
Jennifer Marohasy

Jennifer Marohasy



Jennifer J. Marohasy is Senior Fellow at the Melbourne-based Institute of Public Affairs, “with responsibilities for Climate Change in the Research Program”, according to the group’s website.

Marohasy obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Queensland in 1983. After graduating she was employed as a field biologist at the Allen Fletcher Research Station prior to overseeing an associated station in Madagascar, where she focused on biological control.3About,” Archived November 12, 2018. URL

According to her website bio, upon completing a PhD at the University of Queensland in the 1990s, Marohasy attained the position of Environment Manager for the Queensland Canegrowers Association beginning in 1997, where she: “became interested in environmental campaigns and, in particular, anomalies between fact and perception regarding the health of coastal river systems and the Great Barrier Reef.”4About,” Archived November 12, 2018. URL

The Australian sugar cane industry has been identified as a major source of pollution contributing to adverse environmental impacts on rivers and coastal reefs.5Lisa Cox. “Great Barrier Reef: four rivers are most responsible for pollution,” The Guardian, June 14, 2018. Archived November 26, 2018. URL:

According to her LinkedIn profile, Marohasy founded The Climate Modeling Laboratory with husband John Abbot in 2015. The group claims the ability to forecast accurate rainfall amounts up to a year in advance using “historical data and genetic algorithms embedded into sophisticated probabilistic neural networks.”6Jennifer Marohasy,” LinkedIn. Accessed November 26, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 7Home,” Access November 26, 2018. URL:

Marohasy’s publications have appeared in journals, magazines, and newspapers and frequently propose analyses of climate data that stand in contrast to the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change. She is a self-described “utilitarian libertarian.”8Jennifer Marohasy,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

Institute of Public Affairs Ties

In 2003 Marohasy joined Australia’s Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) as Environment Unit Director with a focus on the Murray River.9About,” Archived November 12, 2018. URL: That same year she published a paper titled “Myth and the Murray: Measuring the Real State of the River Environment.”10Jennifer Marohasy. “Myth and the Murray: Measuring the real state of the river environment” (PDF), Institute of Public Affairs, 2003. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmogBlog.

Her initial tenure at IPA coincided with a $40,000 contribution made to the organization from Murray Irrigation Limited, Australia’s largest irrigation company.11Kaye Lee. “The Coalition Environment Committee,” The AIM Network, June 29, 2016. Archived November 26, 2018. URL: 12Libby Price. “Institute of Public Affairs Accepts Irrigation Funding,” VIC Country Hour, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Local Radio, April 6, 2004. Archived June 23, 2004. URL

According to Don Henry, the Executive Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation:13Cool reception for new green group,” The Age, June 8, 2005. Archived November 26, 2018. URL: 

“The IPA has variously claimed that the Murray River is fine and doesn’t need protection and that the Great Barrier Reef is not being polluted by fertilizer run-off – despite both federal and state governments saying to the contrary. I think in most cases the IPA presents an anti-environment perspective.”14Cool reception for new green group,” The Age, June 8, 2005. Archived November 26, 2018. URL: 

Marohasy was a founding director of the Australian Environment Foundation (AEF),15Cool reception for new green group,” The Age, June 8, 2005. Archived November 26, 2018. URL: first appointed in 2005 according to documents filed with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission.16Australian Securities and Investments Commission Database Extract, July 6, 2005. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog The filings also show that AEF worked directly out of the offices of the IPA. Peter Ridd is also listed as a founding director of AEF in the filings, while Marohasy served as a director until 2008.17Graham Readfearn. “Inside the AEF, the climate denial group hosting Tony Abbott as guest speaker,” The Guardian, June 14, 2018. Archived December 3, 2018. URL

In 2008, the AEF launched a subsidiary group entitled the Australian Climate Science Coalition (ACSC) with an advisory board comprised of some of the country’s most prominent climate change deniers.18What’s in a Name?Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2012. Archived December 10, 2018. URL

The IPA is an Australian think-tank that has received funding from petroleum, mining, logging, and tobacco concerns. In 2018, DeSmog confirmed mining magnate and climate change denier Gina Rinehart was a key backer of IPA, providing between a third and a half of the group’s entire income via her company Hancock Prospecting Proprietary Ltd (HPPL).19Graham Readfearn. “Billionaire Mining Magnate Gina Rinehart Revealed As Key Donor to Australian Climate Science Denial Promoter Institute of Public Affairs,” DeSmog, July 17, 2018.

In 2010, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that about a quarter of IPA‘s $2 million in annual funding came from corporations with a direct stake in the climate change debate. Donors have included major corporations such as Visyboard, Telstra, Western Mining and BHP Billiton as well as the tobacco industry.20The benefit of the doubt,” The Sydney Morning Herald, May 8, 2010. Archived August 11, 2014.

In July 2012, executive director John Roskam told the Brisbane Times: “[T]he reason we don’t reveal our donors is because unfortunately our donors – and people who were believed to be our donors – have been intimidated because of their supposed support for us.”21Graham Readfearn. “Bid to out the money behind the voice against climate change,” Brisbane Times, January 27, 2012. Archived September 1, 2015.

Research Funding

Marohasy left the Institute for Public Affairs in 2009 following a contract non-renewal and went on to work as an adjunct senior research fellow at Central Queensland University from 2011 and 2015. While working at the university, her work was funded by Bryant Macfie, an Australian philanthropist and former shareholder in Strike Resources Limited, an international mining corporation.22Jennifer Marohasy Leaves the IPA,”, July 6, 2009. Archived November 26, 2018. URL: 23Jennifer Marohasy,” LinkedIn. Accessed November 26, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 24Jennifer Marohasy,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

Returning to the IPA as a Senior Fellow in 2015, Marohasy’s work continued to be funded by Bryant Macfie. According to Marohasy:

In September 2015, I was appointed a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA). This followed the termination of my adjunct position at Central Queensland University (CQU) on 1st July 2015 because my work was ‘not well integrated into emerging research clusters’. […] My work at CQU was wholly funded by the B. Macfie Family Foundation, and this will continue to be the source of funding for my employment at the IPA.”25Jennifer Marohasy,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived November 12, 2018. URL 26About,” Archived October 17, 2018. URL:

The Australian reported that Marohasy’s funding at the university from Macfie had been channeled through the IPA. Clive McAlpine, a climate change expert at the university, expressed concerns about the funding: “It is important that the science is objective and that students are not subjected to restraints from donors,” Dr McAlpine said.27Dispute over climate sceptic uni grant,” The Australian, May 7, 2008. Archived August 31, 2015. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

April 26, 2018

In a blog post criticizing a well-known Australian journalist, Marohasy said:

“There have always been cycles of warming, followed by cooling.”28Jennifer Marohasy. “Wine and Climate Change in Australia – Journalist Michael Brissenden Just Makes Stuff-Up,”, April 26, 2018. Archived December 11, 2018. URL

July 26, 2005

Following the release of an Australian government report on climate change, Marohasy appeared for a July 26, 2005 interview on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, where she stated:29Report released on climate change,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, July 26, 2005. Archived March 24, 2017. URL

It’s ambiguous. It’s not clear that climate change is being driven by carbon dioxide levels. But let’s move beyond that argument and let’s start talking about how we can adapt to what will be a different climate in the future.” 30Report released on climate change,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, July 26, 2005. Archived March 24, 2017. URL

Key Quotes

February 20, 2018

In an opinion piece critical of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (which she labeled “the main source of news and information for Australia’s ruling elite”) and its tendency to adhere to consensus views on climate change, Marohasy wrote: 

“Global warming is actually not a hard issue to dissect, because fundamentally it relies on evidence of there being a general trend of temperature increase – and measuring temperatures is not rocket science. Of course, there is nowhere on Earth where the mean global temperature anomaly can be measured. So, steer-clear when this statistic is mentioned by an expert – you can probably dismiss it as something entirely contrived, like say the Virgin birth.”31Jennifer Marohasy. “Checking sources should be as simple as ABC,” On Line Opinion, February 20, 2018. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

August 22, 2017

Touting a paper authored by Marohasy and her husband, Dr. John Abbot, in the journal GeoResJ

“…we cannot confirm that recent warming is anything but natural – what might have occurred anyway, even if there was no industrial revolution.”32Jennifer Marohasy. “Big data finds the Medieval Warm Period – no denial here,” The Spectator, August 22, 2017. Archived November 12, 2018. URL 

July 14, 2017

Writing in the Spectator, Marohasy suggested Australian electricity prices were rising because of false assumptions about climate change modeling:

“Because the masses believe that global atmospheric temperatures are rising unnaturally – the Hazelwood coal-fired power station was decommissioned, and the price of electricity is surging across Australia. The evidence, however, for a rise in global temperatures is actually not that compelling – unless you believe the output from computer models. … So, I have always thought, once this obsession with catastrophic global warming eventually comes to an end (as surely it must), we will be able to start over, with the real data.”33Jennifer Marohasy. “Price of electricity is rising, not sure about temperatures,” The Spectator, July 13, 2017. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

November 1, 2016

In an article for the Institute of Public Affairs, Marohasy cited the opinion of a former astronaut (Harrison Schmitt) to question the motives of climate change realists:

“Harrison has gone as far as to state that ‘climate change’ is a tool for people who are trying to increase the size of government—though he does not deny that he was a part of the last mission to the moon on Apollo 17 in 1972.”34Jennifer Marohasy. “Your Dinner Party Survival Guide,” Institute of Public Affairs, November 1, 2016. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

July 26, 2005

Appearing on an Australian Broadcasting Corporation television program:

I actually think that it’s good if we can get beyond this debate of whether increase in carbon dioxide levels are driving more extreme climate events. I think that we need to move beyond that and accept and recognize that whether or not we can reduce carbon dioxide levels, there will be climate change.”35Report released on climate change,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, July 26, 2005. Archived March 24, 2017. URL

September 20, 2003

Speaking about Bjorn Lomborg’s visit to Australia, as a guest of the Institute of Public Affairs:

I think what we see as an inability by so many in Australia to actually work from the basis of the evidence, work from the basis of the facts, is actually a global issue and I think that Lomborg will hopefully, by putting some of these issues in a global context, make us aware of what is happening globally and where we sit in that. Bjorn Lomborg has a lot of opinions with respect to greenhouse and the signing of the Kyoto Protocol and they’re very relevant in the context of current deliberations in Australia.”36Alexandra de Blas. “Bjorn Lomborg’s Australian VisitEarthbeat, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, September 20, 2003. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

Key Deeds

October 30, 2023

Reporting on her blog (part 1,37Reconciling with Nature – God and Qantas (Part 1, Arriving London),”, October 30, 2023. Archived November 8, 2023. Archive URL: and part 238In Denial about the Science – Part 2, ARC in London,”, November 4, 2023. Archive URL:, Marohasy attended the inaugural three-day conference of the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) in London.

ARC was launched by Jordan Peterson in 2023,“39An Invitation to the Future,” YouTube video uploaded by user “Jordan B Peterson,” February 2, 2023. Archived .mp4 on file at DeSmog. and includes among its board Arthur Brooks, Niall Ferguson, Bjorn Lomborg and U.S. speaker of the House Mike Johnson.40ARC’s Advisory Board,” ARC, Archived May 4, 2023. Archive URL:

DeSmog reported climate change denial was “rife” at the conference, and outlined ARC’s ties to UAE-based investment firm Legatum Group and British hedge fund millionaire Paul Marshall, who together own the TV channel GB News.41Adam Barnett. “Climate Science Denial Rife at Launch of Jordan Peterson’s ARC Project,” DeSmog, November 3, 2023.

Marohasy included some criticism in her post on the conference, suggesting “while [Jordan] Peterson has an important message, which mostly begins and ends with the biblical stories, he seems unable to publicly acknowledge this his Christian faith and that Western civilisation’s greatest success is science following from regard for the rational without demeaning the important roles of religion and faith.”

“To be clear, and in the interests of getting to a core issue that the ARC conference was purportedly about, I am going to suggest that Jordon Peterson doesn’t actually understand, or have any empathy for, science beyond clinical psychology,” she added.

Marohasy also suggested, “There was no rational discussion and debate about the very issue, human-caused global warming, that is driving so much individual anxiety and causing a growing weakness in our national security across nations that have a Western tradition,” adding “There was no opportunity for any consideration of the underlying physics nor the empirical data that would enable some assessment of whether the core theory of catastrophic climate change is supported by the evidence, or not.”

She also suggested that panels should have included Richard Lindzen, who she reported was at the conference, but had not been included:

“There was hardly any mention of science at the conference, and instead of including the most imminent scientist who was at the conference, Richard Lindzen, on a most important panel session on the evening of the second day we had to suffer the ignorance of both Jordon Peterson and Alex Epstein when Dennis Prager asked an important question: Is Antarctica melting or not?”

She added she felt the need to correct inaccuracies in an Energy and Environment panel:

“I felt a need to interject from where I was sitting at a table toward the back of the room at this ‘ARC in the Evening – Sector Dinner’ advertised as ‘Energy and Environment: Fuelling the Future and Powering Progress’.

‘Incorrect,’ I called out.

After hearing for two days about the importance of the truth, I was not going to be silent.”

January 13, 2020

Marohasy posted to her blog a lengthy dismissal of climate change as a primary catalyst of the Australian bushfires:42Jennifer Marohasy. “After the Tragic Wildfires: History is Rewritten or Forgotten,”, January 13, 2020. Archived January 17, 2020. URL:

This has everything to do with our mismanagement of the landscape,” she wrote. “Blaming the recent fires on climate change is to rewrite our temperature history.”43Jennifer Marohasy. “After the Tragic Wildfires: History is Rewritten or Forgotten,”, January 13, 2020. Archived January 17, 2020. URL:

Marohasy dismissed the record of rising temperatures in Australia as an aberration of measuring methodologies:44Jennifer Marohasy. “After the Tragic Wildfires: History is Rewritten or Forgotten,”, January 13, 2020. Archived January 17, 2020. URL:

recent summers have been hotter, but such claims would not pass scrutiny if assessed […]. This is because of all the changes to the way temperatures are now measured.”45Jennifer Marohasy. “After the Tragic Wildfires: History is Rewritten or Forgotten,”, January 13, 2020. Archived January 17, 2020. URL:

Marohasy’s claims of temperature manipulation, which have been repeatedly cited in News Corp publications, have been debunked.46Graham Readfearn. “The Australian says it accepts climate science, so why does it give a platform to ‘outright falsehoods’?” The Guardian, January 14, 2020. URL:

She concluded with an assertion that those who cited climate change as a factor in the fires should face criminal investigation:47Jennifer Marohasy. “After the Tragic Wildfires: History is Rewritten or Forgotten,”, January 13, 2020. Archived January 17, 2020. URL:

Those who do fake science and attempt to pass it off as the truth, and those who remodel the historical temperature record to something completely different, need to be held to account. […] start referring them to the Australian federal police.”48Jennifer Marohasy. “After the Tragic Wildfires: History is Rewritten or Forgotten,”, January 13, 2020. Archived January 17, 2020. URL:

September 2019

The Australian reported Marohasy was among those named in a statement by academic website The Conversation, which said it would ban comments from climate change deniers. The list was drawn from research published in the journal Nature, tracking the academic publications of climate change deniers and expert scientists across research in digital and print media on climate change. Those on the list included Richard Lindzen, Jennifer Marohasy, Judith CurryRichard Tol, Bjorn Lomborg, Ian Plimer, and Maurice Newman.49Graham Lloyd. “No place in debate for climate contrarians,” The Australian, September 21, 2019. Archive URL: 50Petersen, A.M., Vincent, E.M. & Westerling, A.L. Discrepancy in scientific authority and media visibility of climate change scientists and contrarians. Nat Commun 10, 3502 (2019).

Alex Petersen, lead author of the study, said: “It’s time to stop giving these people (contrarians) visibility, which can be easily spun into false authority. … By tracking the digital traces of specific individuals in vast troves of publicly available media data, we developed methods to hold people and media outlets accountable for their roles in the climate change denialism movement, which has given rise to climate change misinformation at scale.”51Graham Lloyd. “No place in debate for climate contrarians,” The Australian, September 21, 2019. Archive URL:

Curry said the paper “does substantial harm to climate science … There are a spectrum of perspectives, especially at the knowledge frontiers. Trying to silence or delegitimise any of these voices is very bad for science.”52Graham Lloyd. “No place in debate for climate contrarians,” The Australian, September 21, 2019. Archive URL:

The Conversation‘s editor and executive director Misha Ketchell commented: “We moderate anything that is a deliberate misinformation and distortion of facts or attempts to misrepresent arguments or community members. We know climate sceptics are very good at derailing constructive conversations, so we’ll remove comments that attempt to hijack threads or to push an agenda or argument irrelevant to the discussion.”53Graham Lloyd. “No place in debate for climate contrarians,” The Australian, September 21, 2019. Archive URL:

November 5, 2018

Marohasy came to the defense of fellow skeptic Peter Ridd after his firing from Australia’s James Cook University. Prior to Professor Ridd’s dismissal after allegations of improper conduct, he frequently challenged scientific analysis of the effects of climate change and sugar cane processing on the Great Barrier Reef. According to Marohasy:

“What Dr. Ridd has to say may not be politically correct. He has shown that the true demise is less of the Great Barrier Reef and more an erosion of the scientific method within our once great scientific institutions.”54Jennifer Marohasy. “Peter Ridd Versus the Clowns of Reef Science,”, October 29, 2018.  Archived November 12, 2018. URL

December 2017

Marohasy co-authored a paper for the science journal GeoResJ with her husband, John Abbot, also with the Institute of Public Affairs, titled “The application of machine learning for evaluating anthropogenic versus natural climate change.”55John Abbot, Jennifer Marohasy. “The application of machine learning for evaluating anthropogenic versus natural climate change,” GeoResJ, December 2017. Archived November 12, 2018.

The paper claimed that climate change is largely the result of natural phenomena, which led other skeptics and conservative media outlets such as Breitbart and the Drudge Report to promote it. After review by climate scientists, however, the report was found to contain several obvious flaws and was recommended for redaction.56Graham Readfearn. “Why the IPA‘s claim global warming is natural is ‘junk science’,” The Guardian, August 25, 2017. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

Most notable was the selective use of only six data points out of nearly 700 to yield a predictive model that “proved” that temperature rise would have occurred much as it has even without any additional CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by industrial civilization.57Graham Readfearn. “Why the IPA‘s claim global warming is natural is ‘junk science’,” The Guardian, August 25, 2017. Archived November 12, 2018. URL 58Guest. “Marohasy’s Machine Learning Paper Gets Schooled,” DeSmog, August 27, 2017.

Dr. Gavin Schmidt, director of the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies, suggested that the paper’s conclusions are the result of “what happens when people have their conclusions fixed before they start the work.”59Graham Readfearn. “Why the IPA‘s claim global warming is natural is ‘junk science’,” The Guardian, August 25, 2017. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

August 2014

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) confirmed 2013 as the continent’s hottest year on record, prompting Marohasy to accuse the BOM of manipulating temperature data to fit the consensus view on anthropogenic climate change.60Oliver Milman. “Australia’s hottest year recorded in 2013,” The Guardian, January 2, 2014. Archived November 12, 2018. URL: 61Graham Readfearn. “The Australian Newspaper’s War On The Bureau of Meteorology,”, September 5, 2014. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

Mahorasy’s allegation was widely disseminated by other climate change science deniers and organizations, and was based on a critique of the homogenized data sets used by BOM to construct its temperature graphs (a method routinely used in peer-reviewed science journals).62Graham Readfearn. “The Australian Newspaper’s War On The Bureau of Meteorology,”, September 5, 2014. Archived November 12, 2018. URL 63Graham Readfearn. “Climate skeptics see a conspiracy in Australia’s record breaking heat,” August 27, 2014, The Guardian. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

The fundamental flaw in Marohasy’s reasoning, as explained by BOM in an official response, was her failure to recognize homogenization as a necessary means by which to account for intermittent fluctuations recorded by temperature sensors as a result of changes in location, surrounding vegetation, or exposure to sunlight.64Graham Readfearn. “The Australian Newspaper’s War On The Bureau of Meteorology,”, September 5, 2014. Archived November 12, 2018. URL 65Graham Readfearn. “Climate skeptics see a conspiracy in Australia’s record breaking heat,” August 27, 2014, The Guardian. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

The BOM also pointed out that the raw, non-homogenized data was available for anyone to study and that this yielded an almost identical graph as the homogenized data.66Graham Readfearn. “The Australian Newspaper’s War On The Bureau of Meteorology,”, September 5, 2014. Archived November 12, 2018. URL 67Graham Readfearn. “Climate skeptics see a conspiracy in Australia’s record breaking heat,” August 27, 2014, The Guardian. Archived November 12, 2018. URL 68Graham Readfearn. “How Australia’s ‘Fever Swamp’ of Climate Science Denial Is Pushing a Non-Scandal About Temperatures,” DeSmog, September 25, 2017.

February 29, 2012

The Australian Environment Foundation released a report authored by Marohasy disputing government claims of the history of the Murray River and criticizing its plans to regulate water flows as based on “junk science.”69What’s in a Name?Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2012. Archived December 10, 2018. URL

Marohasy’s report, “Plugging The Murray River’s Mouth: The Interrupted Evolution of a Barrier Estuary,” challenged the government’s policy of maintaining sea dykes at the river’s mouth to preserve the basin’s fresh water for environmental preservation.70What’s in a Name?Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2012. Archived December 10, 2018. URL 71Jennifer Marohasy. “Plugging The Murray River’s Mouth: The Interrupted Evolution of a Barrier Estuary,” Australian Environment Foundation, February 29, 2012. Archived December 10, 2018. URL Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 

The report recommended the removal of the dykes to replenish water flows into the river basin’s lower lakes instead of diverting fresh water from the upper river – water that would, in Marohasy’s view, be better served by being diverted for irrigation.72What’s in a Name?Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2012. Archived December 10, 2018. URL 

A report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Media Watch program pointed out the network of ties between the AEF, the Institute of Public Affairs, the Australian Climate Science Coalition, and the large agriculture and irrigation companies that rely on fresh water from the Murray River.73What’s in a Name?Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2012. Archived December 10, 2018. URL

The AEF report failed to disclose the fact that Peter Ridd, credited with peer reviewing Marohasy’s work, was a director of AEF at the time.74What’s in a Name?Australian Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2012. Archived December 10, 2018. URL

In a written response to ABC’s reporting, Marohasy said:75Jennifer Marohasy. Letter to Jonathan Holmes, Media Watch Host, Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Archived December 10, 2018. URL Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 

Media Watch claims to not question my right to speak out on the need to restore the Murray River’s estuary, but your very line of questioning suggests that I am misleading the Australian public on the important issue of water reform. Indeed, the implication is that I am but a stooge for vested interests.”76Jennifer Marohasy. Letter to Jonathan Holmes, Media Watch Host, Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Archived December 10, 2018. URL Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog. 

December 2003

Marohasy published a document titled “Myth and the Murray: Measuring the Real State of the River Environment” as a “Backgrounder” for the Institute of Public Affairs. The report challenged widely held beliefs about the true causes of environmental degradation along the river and suggested that management of its waters for industrial irrigation purposes was sufficient for maintaining the river’s health.77Jennifer Marohasy. “Myth and the Murray: Measuring the real state of the river environment” (PDF), Institute of Public Affairs, 2003. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmogBlog. 78Kaye Lee. “The Coalition Environment Committee,” The AIM Network, June 29, 2016. Archived November 26, 2018. URL:

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported in April of 2004 that around the same time as Marohasy’s report was published the IPA received a donation of $40,000 from Murray Irrigation Limited, Australia’s largest irrigation company.79Libby Price. “Institute of Public Affairs Accepts Irrigation Funding,” VIC Country Hour, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Local Radio, April 6, 2004. Archived June 23, 2004. URL


Social Media


According to her IPA profile, Marohasy has published in journals including Atmospheric Research, Advances in Atmospheric Research, Wetlands Ecology and Management, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Public Law Review and Environmental Law and Management. She has also written for papers including The Australian, The Courier Mail, The Herald Sun.88Jennifer Marohasy,” Institute of Public Affairs. Archived November 12, 2018. URL

Marohasy has also written a range of opinion and public policy articles, primarily for publications controlled by the Institute for Public Affairs:

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