
Jeremy Nicholson

Photo: Screengrab via Parliament TV

Jeremy Nicholson


  • BEng, Civil Engineering, University of East London (1994). 1Jeremy Nicholson,” LinkedIn. Accessed December 28, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.


Jeremy Nicholson is the former director of the Energy Intensive Users Group (EIUG), a lobbying organisation that “campaigns for secure industrial energy supplies at internationally competitive prices.”2Jeremy Nicholson,” LinkedIn. Accessed December 28, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 3Welcome to EIUG,” Energy Intenstive Users Group. Archved April 11, 2018. URL:

Nicholson and the EIUG have argued that climate policies harm the economic competitiveness of the UK’s most polluting industries. The EIUG includes “lobbying for discounts under the Climate Change Levy for energy-intensive sectors which undertake to improve energy efficiency” as an area in which it has played a “key role“ according to its website.4New report reveals impact on jobs of climate change policies that push up energy prices,” TaxPayers’ Alliance, April 12, 2010. Archived December 28, 2018. URL: 5Welcome to EIUG,” Energy Intenstive Users Group. Archved April 11, 2018. URL:

Nicholson was the registered “public enquiry point“ for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Energy Intensive Industries. APPGs are a means for companies and lobbyists to engage directly with politicians that may be sympathetic to their interests, as DeSmog has previously reported.6Register Of All-Party Parliamentary Groups [as at 15 February 2017],” Archived December 28, 2018. URL: 7Mapped: How Fracking Lobbyists From the UK and America Have Infiltrated Parliament,” DeSmog, January 26, 2017.

Nicholson has attended events organised by climate science denial campaign group, the Global Warming Policy Foundation. This includes a talk by Myron Ebell, Director of Energy and Environment for the US thinktank the the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which is known for spreading climate change disinformation, in February 2017. Nicholson was also in the audience for former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott’s 2017 annual lecture to the group, which included numerous climate science denial tropes.8Mat Hope. “UK Climate Science Denying GWPF Hosts Trump’s Fossil Fuelled ‘Environment Advisor’ Myron Ebell to Deliver Message to Britain,DeSmog, January 30, 2017. 92017 Annual GWPF Lecture. Tony Abbott MP – ‘Daring to Doubt’,” YouTube video uploaded by user “GWPF” October 10, 2017. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog.

Stance on Climate Change

April 2010

In a report for the think tank Civitas, Nicholson wrote with conservative economist Ruth Lea:10Ruth Lea and Jeremy Nicholson. “British energy policy and the threat to manufacturing industry” (PDF), April 2010. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“The Government’s climate change strategy is already proving to be costly for both domestic and business energy consumers as current policies significantly raise electricity costs.”

Key Quotes

Nicholson was quoted in a Civitas publication:11“Chain Reactions: How the chemical industry can shrink our carbon footprint” (PDF), Civitas, June 2011.

“There are differences in terms of approach to energy and climate even when it comes to working towards common European targets… certainly Britain is going for the gold-plated approach—the classic case is the Climate Change Act which goes well beyond anything Europe would ever have asked us to do, and on renewables where we should never have signed up to the target on this.”

Key Deeds

October 9, 2017

Nicholson attended the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s annual lecture, delivered by former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott. In the speech, Abbott claimed climate change is “probably doing good.” 12Graham Readfearn. “Climate Scientists Attack Tony Abbott’s ‘Misleading’ Speech to Global Warming Policy Foundation,” DeSmog, October 9, 2017.

February 2017

Nicholson attended a talk by Myron Ebell from climate science denying US thinktank the Competitive Enterprise Institute, organised by the GWPF.13Mat Hope. “UK Climate Science Denying GWPF Hosts Trump’s Fossil Fuelled ‘Environment Advisor’ Myron Ebell to Deliver Message to Britain,DeSmog, January 30, 2017.

July 2016

Nicholson told a meeting of climate science deniers that strict climate goals in the UK were moving heavy industry to China and India, ClimateHome reported.14UK climate change sceptics botch Paris deal hit-job,” Climate Home, May 7, 2016. Archived December 28, 2018. URL:

March 2016

In reaction to a government publication that suggested energy price rises were due to the rising cost of gas, Nicholson released a statement saying that, to the contrary, it is “almost entirely” due to energy and climate policies.15Energy and climate policies to blame for price hikes,” Energy Live News, March 28, 2013. Archived December 28, 2018. URL:

April 2010

Nicholson co-authored a report for right-wing thinktank Civitas with Ruth Lea, which claimed the UK’s climate policies are causing bills to rise and having a significant impact on industrial employment. Lea has previously claimed that “there seems to be little scientific agreement that mankind’s fossil-fuel burning is the major reason for climate change.”16Ruth Lea and Jeremy Nicholson. “British energy policy and the threat to manufacturing industry” (PDF), April 2010. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 17Ruth Lea. “Personal view: The idea everyone agrees on climate change is a fallacy,” The Telegraph, May 1, 2006. Archived December 28, 2018. URL:


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