Archive URL:

Ederer delivered a presentation on “The Economics of Meat,” in which he used the Food Systems calculator developed by his organization, the Global Observatory for Accurate Livestock Sciences, to demonstrate “how raw-materials and resources flow through the global food system from the production phase to becoming foods and other goods.”41Peer Ederer. “The economic value of meat production and society,” YouTube video uploaded by user Teagasc, December 14, 2022. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. 42Peer Ederer. “The Economics of Meat,” Global Observatory for Accurate Livestock Sciences, October 20, 2022. Archived January 17, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 43About,” Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL:

Frédéric Leroy, a scientist and professor at Belgium’s Vrije Universiteit Brussel, also presented at the conference on “the restriction of meat through policy: the past, the present and the future.” 

The members of the conference’s organizing committee were: Frédéric Leroy; Rod Polkinghorne, CEO of Birkenwood International, Australia; Graham Gardner, an associate professor at Murdoch University, Australia; Collette Kaster, CEO of the American Meat Science Association, USA; Mohammad Koohmaraie, president of the Meat Division at IEH Laboratories and Consulting Group, USA; and Declan Troy, Assistant Director of Research at Teagasc –  the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority.44The Societal Role of Meat- What the Science Says,” Teagasc, October 2022. Archived January 17, 2023. Archive URL: 45James Nason. “Scientists called on to sign ‘Dublin Declaration’ supporting balanced view on meat,” Beef Central, October 24, 2022. Archived January 15, 2023. Archive URL: 

October 2022

Peer Ederer and over 800 other individuals signed the “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock,” which “aims to give voice to the many scientists around the world who research diligently, honestly and successfully in the various disciplines in order to achieve a balanced view of the future of animal agriculture.”46The Dublin Declaration of scientists on the societal role of livestock,” The Dublin Declaration. Archived January 19, 2023. Archive URL: 

The declaration was “initiated” by Ederer and the members of the “International Summit on the Role of Meat in Society” organizing committee and “can be signed only by scientists with on-going research, teaching, publication or presentation activity, and who are in some way affiliated with either a university or a research-driven organisation.”47Sign the Dublin Declaration,” The Dublin Declaration. Archived October 21, 2022. Archive URL:

The declaration has been signed by Ederer, Frédéric Leroy, and Frank Mitloehner, as well as numerous other academics, alongside representatives from meat industry groups including the American Meat Science Association, INRAE (France). Other signers include officials of Teagasc – the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority, and Embrapa – the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation.

May 19, 2022

According to reporting by Beef Central, an Australian beef industry trade publication, Peer Ederer was a panelist at a conference hosted by JBS, the world’s largest meat processor.48Eric Barker. “Is communication the most important part of industry’s sustainability approach?,” Beef Central, May 19, 2022. Archived February 27, 2023. Archive URL: 

Commenting on whether the animal agriculture industry needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Ederer said:

“There are many good reasons to reduce methane emissions, methane is a loss of energy in the animal – so if we can reduce methane inside the animal we make the animal more productive.”

Ederer added: 

“As long as we don’t fully understand what is happening in the atmosphere, we should reduce methane as a precaution. But only if we can do it as a ‘no regret’ move, where there are production benefits.”

Ederer also described “the main forces behind anti-meat messaging across the world,” telling the audience that “very rich individuals, who have nothing else to do and they want to force the world to adopt their views of life” was one group, as well as “large global consumer goods companies who have a lot to gain from highly processed food, rather than farmer-generated handmade food.” 

He added that there “seems to be a lot of Silicon Valley money driving this and I haven’t understood why Silicon Valley money is driving that.”

May 10, 2022

Peer Ederer and Frank Mitloehner spoke at a forum hosted by JBS, with Ederer telling FoodNavigator Europe, a food industry trade publication, that “the mood at the event is that [there] are serious problems and they need to be addressed.”49Oliver Morrison. “Methane reduction ‘an opportunity for beef industry to be part of climate change solution’, JBS conference hears,” Food Navigator Europe, May 10, 2022. Archived August 19, 2022. Archive URL:

Ederer added: 

“But we can and will address them. I think the spirit at the conference was: as an industry we have actually a good story to tell. and we need to find a way to create our narrative of how we as an industry are contributing to solving many of the planetary problems.” 

October 26, 2021

In an article for FoodNavigator Europe headlined “Meat is dead, long live meat: Can meat and dairy contribute to a climate fix?,” reporter Oliver Morrison quoted Ederer as saying that “the idea that we can take meat out of our diets represents a much-oversimplified understanding of the highly complex nature of our global food system.”50Oliver Morrison. “Meat is dead, long live meat: Can meat and dairy contribute to a climate fix?,” Food Navigator Europe, October 26, 2021. Archived February 27, 2023. Archive URL: 

Ederer argued that eating vegetarian or vegan diets is an option for the richest 20 percent of the global population, and that meat and other animal products are a more “affordable” option for providing protein and nutrients for the other 80 percent. He suggested that the world needs to reduce the environmental impact of meat production rather than reduce the amount of animals produced or consumed.

November 23, 2020

According to an op-ed in Dairy Industries International, written by the publication’s editor Suzanne Christiansen, Ederer spoke at the European Dairy Association’s virtual annual convention on how the animal agriculture industry could best handle criticism from environmental and animal rights activists.51Suzanne Christiansen. “Standing together for science,” Dairy Industries International, November 23, 2020. Archived January 27, 2021. Archive URL: 

Christiansen reported that in regards to vocal online critics of the dairy industry, Ederer said: 

“They’re not against dairy, they’re against animals. I advise the dairy sector to enlarge and improve your game against them. Don’t pretend that you’re not somehow animal based, because when people attack meat, they attack you. Look for friends in adjacent sectors.”

Christiansen also reported that Ederer told the audience: 

“Most consumers still believe in the natural goodness of the dairy product. Do you really want to trade it in for factory made food? Do you want to become a factory based product that is not attached to empirical evidence? Embrace vegan dairy as an ingredient, but not as a replacement. When the accounting is corrected, cow based dairy will triumph as an environmental food system. Fight against the urban utopia of vegan dairy. Fortunately, the facts are on your side.”

November 20, 2020

In the slide deck accompanying a presentation to the European Dairy Association (EDA), Ederer wrote: “Dairy is under attack for heating up the climate, being evil to the animals and bad for the environment. Vegan dairy is suggested as the future solution.”52Prof Dr Peer Ederer, European Dairy Transition – Prepared for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021?,” Global Food and Agribusiness Network, November 20, 2020. Archived November 4, 2022. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

In a concluding list of “recommendations,” Ederer encouraged the audience to “embrace vegan dairy as an ingredient solution, but not as a replacement option to the cow,” and advised them to “work with scientists around the world to get the accounting right” because “cow-based dairy will reappear as the winning food system.” 

Ederer also said the audience should “work with your farmers to address some of the real-existing challenges, and help them transition towards better environmental and animal welfare performance.” 

Ederer’s final recommendation read: 

“Fight against the Urban Utopia of Vegan Dairy. Go into the offence and place your positive story, instead of letting the narrative be taken away by negative ideology. Fortunately, the facts are on your side. Make better use of them, than you have in the past.”

The EDA gathering was held ahead of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit.

March 2020 

In 2020, Ederer gave a talk to the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the UK’s principal climate science denial group, titled “Why Cows Are Not Responsible for Climate Change.”53Peer Ederer. “Why Cows Are Not Responsible For Climate Change,” YouTube video uploaded by user Net Zero Watch, April 2, 2020. Archived November 6, 2021. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. 

At the beginning of the talk, Ederer noted that while he is not a climate scientist, he is a “financial economist” who is “trained to read scientific papers.” He stated that he would present his understanding of scientific sources “in the style of a reporter.”

Ederer said that the thesis of his presentation was that “animal proteins [meat, eggs, and milk] save our world,” that humans “need animal proteins to feed our population,” and that “we need to feed our populations in order to have civil societies,” which is only made possible with animal proteins. Ederer then called vegetarianism “a luxury good for rich people in rich countries.”

Ederer spoke about “what we can all agree on” with regard to climate science, such as increased CO2 in the atmosphere, as well as higher amounts of methane, are caused primarily by the burning of fossil fuels, and that “we are experiencing global warming.” He then stated that “cows are not the reason for whatever climate change we have.”54Peer Ederer. “Why Cows Are Not Responsible For Climate Change,” YouTube video uploaded by user Net Zero Watch, April 2, 2020. Archived November 6, 2021. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. 

May 5, 2019

Feed & Livestock Magazine, a trade publication, ran an op-ed featuring Ederer’s takes on the meat industry and climate change, headlined “Is meat the new tobacco? Not so fast, says Peer Ederer.”55Is meat the new tobacco? Not so fast, says Peer Ederer,” Feed & Livestock Magazine, May 5, 2019. Archived September 2, 2022. Archive URL: 

The piece began: “The world’s social engineers and animal rights activists are trying to do to the meat industry what they’ve already done to the tobacco industry, according to Peer Ederer, director of the Global Food & Agribusiness Network.”

 Ederer was quoted as saying:

“Well, they say meat eaters are cruel and irresponsible because they take food away from the hungry, they destroy the planet with greenhouse gas emissions, and meat is unhealthy.”

Ederer also reportedly referred to a scenario “for feeding the soaring global population” by “by reducing meat consumption as a “deliberate poverty” option. “It’s financially, macro-economically impossible, and socially doubtful,” said Ederer.

October 9, 2018

In an article for FeedNavigator, Ederer was quoted saying that “without more dedicated research, it is premature to make claims that cattle are a risk to the global climate, and that processed meat is a risk to human health.”56Jane Byrne. “‘Taxing meat is wrong, dangerously wrong’,” Feed Navigator, October 9, 2018. Archived August 12, 2022. Archive URL:

The article, which was about debates among policymakers about whether or not to tax meat, also reported that Ederer suggested that becoming vegan or vegetarian “may be an affordable lifestyle choice for the most affluent 10% of the global population,” but “contributes little or nothing to the improvement” of the “current nutritional crisis of children below five, sub-Saharan Africans or South Asians.” 


Social Media


Ederer co-authored a book in 1995 titled The legacy of egoists / Das Erbe der Egoisten, a “socioeconomic comparison of Germany, Japan and USA,” alongside German business journalist and film producer Günter Ederer, who has spoken at climate change conferences hosted by the Heartland Institute, a free-market think tank.62Long Profile: Prof Dr Peer Ederer,” Innovation&Growth. Archived March 23, 2023. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 63Program – 12th International Climate and Energy Conference” EIKE. Translated via Google Translate. Archived November 23, 2018. URL:

Ederer has co-authored a number of research papers published by scholarly journals, such as:  


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