
Mike Catanzaro

Mike Catanzaro


  • M.A., Government, The Johns Hopkins University (1998 – 2000).1Michael Catanzaro,” LinkedIn. Accessed February 23, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.
  • B.A., Political Science, Philosophy, Fordham University (1991 – 1995).2Michael Catanzaro,” LinkedIn. Accessed February 23, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.


Michael (Mike) J. Catanzaro was named a top energy policy aid to President Donald Trump in February 2017.3Steve Horn. “Trump Names Industry Lobbyist and Climate Science Denier Mike Catanzaro as Top White House Energy Aide,” DeSmog, February 8, 2017. He stepped down from his position in April 2018 and returning to work at a lobbyist at CGCN Group.4Josh Siegel. “Trump’s top domestic energy adviser leaving White House,” Washington Examiner, April 17, 2018. Archived April 18, 2018. URL: Prior to joining the White House, Catanzaro’s most recent position was also for CGCN.5Mike Catanzaro,” CGCN Group. Archived January 7, 2017. URL: Prior to that, Catanzaro spent two years working as a managing director for FTI Consulting. FTI runs Energy in Depth, a front group funded by the oil and gas industry.6Lisa Graves. “’Energy In Depth’ – A Reporters’ Guide to Its Founding, Funding, and Flacks,” PR Watch, December 28, 2012. Archived February 23, 2017. URL: Born during the rise of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in the U.S., Energy in Depth was created to fend off criticism from the media, grassroots activists, environmental groups, scientists, and others.7Brendan DeMelle. “‘Energy In Depth’ Was Created By Major Oil and Gas Companies According to Industry Memo,” DeSmog, February 17, 2011.

Before embarking on his career, Mike Catanzaro studied at the National Journalism Institute and then briefly worked as a reporter and editor for the Evans and Novak Political report. He then served as the communications director for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, which was then chaired by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), a prominent climate change denier. During this time, Catanzaro also worked as Deputy Policy Director for the 2004 Bush-Cheney presidential campaign.8Jamison Foser. “How many conservative columnists did Jack Abramoff rent for his clients?Media Matters, December 21, 2005. Archived February 23, 2017. URL

Catanzaro transitioned into positions for the George W. Bush White House first as Associate Director for Policy for the Council on Environmental Quality and then Associate Deputy Administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Following this, Catanzaro became a lobbyist and director of Federal Legislative Relations for the coal utility company Pennsylvania Power & Light (PPL).9Mike Catanzaro,” CGCN Group. Archived January 7, 2017. URL: He later moved back into government, and working as Deputy Staff Director again under Senator Inhofe on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.10Michael Catanzaro,” LinkedIn. Accessed February 23, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

After serving two and a half years under Inhofe, Catanzaro began working as the top policy aid for then-Speaker of the House, Rep. John Boehner (R-OH). Ever since, Catanzaro has worked as a lobbyist, with a client list featuring the likes of Koch Industries, America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA), and Halliburton, in addition to his current clients. Catanzaro is also a senior fellow for the industry-funded American Council on Capital Formation (ACCF), according to his LinkedIn profile.11Michael Catanzaro,” LinkedIn. Accessed February 23, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Lobbying Activities

Catanzaro is a lobbyist for oil and gas companies Noble Energy,12LOBBYING REPORT: CGCN GROUP, LLC (formerly known as Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen, LLC),” Clerk of the House of Representatives, Q4 2016. House ID# ​361180101. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Devon Energy,13LOBBYING REPORT: CGCN GROUP, LLC (formerly known as Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen, LLC),” Clerk of the House of Representatives, Q4 2016. House ID# 361180088. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. Encana Oil and Gas,14LOBBYING REPORT: CGCN GROUP, LLC (formerly known as Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen, LLC),” Clerk of the House of Representatives, Q4 2016. House ID# 300851398. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM),15LOBBYING REPORT: CGCN GROUP, LLC (formerly known as Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen, LLC),” Clerk of the House of Representatives, Q4 2016. House ID# 300851249. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. and Hess Corporation.16LOBBYING REPORTCGCN GROUPLLC (formerly known as Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen, LLC),” Clerk of the House of Representatives, Q4 2016. House ID# 300848782. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

During the fourth quarter of 2016, Catanzaro lobbied against the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) methane regulations, against U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement offshore drilling regulations, and for oil and gas development on U.S. public lands. In the Trump administration, Catanzaro’s activities would include “implementing the president’s domestic energy and environment agenda and kind of managing the inter-agency process that deals with those issues,” a source close to the Trump administration told GreenWire. “This is likely to be the most influential domestic energy policy position within the White House [and] will comfort industry and conservatives who view him as a champion for free-market energy and environment policy.”17Robin Bravender. “Energy lobbyist expected to land key White House slot,” E&E News, February 7, 2017. Archived February 22, 2017. URL

Beyond oil and gas issues, Catanzaro also lobbied against President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which calls for regulating carbon pollution from coal-fired power plants.18LOBBYING REPORT: CGCN GROUP, LLC (formerly known as Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen, LLC),” Clerk of the House of Representatives, Q4 2016. House ID# ​361180096. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Below is a full list of Mike Catanzaro’s lobbying clients, according to data from, Michael J,” Accessed February 23, 2017. Archived .xlsx on file at DeSmog.

Lobbying Firm & Client2008201420152016
CGCN Group    
21st Century Fox  YY
Addrex Inc  Y 
Aetna Inc  YY
Ally Financial  YY
Amaya Gaming  YY
America’s Natural Gas Alliance  Y 
American Chemistry Council  YY
American Fuel & Petrochem Manufacturers   Y
American Institute of CPAs  YY
Americas Trading Group  YY
Bloomberg LP  YY
Boeing Co  YY
Bradford White Corp  YY
Broadcasting Media Partners  Y 
BSA The Software Alliance  YY
Caesars Entertainment  Y 
Coalition for Patient Vision Care Safety   Y
Consumer Credit Industry Assn  Y 
Devon Energy  YY
Electronic Payments Coalition  YY
EnCana Corp  YY
Federal Home Loan Bank   YY
Financial Services Forum  YY
Financial Services Roundtable  YY
FMR Corp  YY
General Electric  Y 
General Motors  Y 
Genworth Financial  YY
Halliburton Co  YY
Hay Island Holding  YY
Heartland Consulting Group   Y
Herbalife International  Y 
Hess Corp  YY
Intersections Inc  YY
Investment Co Institute  YY
Koch Industries  YY
Lennox International  YY
Loews Corp  YY
Lundbeck Inc   Y
MasterCard Inc  YY
MBI Inc   Y
Microsoft Corp  YY
Mortgage Bankers Assn  YY
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools  YY
National Assn of Children’s Hospitals  YY
National Women’s History Museum  YY
Natl Conference of Insurance Legisators   Y
NextEra Energy   Y
Noble Energy  YY
Northern Trust  YY
Organization for Intl Investment  Y 
Promontory Interfinancial Network   Y
Property Casualty Insurers Assn/America  YY
Prudential Financial  YY
Resolution Copper Co  YY
Smiths Group  Y 
Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board  YY
Suntory Holdings  YY
Talen Energy Supply  YY
Teradata Corp  Y 
TVG Network  YY
US Chamber of Commerce  YY
US Travel Assn  YY
Walt Disney Co  YY
Warburg Pincus  YY
Whirlpool Corp  YY
FTI Government Affairs    
Devon Energy Y  
General Electric Y  
PLC Corp    
PLC CorpY   

Stance on Climate Change

While working for Inhofe from 2003-2005, he wrote several articles for the conservative website Human Events which conveyed a climate science denial posture.20Human Events: Michael Catanzaro,” Human Events. Accessed February 23, 2017.

Catanzaro, formerly an assistant editor with Human Events before beginning his political career,21Newspaper Roundtable,” C-SPAN, April 4, 1998. Archived video on file at DeSmog. has written that “there is no connection between global warming and extreme weather,”22Michael Catanzaro. “Green Alarmist Fantasy,” Human Events, October 21, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL: as well as “when it comes to the science of global warming, the alarmists, of course, think all the complexities and uncertainties have been settled.”23Michael Catanzaro. “No Global Warming Consensus,” Human Events, October 31, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

October 31, 2003

Writing in Human Events, in an article titled “No Global Warming Consensus,” Michael Catanzaro declared:24Michael Catanzaro. “No Global Warming Consensus,” Human Events, October 31, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“It is a truism in climate science that climate is always changing. Further, the qualifiers ‘likely’ and ‘mostly’ belie claims that mankind is unequivocally the only cause of global warming.”25Michael Catanzaro. “No Global Warming Consensus,” Human Events, October 31, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

October 23, 2003

Quoting climate change denier Paul Reiter, Mike Catanzaro declared as “Fact” in Human Events:26Michael Catanzaro. “Be Afraid!!! Global Warming and Malaria,” Human Events, October 23, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“There is no connection between global warming and outbreaks or increases in disease, tropical or otherwise.”27Michael Catanzaro. “Be Afraid!!! Global Warming and Malaria,” Human Events, October 23, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

October 21, 2003

Quoting now-deceased climate change denier William Gray, Michael Catanzaro wrote in Human Events:28Michael Catanzaro. “Green Alarmist Fantasy,” Human Events, October 21, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

[T]here is no connection between global warming and extreme weather. Case in point: Dr. William Gray, professor of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University, and the world’s foremost expert on hurricanes, found that hurricane activity follows a natural 20 to 30 year cycle in ocean currents.”29Michael Catanzaro. “Green Alarmist Fantasy,” Human Events, October 21, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

Key Quotes

November 17, 2003

Michael Catanzaro declared, writing in Human Events30Michael Catanzaro. “Environmentalist Charlatans,” Human Events, November 17, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“It takes a Herculean effort to believe that national environmental groups are interested more in the environment than charlatanism.” 31Michael Catanzaro. “Environmentalist Charlatans,” Human Events, November 17, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

November 11, 2003

Writing in Human Events, Catanzaro accused the EU of using the Kyoto Protocol to “commit political blackmail”: 32Michael Catanzaro. “Kyoto, Iraq, Global Warming, and Political Blackmail,” Human Events, November 11, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“As it turns out, the EU cynically employed Kyoto as a political bargaining chip in deciding whether to support deposing Saddam Hussein.

“To put it more bluntly, EU officials used Kyoto to commit political blackmail: do something on Kyoto and we might just support a war to oust a brutal, tyrannical dictator from power–otherwise, no deal.” 33Michael Catanzaro. “Kyoto, Iraq, Global Warming, and Political Blackmail,” Human Events, November 11, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

November 6, 2003

Writing in Human Events, Mike Catanzaro declared his views on renewable energy:34Michael Catanzaro. “Green Power,” Human Events, November 16, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“Advocates of so-called ‘green power’ are comically utopian in their belief that America’s economy can be fueled almost entirely by wind, solar, and biomass.” 35Michael Catanzaro. “Green Power,” Human Events, November 16, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

Key Actions

December 12, 2022

After James Inhofe’s early retirement from the U.S. Senate in February 2022, a report by E&E News examined the large network of his former staffers, many of whom occupy influential positions in the energy industry and climate denial industry. Catanzaro was among those named.36Timothy Cama. “Inhofe’s legacy: A vast alumni network on climate, energy,” E&E News, December 22, 2022. Archived May 26, 2023. Archive URL:

April 2018

Catanzaro stepped down from his position as a special assistant to the president for domestic energy and environmental policy, The Washington Examiner reported.37Josh Siegel. “Trump’s top domestic energy adviser leaving White House,” Washington Examiner, April 17, 2018. Archived April 18, 2018. URL:

In just a short time on the job, I realized Mike was an integral member of the [National Economic Council] team and played an important role in crafting domestic energy and environmental policy,” said Larry Kudlow, the National Economic Council director. “His expertise and dedication to the Trump administration’s energy independence priorities was greatly valued and he will be missed. We thank him for his leadership and we wish him well on his future endeavors.”38Josh Siegel. “Trump’s top domestic energy adviser leaving White House,” Washington Examiner, April 17, 2018. Archived April 18, 2018. URL:

Francis Brooke will be replaced by Francis Broooke, an aide to Vice President Mike Pence. The Examiner noted that Catanzaro had been instrumental in starting the process to appeal the Obama administrations Clean Power Plan and Waters of the United States rules during his time working for the Trump administration.39Josh Siegel. “Trump’s top domestic energy adviser leaving White House,” Washington Examiner, April 17, 2018. Archived April 18, 2018. URL:

E&E News reported that Catanzaro had been among those who opposed Scott Pruitt’s “red team, blue team” climate change debate, making his departure increase the likelihood of such a debate occurring in the future.40Robin Bravender and Zack Coleman. “Pruitt’s climate debate just got more likely,” E&E News, April 18, 2018. Archived April 18, 2018. URL:

It’s now up in the air again,” said Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.41Robin Bravender and Zack Coleman. “Pruitt’s climate debate just got more likely,” E&E News, April 18, 2018. Archived April 18, 2018. URL:

April 2017

Just weeks before becoming Donald Trump’s White House energy adviser, Catanzaro was paid by TransCanada to lobby for the Keystone XL pipelineDeSmog reported.42Weeks Before Becoming Trump Top Energy Adviser, Mike Catanzaro Lobbied for Keystone XL,” DeSmog, April 25, 2017.

Lobbying for CGCN Group, disclosure forms reviewed by DeSmog revealed that a team of lobbyists including Catanzaro advocated for “Policy issues and executive branch approval of the Keystone pipeline.” TransCanada paid Catanzaro and the CGCN team $90,000 for their work during the first quarter of 2017.43LOBBYING REPORT: CGCN GROUP, LLC (formerly known as Clark Geduldig Cranford & Nielsen, LLC),” Clerk of the House of RepresentativesQ1 2017. House ID# 361180064. Archived July 14, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. URL:

During the first quarter of 2017 before taking the Trump administration job, Catanzaro also lobbied on behalf of oil and gas industry companies such as EncanaDevon Energy, and Noble Energy, and American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers according to lobbying disclosures.44Weeks Before Becoming Trump Top Energy Adviser, Mike Catanzaro Lobbied for Keystone XL,” DeSmog, April 25, 2017.

Trump Keystone XL Lobbying

Credit: U.S. House Office of the Clerk

The lobbyist update section of the disclosures forms note that Catanzaro  is no longer expected to act as a lobbyist for the client,” signifying his move into the Trump Administration position.45Weeks Before Becoming Trump Top Energy Adviser, Mike Catanzaro Lobbied for Keystone XL,” DeSmog, April 25, 2017.

Catanzaro, as the New York Times reported, is now working on many of the same issues for the federal government which were the subject of his lobbying efforts at CGCN Group. With research in collaboration with ProPublica, The New York Times found Catanzaro was one of two cases with potential conflicts of interest in the executive branch of the White House.46With Trump Appointees, a Raft of Potential Conflicts and ‘No Transparency’,” The New York Times, April 15, 2017. Archived July 14, 2017. URL:

“In at least two cases, the appointments may have already led to violations of the administration’s own ethics rules,” the Times articles reads. “One such case involves Michael Catanzaro, who serves as the top White House energy adviser. Until late last year, he was working as a lobbyist for major industry clients such as Devon Energy of Oklahoma, an oil and gas company, and Talen Energy of Pennsylvania, a coal-burning electric utility, as they fought Obama-era environmental regulations, including the landmark Clean Power Plan. Now, he is handling some of the same matters on behalf of the federal government.”47With Trump Appointees, a Raft of Potential Conflicts and ‘No Transparency’,” The New York Times, April 15, 2017. Archived July 14, 2017. URL:

The other case listed is Chad Wolf, who formerly lobbied for the Transportation Security Administration, and is now chief of staff at the same agency.48With Trump Appointees, a Raft of Potential Conflicts and ‘No Transparency’,” The New York Times, April 15, 2017. Archived July 14, 2017. URL:

February 21, 2017

GreenWire reported that Donald Trump chose Mike Catanzaro, as a top energy policy aide,49Robin Bravender. “Energy lobbyist expected to land key White House slot,” E&E News, February 7, 2017. Archived February 22, 2017. URL: and also formerly led Trump’s energy transition team.50Steve Horn. “Trump Names Industry Lobbyist and Climate Science Denier Mike Catanzaro as Top White House Energy Aide,” DeSmog, February 8, 2017. Catanzaro started work on February 21, 2017, E&E News reported.51Steve Horn. “Koch Industries and Fracking Lobbyist Mike Catanzaro To Lead Trump Energy Team,” DeSmog, October 4, 2016. 52“Top energy aides get to work” (PDF), E&E News, February 21, 2017. PDF archived at DeSmog.

As DeSmog reported, Catanzaro served as a top energy aide during Trump’s presidential campaign. According to GreenWire, he is expected to serve as special assistant to Trump for energy and environmental issues under the umbrella of the White House National Economic Council.53Robin Bravender. “Energy lobbyist expected to land key White House slot,” E&E News, February 7, 2017. Archived February 22, 2017. URL 54Steve Horn. “Koch Industries and Fracking Lobbyist Mike Catanzaro To Lead Trump Energy Team,” DeSmog, October 4, 2016.

Trump’s anointment of Catanzaro to head his energy transition team, if elected, doesn’t pass the laugh test. As someone who has spent his entire career shilling for the dirty energy industry, it’s hard to imagine anyone more compromised,” Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of Food and Water Action Fund, told DeSmog. “When future generations study how self-serving climate deniers gained public prominence, he will be one of the people named.”55Steve Horn. “Trump Names Industry Lobbyist and Climate Science Denier Mike Catanzaro as Top White House Energy Aide,” DeSmog, February 8, 2017. 56Steve Horn. “Koch Industries and Fracking Lobbyist Mike Catanzaro To Lead Trump Energy Team,” DeSmog, October 4, 2016.

May 2015

In 2015, Catanzaro gave a presentation noting that if a Republican wins the White House, one of the first things he will do in office is overturn incorporating climate change into National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews of proposed federal energy infrastructure projects,57Hannah Northey. “Opponents of NEPA climate guidance hoping for Republican White House,” E&E News, May 12, 2015. Archived February 24, 2017. URL: something called for in 2016 by the Obama Administration.58Steve Horn. “Weeks Before Dakota Access Pipeline Protests Intensified, Big Oil Pushed for Expedited Permitting,” DeSmog, September 8, 2016.

August 21, 2014

While employed by FTI, Catanzaro testified (PDF) in Congress against the Clean Power Plan. He argued before Congress that the EPA‘s proposed rule would endanger coal-fired power plants:59“Statement of Michael Catanzaro Managing Director, FTI Consulting, Inc. Hearing of the Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee ‘Energy and Environmental Effects of EPA’s Clean Power Plan’” (PDF), FTI Consulting, August 21, 2014. Retrieved from Environmental Resources & Energy Committee website. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“Not only does EPA’s proposed rule threaten the financial viability of plants like Homer City, it also presents grave difficulty for communities dependent on these facilities for good-paying jobs, affordable, reliable electricity and economic development,” he said.60“Statement of Michael Catanzaro Managing Director, FTI Consulting, Inc. Hearing of the Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee ‘Energy and Environmental Effects of EPA’s Clean Power Plan’” (PDF), FTI Consulting, August 21, 2014. Retrieved from Environmental Resources & Energy Committee website. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“A significant number of coal-fired power plants serving communities across the country, including Homer City, face the dire prospect of bankruptcy and retirement, threatening to disrupt the communities that rely on those plants,” Catanzaro concluded.61“Statement of Michael Catanzaro Managing Director, FTI Consulting, Inc. Hearing of the Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee ‘Energy and Environmental Effects of EPA’s Clean Power Plan’” (PDF), FTI Consulting, August 21, 2014. Retrieved from Environmental Resources & Energy Committee website. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

June 27, 2013

Catanzaro co-authored a paper titled “Age of Abundance” (PDF), published by FTI Consulting and Sidley Austin LLP, supporting the export of U.S. crude oil. Authors included Mike Catanzaro, Casey O’She and Jamie McInerney of FTI Consulting and Roger Martella of Sidley Austin.62“Age of Abundance: The Legal and Political Implications of Crude Oil Exports” (PDF), FTI Consulting and Sidley Austin LLP. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

February 2013

Mike Catanzaro advocated for weakening the Endangered Species Act. He attended an Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) meeting in Florida on the Endangered Species Act (ESA), which he described as providing a forum “to discuss effective ways to minimize, even eliminate, the threat ESA poses for American energy development.”63Engage Congress on the ESA,” ESA Watch, February 22, 2013. Archived February 24, 2017. URL

January 15, 2004

According to Mike Catanzaro, in a Human Events article preemptively critiquing a speech by Al Gore, a “fact” is that:64Michael Catanzaro. “The Facts Al Gore’s Typical Enviro Rhetoric is Missing,” Human Events, January 15, 2004. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“The IPCC’s work has been systematically dismantled over the past year. Pursuant to a new study undermining the IPCC’s temperature assumptions, the Economist accused the UN body of ‘dangerous incompetence.’”65Michael Catanzaro. “The Facts Al Gore’s Typical Enviro Rhetoric is Missing,” Human Events, January 15, 2004. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

Responding to an expected quote by Gore that “A recent study in Nature shows that global warming, clearly a man-made phenomenon, will cause thousands of species to go extinct by 2050,” Catanzaro quotes climate change denier Ian Murray as “fact.” “Iain Murray of the Competitive Enterprise Institute penned a devastating critique of this study,” Catanzaro said.66Michael Catanzaro. “The Facts Al Gore’s Typical Enviro Rhetoric is Missing,” Human Events, January 15, 2004. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

January 8, 2004

Writing in Human Events, Catanzaro argues that because an announcement from the AGU suggesting  “no single threshold level of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere exists at which the beginning of dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system can be defined,” this means “that targets under Kyoto and McCain-Lieberman are totally arbitrary (not to mention economically destructive and environmentally useless).”67Michael Catanzaro. “‘Stabilization’ Undefined,” Human Events, January 8, 2004. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

August 4, 2003

Citing Altero Matteoli, Italy’s minister for the environment and territory, Catanzaro declared in Human Events:68Mike Catanzaro. “Even Italy Realizes Economic Dangers of Kyoto,” Human Events, August 4, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“Kyoto will do nothing for the environment or have any impact on global temperatures.”69Mike Catanzaro. “Even Italy Realizes Economic Dangers of Kyoto,” Human Events, August 4, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“Now, even if one concedes that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming or damaging climate (they’re not), according to Matteoli, the world would have to reduce emissions by 50 percent to have any effect,” Catanzaro adds. “Put another way, the world would need 25 Kyotos to stop global warming. That translates into big costs for Europe, which can’t even meet its initial Kyoto targets.”70Mike Catanzaro. “Even Italy Realizes Economic Dangers of Kyoto,” Human Events, August 4, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

Catanzaro has consistently criticized the Kyoto Protocol. Writing earlier in July, 2003, also in Human Events, Catanzaro said:71Mike Catanzaro. “Europe and Kyoto,” Human Events, July 17, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“As President Bush rightly understood, Kyoto is unrealistic, provides no environmental benefits, and is economically destructive.”72Mike Catanzaro. “Europe and Kyoto,” Human Events, July 17, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

July 29, 2003

Catanzaro was the press contact for a hearing of The Committee on Environment and Public Works discussing “the science of climate change and mercury.” The hearing featured climate change deniers Willie Soon and David Legates.73EPW Hearing Highlights: The Science of Climate Change, Mercury,” U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, July 29, 2003. Archived February 24, 2017. URL: 

July 28, 2003

Catanzaro’s name appeared as the press contact for a 12,000-word floor speech given by Senator James Inhofe in 2003, in which the senator said, “Much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science,” and “I have offered compelling evidence that catastrophic global warming is a hoax.”74(Press Release). “Sen. Inhofe Delivers Major Speech on the Science of Climate Change ‘Catastrophic global warming alarmism not based on objective science’ Part 1,” U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, July 28, 2003. Archived December 27, 2007. URL

July 18, 2003

Writing in Human Events, Catanzaro blames environmental groups for a national natural gas crisis:75Michael Catanzaro. “No Natural Gas Crisis?Human Events, July 18, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“Following California’s lead is not exactly sound advice,” Catanzaro writes. “There is a serious natural gas crisis, and it can be traced in large part to lawsuits filed by NRDC and its extremist allies, who have blocked natural gas production on federal lands for years.”76Michael Catanzaro. “No Natural Gas Crisis?Human Events, July 18, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

July 9, 2003

Michael Catanzaro quoted prominent climate change denier Richard Lindzen in an article titled “The Science of Climate Change,” which Catanzaro wrote in Human Events.77Michael Catanzaro. “The Science of Climate Change,” Human Events, July 9, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

“Dr. Richard Lindzen, an MIT scientist and member of the National Academy of Sciences, who has specialized in climate issues for over 30 years, told the Environment and Public Works Committee on May 2, 2001 that there is a ‘definitive disconnect between Kyoto and science. Should a catastrophic scenario prove correct, Kyoto will not prevent it. If we view Kyoto as an insurance policy, it is a policy where the premium appears to exceed the potential damages, and where the coverage extends to only a small fraction of the potential damages.’,” Catanzaro wrote.78Michael Catanzaro. “The Science of Climate Change,” Human Events, July 9, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL:

July 3, 2003

Mike Catanzaro wrote about the so-called “Climate-Gate” controversy in Human Events. In the article, he cites a wide range of previously-debunked petitions including the infamous Oregon Petition, a document organized by climate change denier Frederick Seitz and the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine (OISM). He also cites a study by the industry-funded Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) claiming that a majority disagree that there is evidence that human activities are disrupting the global climate.79Michael Catanzaro. “Climate-Gate,” Human Events, July 3, 2003. Archived February 23, 2017. URL

March 2001

Catanzaro wrote an article titled “O’Neill Wants Bus to Focus on ‘Global Warming’” about then-President George W. Bush’s U.S. Treasury Secretary, Paul O’Neill.80O’Neill Wants Bus to Focus on ‘Global Warming’,” Human Events, March 26, 2001.

The article critiqued O’Neill’s views on climate change, which Catanzaro referred to as “global warming” (in scare quotes), and said that “O’Neill’s alarmism on the subject is not new.” Catanzaro wrote that there is a “lack of consensus on whether global warming is occurring or what its impact on climate and weather might be.”81O’Neill Wants Bus to Focus on ‘Global Warming’,” Human Events, March 26, 2001.

January 1998

In January 1998, Catanzaro wrote an article about naturally occurring greenhouse gas emissions emanating from Yellowstone National Park’s geysers. His piece was titled, “If the World is Warming, Blame Old Faithful” and referred to a study published in December 1997.82Michael Catanzaro. “If the World is Warming, Blame Old Faithful,” Human Events, January 16, 1998. 83Associated Press. “Yellowstone Park Emits Tons of Carbon Dioxide, Study Finds,” The New York Times, December 26, 1997. URL:

The study Catanzaro cited said that Yellowstone’s geothermal features emit 4.4 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, the equivalent of about 10 medium-sized coal-fired power plants. Even with coal-fired power plants in decline in the U.S. today, there are still 363 plants open for business and located in the U.S., according to U.S. Energy Information Administration data. That would be the greenhouse gas equivalent of 36 Yellowstones, according to the study cited by Catanzaro.84Table 4.1. Count of Electric Power Industry Power Plants, by Sector, by Predominant Energy Sources within Plant, 2005 through 2015,” Archived February 24, 2017. URL:

Catanzaro further states that “only about 2%-3% of greenhouse gases actually come from anthropogenic, or man-made, sources, such as smokestacks or power plants.”  A 2011 study refutes this, finding at least 74 percent of global warming can be linked directly to human activity.85Quern Schirmeier. “Three-Quarters of Climate Change Is Man-Made,” Scientific American, December 5, 2011. Archived February 24, 2017. URL

Catanzaro’s Human Events article also quotes Bonner Cohen, a long-time climate change denier who ran the publication EPAWatch, as an expert on the issue of naturally occurring climate change.86Michael Catanzaro. “If the World is Warming, Blame Old Faithful,” Human Events, January 16, 1998. 87Associated Press. “Yellowstone Park Emits Tons of Carbon Dioxide, Study Finds,” The New York Times, December 26, 1997. URL:

December 12, 1997

In a 1997 profile (PDF) of the Heartland Institute, an organization that has long focused on climate change denial, Catanzaro described the free-market think tank as a place where “good things usually happen.”88“The Heartland Institute” (PDF), Human Events, December 12, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.

The most important subject the institute is dealing with right now is environmentalism,” he wrote. “Of particular interest […] is global warming and Heartland has been ahead of the curve in unraveling some of the confusions and obfuscations spewed by left-wing environmentalists on that very issue.”89“The Heartland Institute” (PDF), Human Events, December 12, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.

Catanzaro wrote that “Heartland remains a testament to the power and influence of the grassroots.” 90“The Heartland Institute” (PDF), Human Events, December 12, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.

November 28, 1997

Catanzaro wrote a profile piece (PDF) on climate change denier Fred Singer, in which he juxtaposed Singer with other scientists whom he said were guilty of “using pseudo-scientific postulates to scare the public into accepting the disastrous international global-climate treaty that will be debated in Kyoto, Japan, next month.”91“Dr. S. Fred Singer” (PDF), Human Events, November 28, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.

Contrary to what [global-warming proponents] say, there is no global warming,” Singer told Catanzaro for the article. “And contrary to what [those proponents] say, there is no scientific consensus either.” 92“Dr. S. Fred Singer” (PDF), Human Events, November 28, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.

October 17, 1997

Catanzaro wrote a 1997 article in Human Events titled ”Clinton Launches Propaganda Campaign for Global-Warming Treaty.”93Michael Catanzaro. “Clinton Launches Propaganda Campaign for Global-Warming Treaty,” Human Events, October 17, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.

The Clinton Administration has launched an all-out propaganda campaign to facilitate passage of a United Nations-sponsored global-warming treaty that, if ratified, could wreck havoc on middle-class American families while allowing major polluters such as Communist China and India to escape the treaty’s restrictions on so-called ‘greenhouse’ gas emissions,” He wrote. “Worse, there is no scientific consensus that global warming is indeed taking place — the reason Clinton has mounted a massive propaganda campaign,” he added.94Michael Catanzaro. “Clinton Launches Propaganda Campaign for Global-Warming Treaty,” Human Events, October 17, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.

In that same article, Catanzaro also referred to climate change as a “religious belief,” while quoting prominent climate deniers such as Fred Singer to make his case.95Michael Catanzaro. “Clinton Launches Propaganda Campaign for Global-Warming Treaty,” Human Events, October 17, 1997. PDF archived at DeSmog.


Social Media


Below are some of Mike Catanzaro’s most recently available publications. DeSmog also reviewed articles found in the Human Events archives, no longer found on the publication’s website.109Steve Horn. “Before Becoming Trump’s Top Energy Aide, Mike Catanzaro Peddled Climate Change Denial as a Writer,” DeSmog, February 23, 2017.

Catanzaro’s archived articles, obtained through the University of Wisconsin Libraries System, purport that mainstream U.S. environmental groups are driven by Marxist ideology and that global warming is a “liberal concept” (as opposed to a scientific reality). They also reveal that Catanzaro has written pieces on organizations denying climate change such as the Heartland Institute and on prominent individual climate change deniers like Fred Singer.110“Conservative Spotlight” (PDF), Human Events, August 8, 1997. PNG archived at DeSmog. 111Senate Is Ratifying Liberal Concept of Global Warming,” Human Events, September 10, 2001. PNG archived at DeSmog.

Sample Archived Publications

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