Martin Durkin

Martin Richard Durkin



Martin Richard Durkin is the director2Geoffrey Lean. “Climate change: An inconvenient truthโ€ฆ for C4,” The Independent, March 11, 2007. Archived March 22, 2007. Archive URL: of the climate change denial films The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007)3Geoffrey Lean. “Climate change: An inconvenient truthโ€ฆ for C4,” The Independent, March 11, 2007. Archived March 22, 2007. Archive URL: and Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) (2024).4‘Climate: The Movie’ Film Premiere,” Eventbrite. Archived March 18, 2024. Archive URL:  5Emma Haslett.”EU referendum: Filmmaker Martin Durkin says ‘Brexit: The Movie’ crowdfunding campaign has hit its ยฃ100,000 target,” City A.M., February 26, 2016. Archived March 18. 2024. Archive URL: pro-Brexit film Brexit: The Movie.6Andy Russell. “New feature-length documentary film shows why we must vote for Brexit,” Express, May 9, 2016. Archived March 18, 2024. Archive URL:

Durkin is the founder and CEO of Wag Entertainment, a television production company based in the UK. According to his profile at Wag, Durkin started his career as a print journalist focused on economics, and joined the Current Affairs department for London Weekend Television in 1987.7Martin Durkin,” Wag Entertainment. Archived March 19, 2024. Archive URL:

“He left to join the fledging independent TV sector, and was a director of RDF before setting up his own independent in 1997. He has directed many feature-length documentaries, and has executive produced many hundreds of hours of TV,” his profile noted.8Martin Durkin,” Wag Entertainment. Archived March 19, 2024. Archive URL:

Ofcom Complaints for The Great Global Warming Swindle

A 2007 complaint to Ofcom regarding the The Great Global Warming Swindle offered the following section as a background to Martin Durkin (page 123). The complaint suggested the reason for including the background was that “Ofcomโ€™s Broadcasting Code Clause 5.8 states: Any personal interest of a reporter or presenter, which would call into question the due impartiality of the programme, must be made clear to the audience.”9“Complaint to Ofcom Regarding ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle'”(PDF). Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The section alleged the clause was breached in six respects, the first three reproduced below:

  1. “All three previous programmes Durkin has made for Channel 4 have also been accused by respected sources of misinforming the public, distorting the truth, and misrepresenting the positions of some of the contributors to the programmes. This was not made clear to the audience.”
  2. “Durkinโ€™s film Against Nature was found by the ITC to have breached its code of practice on two counts, forcing Channel 4 to issue an apology on prime time television, and this was not made clear to the audience.”
  3. “All Durkinโ€™s films have taken an extreme anti-environmentalist position โ€“ for example, comparing environmentalists with Nazis. This was not made clear to the audience.”

The official Ofcom response noted it had received 265 complaints about the programme from members of the public. The response summarized: “Ofcom also received a substantial complaint 176 pages long from a group of complainants, some of whom were scientists (‘the Group Complaint’). In summary, the complainants were concerned that the programme was not presented with due impartiality and that as a factual programme it misled the audience by misrepresenting ‘facts’.”10 “Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin” (PDF), Ofcom, Issue No. 114 (July 21, 2008). Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

DeSmog reported on the media’s response to the Ofcom ruling, summarizing that “UK media has been quick out the gate reporting that while the OfCom ruling did not find that the Swindle ‘materially mislead viewers so as to cause harm or offence,’ it did misrepresent the views of some of the worldโ€™s most distinguished scientists.”11Kevin Grandia. “Media coverage slams the Great Global Warming Swindle,” DeSmog, July 21, 2008.

Stance on Climate Change

December 8, 2023

“Behind the arrant nonsense of climate alarmism is a vicious attack on the prosperity & freedom of ordinary people. It is driven by a deranged contempt for material progress, a deep hatred of people, by self-interest, and a dark authoritarian urge to keep people under control,” Durkin posted on X.12Behind the arrant nonsense of climate alarmism is a vicious attack on the prosperity & freedom of ordinary people,” Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, December 8, 2023. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

August 18, 2023

“โ€˜Climate Chaosโ€™ is a baseless, absurd ruse to hike taxes and extend State power. That so many โ€˜scientistsโ€™ play ball just demonstrates what a bunch of shameless, grubby, tax-munching charlatans they are,” Durkin posted on X.13โ€˜Climate Chaosโ€™ is a baseless, absurd ruse to hike taxes and extend State power. That so many โ€˜scientistsโ€™ play ball just demonstrates what a bunch of shameless, grubby, tax-munching charlatans they are,” post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, August 18, 2023. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

October 8, 2019

“Too many people who KNOW that all this ‘global warming’ crap is total nonsense feel they must continue to pay lip service. This must stop! It cannot be said too often, bluntly or directly. ‘Man-Made Climate Change’ is repeatedly discredited, absurd, invented, efffing garbage!!” Durkin posted on X.14Too many people who KNOW that all this ‘global warming’ crap is total nonsense feel they must continue to pay lip service. This must stop! It cannot be said too often, bluntly or directly. ‘Man-Made Climate Change’ is repeatedly discredited, absurd, invented, efffing garbage!!,” post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, October 8, 2019. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

July 2007

“I’m certainly arguing that the evidence is such that we shouldn’t take the theory of man made global warming as a proven to be true,” Durkin said in an interview with ABC Australia’s Tony Jones (see full transcript here).15Kevin Grandia. “ABC Australia’s Tony Jones and Durkin Transcript,” DeSmog, July 16, 2007. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Key Quotes

February 21, 2024

“By 2000, they said, the only habitable bits of Earth would be the Arctic & Antarctic. How much unutterable garbage must we swallow from climate fruitcakes? But if you call them out, you’re anti-science. These charlatans are shameless, tax-munching, freedom-devouring scoundrels,” Durkin posted on X.16By 2000, they said, the only habitable bits of Earth would be the Arctic & Antarctic […] “Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, February 21, 2024. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

September 9, 2023

“The ‘Climate Industry’ is a terrible misnomer. These parasites are not in the least industrious, and they are anti-industry. These half-witted misanthropes & nihilists are anti-growth, anti-progress, anti-people, and are hell-bent on destroying Western manufacturing,” Durkin posted on X.17The ‘Climate Industry’ is a terrible misnomer […],” post by user @Martin_Durkin” on X, September 9, 2023. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

October 14, 2022

“I think itโ€™s time some climate activists were glued to the inside of Pentonville prison,” Durkin posted on X.18I think itโ€™s time some climate activists were glued to the inside of Pentonville prison.” Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, October 14, 2022. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

December 12, 2021

“I donโ€™t know why people are so rude about scientists. Although theyโ€™re crap at predicting climate, theyโ€™ve shown the world how excellent they are at developing novel viruses,” Durkin posted on X.19I donโ€™t know why people are so rude about scientists […]” Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, December 12, 2021 . Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

October 19, 2021

“Too much is at stake to let the ‘Climate’ fraud die: the funding, career and reputation of scientists, bureaucrats, NGOs, journalists & science journals; the vast profits of the tax-eating โ€˜renewablesโ€™ industry. And of course the only justification for environmentalist leftism,” Durkin posted on X.20Too much is at stake to let the ‘Climate’ fraud die […] “Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, October 19, 2021. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

August 9, 2021

“All this unutterable climate crap has convinced me we should pull all public funding for science. Private sector science only please, serving genuine consumer needs,” Durkin posted on X. 21All this unutterable climate crap has convinced me we should pull all public funding for science […] ” Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, August 9, 2021. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

June 17, 2020

“Lockdown feels like the new Climate Change. A nightmare mix of bogus science, woke political posturing and economic lunacy,” Durkin posted on X.22Lockdown feels like the new Climate Change,” Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, June 17, 2020. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

January 23, 2020

“Repeatedly exposing the blatant lies and errors in Green propaganda achieves next to nothing. They don’t give a stuff. ‘Climate’ is an existential war, waged by our parasitic, power-crazed Blob establishment, on individual freedom, on tax-payers & ordinary people in general,” Durkin posted on X. 23Repeatedly exposing the blatant lies and errors in Green propaganda achieves next to nothing […]” Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, January 23, 2020 . Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

June 14, 2019

“Greens do not worry about โ€˜climateโ€™ one little bit. But they are physically revolted by the idea of less govt regulation and lower taxes. It is not โ€˜climate chaosโ€™ but human freedom that disgusts them,” Durkin posted on X.24Greens do not worry about โ€˜climateโ€™ one little bit. […]” Post by user “@Martin_Durkin” on X, June 14, 2019. Archived .png on file at DeSmog.

Key Actions

March 19, 2024

The CO2 Coalition, CFACT, and the The Heartland Institute jointly presented the American premier of Climate: The Movie in Virginia.25‘Climate: The Movie’ Film Premiere,” Eventbrite. Archived March 18, 2024. Archive URL:

According to Kathy Gyngell of TCW Defending Freedom (formerly The Conservative Woman), who wrote that she had attended the premier, other notable “allies” who had attended included:26Kathy Gyngell. “Kathyโ€™s TCW week in review,” TCW Defending Freedom, March 17, 2024. Archived March 18, 2024. Archive URL:

DeSmog reported that the film “represents a new interpretation of an old climate denial playbook that remains characterized by a determination to do whatever it takes to preserve the worldโ€™s dependence on fossil fuels.”27Adam M. Lowenstein. “A Green New Shine for a Tired Playbook,” DeSmog, March 21, 2024. Skeptical Science, a nonprofit science education organization, found 27 climate science “myths” in the film, including that climate models are unreliable, that warming is caused by the sun, and that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere do not contribute to atmospheric warming.28John Mason and Bรคrbel Winkler. “Climateย – the Movie: a hot mess of (c)old myths!,” Skeptical Science, March 23, 2024. Archived March 27, 2024. Archive URL:

May 11, 2016

Durkin’s film Brexit: The Movie premiered in London. Newsweek described it as “A Libertarian’s Wet Dream.”29Justin Tallis. “Brexit: The Movie Is A Libertarian’s Wet Dream,” Newsweek, May 12, 2016. Archived March 18, 2024. Archive URL:

DeSmog has mapped the close relationship between those advocating for Brexit and less climate action, including a node for Durkin’s WAG TV, which interviewed Nigel Lawson of the GWPF as well as Peter Lilley.30Kyla Mandel. “Mapped: The Cosy Climate-Euro Sceptic Bubble Pushing for Brexit and Less Climate Action,” DeSmog, June 13, 2016.

Electoral Commission records show that Patrick Barbour, a pro-Brexit trustee of Tufton Street think tank Civitas, 31Isobel Markham. “Private equity heavyweights weigh in on Brexit,” Private Funds CFO, May 19, 2016. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. gave over $14,000 to Wag TV “for the Referendum on the UKโ€™s membership of the EU.”32Patrick Barbour,” The Electoral Commission. Archived March 18, 2024. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

July 12, 2007

ABC Australia aired the Great Global Warming Swindle, DeSmog reported.33Kevin Grandia. “ABC Australia to Air Durkin’s Swindle,” DeSmog, July 11, 2007. Following the airing, DeSmog documented some of the negative media reaction in Australia.34Kevin Grandia. “Aussie media lambasting Durkin’s Swindle film,” DeSmog, July 12, 2007.

Tony Jones then interviewed Durkin about the Great Global Warming Swindle. See the video, divided into two parts, below as well as the original transcript (PDF):35Kevin Grandia. “Video: ABC Australia’s Tony Jones Dissects, Debunks Martin Durkin,” DeSmog, July 13, 2007. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Part 1:

Part 2:

March 8, 2007

Channel 4 screened The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary on March 8, 2007. The Channel 4 description summarized the film: 36The Great Global Warming Swindle,” Channel 4. Archived March 9, 2007. Archive URL:

“According to a group of scientists brought together by documentary-maker Martin Durkin, if the planet is heating up, it isn’t your fault and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

We’ve almost begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon. But just as the environmental lobby think they’ve got our attention, a group of naysayers have emerged to slay the whole premise of global warming.”

Shortly after it aired, Professor Carl Wunsch, professor of physical oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said he had been “completely misrepresented” by the programme, and “totally misled” on its content, The Independent reported.37Geoffrey Lean. “Climate change: An inconvenient truthโ€ฆ for C4,” The Independent, March 11, 2007. Archived March 22, 2007. Archive URL:

The Independent noted that Channel 4 had also had to make a public apology previously, for a series directed by Durkin called Against Nature. The Independent Television Commission found Durkin had, with respect to four contributors to the series, “distorted or misrepresented their known views.”38Geoffrey Lean. “Climate change: An inconvenient truthโ€ฆ for C4,” The Independent, March 11, 2007. Archived March 22, 2007. Archive URL:

Durkin claimed that Professor Wunsch was “most certainly not duped into appearing into the programme” and that it “had not in any way misrepresented what he said.”39Geoffrey Lean. “Climate change: An inconvenient truthโ€ฆ for C4,” The Independent, March 11, 2007. Archived March 22, 2007. Archive URL:

According to the film’s profile at WAG Entertainment,40The Great Global Warming Swindle,” Wag Entertainment. Archived March 18, 2024. Archive URL: where Durkin is founder and CEO, “The film examines the mass of observational data which directly contradict the popular theory of man-made global warming.”

“Yes, humans have an effect on climate, but it’s an infinitesimally small pin-prick, compared with the vast natural forces which have always, and are still constantly pushing global temperatures this was and that,” the description claims.41The Great Global Warming Swindle,” Wag Entertainment. Archived March 18, 2024. Archive URL:

Some key individuals featured in the documentary included Tim Ball42Richard Littlemore. “Tim Ball: Ad hominems ad nauseum,” DeSmog, March 5, 2007., Paul Reiter, Paul Copper, Roy Spencer, Patrick Michaels, Nigel Calder, Fred Singer, Philip Stott, among others.43Kevin Grandia. “A Global Warming Swindle play-by-play,” DeSmog, March 12, 2007.

Martin Rees, President of the UK’s Royal Society, released a statement on the film following the related Ofcom Ruling:44Emily Murgatroyd. “Royal Society releases statement on Swindle Ofcom Ruling,” DeSmog, July 21, 2008.

“TV companies occasionally commission programmes just to court controversy, but to misrepresent the evidence on an issue as important as global warming was surely irresponsible. ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ was itself a swindle. The programme makers misrepresented the science, the views of some of the scientists featured in the programme and the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” Rees said in the statement, adding:45(Press Release). “Royal Society response to OFCOM decision on โ€™The Great Global Warming Swindleโ€™,” The Royal Society, July 21, 2008. Archived October 6, 2008. Archive URL:

“The science of climate change is complex; however the weight of scientific evidence shows that global warming caused by human actions is happening now, and is set to continue. There is certainly a need for ongoing debate on climate change and on what we are going to do to tackle it but this programme made little or no contribution to that debate.”46(Press Release). “Royal Society response to OFCOM decision on โ€™The Great Global Warming Swindleโ€™,” The Royal Society, July 21, 2008. Archived October 6, 2008. Archive URL: A PDF of the full complaint is available here.47“Complaint to Ofcom Regarding ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle'”(PDF). Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Durkin told DeSmog that Julian Morris, then with the International Policy Network (IPN), was a key part of the inspiration for The Great Global Warming Swindle.48Brendan Montague. “Revealed: The Inside Story of The Great Global Warming Swindle,” DeSmog, August 11, 2015.

November 1997

Durkin produced a Channel 4 film titled Against Nature, which a later Ofcom complaint against The Great Global Warming Swindle alleged had “accused the environmental movement of being a threat to personal freedom and of crippling economic development; and which compared environmentalists to Nazis.”49“Complaint to Ofcom Regarding ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle'”(PDF). Retrieved from ofcomswindlecomplaint.ent. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“Durkin has subsequently tried to portray it as a science film, but the ITC found it guilty of distortion of facts,” the Ofcom complaint alleged.50“Complaint to Ofcom Regarding ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle'”(PDF). Retrieved from ofcomswindlecomplaint.ent. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The Independent reported that Against Nature “distorted or misrepresented their known views,” according to the Independent Television Commission.51Geoffrey Lean. “Climate change: An inconvenient truthโ€ฆ for C4,” The Independent, March 11, 2007. Archived March 22, 2007. Archive URL:


Wag Entertainment Limited (03556882) lists previous company names as WAG TV Limited, Stellarvision Limited, and Kugelblitz Ltd. View companies house documents below.

According to corporate documents on file at for Wag TV Limited (11678274), where Durkin was formerly listed a director, the company has changed names a number of times over the years:

View relevant files for Wag TV Limited below:

Social Media


Notable Films

  • Against Nature (1997), Channel 4.
  • Storm in a D-Cup (1998), Channel 4.
  • The Rise and Fall of GM (2000), Channel 4.
  • The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007), Channel 4
  • Britain’s Trillion Pound Horror Story (2010), Channel 4.
  • Brexit: The Movie (2016).

DeSmog Reporting on The Great Global Warming Swindle

Other Resources


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