Intermountain Rural Electric Association

Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA) – CORE Electric Cooperative


The Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA), rebranded in 2021 as CORE Electric Cooperative,1(Press Release). “Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA) Rebranding to CORE Electric Cooperative,” PR Newswire, August 30, 2021. Archived October 25, 2021. Archive URL: describes itself as the largest electric distribution cooperative in Colorado, serving 150,000 customers and a 5,000-square-mile service territories around Denver.2โ€œCompany Information,โ€ IREA. Archived July 19, 2017. URL: The IREA is a tax exemptย 501(c)(12) cooperative electric companyย under the IRS definition.3โ€œSection 12. Organizations Exempt Under IRC 501(c)(12),โ€ Archived July 20, 2017. URL:

As a customer-owned cooperative, IREA / CORE Electric Cooperativeย โ€œoperates on a nonprofit basis; earnings exceeding expenses are invested in the facilities used to provide electric service and are booked as member equity.โ€ The IREA is governed by a seven-member board of directors, which sets rates and regulations.4โ€œCompany Information,โ€ IREA. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:

IREA/CORE buys wholesale power under long-term agreements with Xcel Energy and the Western Area Power Administration, as well as energy from Victory Solar, a 12.83-megawatt solar array. IREA also owns a pulverized coal plant in Pueblo, operated by Xcel, whichย provides IREAย 25.3% ownership and output from the plant.5โ€œCompany Information,โ€ IREA. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:

Stance on Climate Change


IREA formerly maintained a section of their websiteย titled โ€œThe Global Warming Debateโ€œย where they promoted a range of studies, videos, and views promoted by climate change deniers like John Coleman,ย David Deming,ย Laurence I. Gould, James Inhofe, S. Fred Singer, and numerous others. The page starts with an introduction claiming that the EPA‘s endangerment finding โ€œwill disproportionately affect minorities, senior citizens and the poor.โ€6 โ€œThe Global Warming Debate,โ€ Intermountain Rural Electric Association. Archived October 7, 2010. URL:

Aย 2008 archive of the IREA homepage showsย they promoted the idea that Earth was entering a cooling cycle. Text below:7โ€œWelcome to the Association!โ€ Intermountain Rural Electric Association. Archived July 21, 2008. URL:

โ€œIs Earth Entering Another Cooling Cycle?ย 
With all the talk about global warming, itโ€™s surprising to hear about some of the coldest, harshest winter weather ever observed. Now the talk is shifting from ‘global warming’ย to ‘climate change’, with some people believing that even cold weather is caused by humans. ‘Weโ€™re not hearing nearly as much about catastrophic man-made global warming this month.’โ€

July 17, 2006

In 2006,ย Stan Lewandowski, General Manager of IREA, sent a letter to members describing a campaign to combat global warming โ€œalarmists.โ€ In the letter, he outlines how the campaign included a $100,000 donation to climate change denier Patrick Michaels. The letter suggests that climate change is a manufactured issue, and also that a period of global cooling could be on the way. The top portion of theย letter is reproduced below:8IREA Letterย (PDF), July 17, 2006. retrieved from The Public Interest Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Stanley R. Lewandowski, Jr.
General Manager

Most of the electrical power furnished by rural electric cooperatives is produced by coal-fired power plants. That will also be true for the foreseeable future. This then raises a concern about all of the publicity on global warming and costly measures being advocated to control CO2 emissions.

IREA currently purchases 94% of its power from Xcel Energy, of which a significant portion is coal-fired. In addition, we are a 190 MW partner with Xcel in their 750 MW Comanche 3 power plant, which is currently under construction. This plant will allow a considerable shift from gas-fired generation. We project that when Comanche 3 comes online sometime in 2009, we will be able to implement a rate decrease and then freeze rates for a 10 โ€“ 15 year period. A carbon tax or a mandatory market-based greenhouse gas regulatory system would erode most, if not all, of the benefits of coal-fired generation. The negative impacts of a carbon tax or a mandatory cap and trade program would affect almost all G & Tโ€™s and distribution cooperatives.

The CO2 global warming issue has three components as we see it: the science, information dissemination, and politics. Al Gore and others state that the scientific community has reached consensus and the debate is over. That is simply not true. Disputing this contention are climatologists, meteorologists and astrophysicists like Richard Lindzen, William Gray, Fred Singer, Roy Spencer, Patrick Michaels, Robert Balling, and Craig Idso and the 17,000 signatories to Dr. Arthur Robinsonโ€™s Petition Project who said of the Kyoto Accord; โ€œThere is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gases is causing, or will in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the earthโ€™s atmosphere and disruption of Earthโ€™s climate.โ€ In an article that was printed by the Canada Free Press on Monday, June 12, 2006, noted scientists from Canada, Australia, Finland, Sweden and the U.K. took issue with the conclusions reached in the film An Inconvenient Truth. Vladimir Shaidurov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and other atmospheric scientists, noted that the effects of atmosphere water vapor on global temperatures overwhelm the impact of carbon dioxide and other gases released by human activity.

We here at the IREA believe that it is necessary to support the scientific community that is willing to stand up against the alarmists and bring a balance to the discussion. Many scientists have an opinion, but only a minority have any involvement in climatology. We decided to support Dr. Patrick Michaels and his group (New Hope Environmental Services, Inc.).  Dr. Michaels has been supported by electric cooperatives in the past and also receives financial support from other sources. He has A.B. and S.M. degrees from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in ecological climatology from the university of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Michaels is the Virginia State Climatologist, Research Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, a Senior Fellow in environmental studies at the CATO Institute, and a Visiting Scientist with the Marshall Institute in Washington, DC. In February of this year, IREA alone contributed $100,000 to Dr. Michaels. In addition, we contacted all of the G & Tโ€™s in the United States and as of the writing of this letter, we have obtained additional contributions and pledges for Dr. Michaels group. We will be following up with the remaining G & Tโ€™s over the next several weeks.

The issue of information dissemination is why I am contacting you. I am enclosing a fact sheet that if you are inclined, you could print copies for your employees and ask them to mail these to friends, relatives and acquaintances. The information could also be used for informing your members, the local media, and local and state elected officials. We plan to contact unions, other social and business groups, as well as industrial corporations served by the investor-owned utilities. We cannot allow the discussion to be monopolized by the alarmists.

There are other groups that are interested in the issue of global warming and the concerns about its costs. Koch Industries is working with other large corporations, including AEP and the Southern Company, on possibly financing a film that would counteract An Inconvenient Truth. Koch has also decided to finance a coalition that very likely will be administered through the National Association of Manufacturers. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has been running two ads in ten states that were financed by General Motors and the Ford Motor Company. CEI has a director on climate change and other employees working on the issue. We have met with. Koch, CEI and Dr. Michaels, and they meet among themselves to periodically discuss their activities.

The last component is the political arena and that is where this issue will be finally resolved. Although our preference would be for the issue to simply go away, that is not going to happen. There are too m any special interest groups involved. Most investor-owned utilities are looking for certainty and will merely pass on the costs of a mandatory program. An army of scientists and researchers are determined to make man-made global warming a threat in order to continue obtaining their funding. Federal spending on climate research has increased from a few hundred million dollars prior to 1990 to $1.7 billion dollars today. Publicity on the issue might resurrect a political career. Legislation concerning major issues like global warming will generate tens of millions of dollars in political contributions. Millions will also be donated to environmental groups. Aaron Wildavsky, Professor of Political Science at Berkeley, stated that โ€œglobal warmingโ€ is the mother of all environmental scares. His view is worth quoting, โ€œWarming (and warming alone) through its primary antidote of withdrawing carbon from production and consumption is capable of realizing the environmentalistโ€™s dream of an egalitarian society based on rejection of economic growth in favor of a smaller population, eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equally.โ€

Although Senators McCain, Lieberman, Jeffords, Bingaman, and Domenici propose a carbon tax or a mandatory market based greenhouse gas regulatory system, there are others in opposition to these proposals. Rep. Barton has questioned data presented by some climatologists and Sen. James Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, has referred to the threat of a catastrophic climate change as โ€œthe greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.โ€

Since there are individuals and groups whose true motivation is to stop growth, develop renewable resources, discontinue the use of fossil fuels, especially coal, the issue will not go away. This is even true if it were positively determined that climate change resulted from normal cycles, and CO2 and human contribution was negligible.

It appears that there are โ€œother agendasโ€ driving this issue and that the cost of a negligible reduction in temperature would be tremendous. The Kyoto Accord is used for illustrative purposes because it can be used as a benchmark for costs. Some scientists who favor Kyoto also state that it does not go far enough. A paper titled, Global Warming – A Closer Look At The Numbers, by Monte Kiel states โ€œThe Kyoto Protocol calls for mandatory carbon reductions of 30% from developed countries like the U.S. Reducing man-made CO2 emissions this much would have an undetectable effect on climate while having a devastating effect on the U.S. economy. Can you drive your car 30% less? Reduce your water heating 30%? Pay 20 โ€“ 50% more for everything from automobiles to zippers? And that is just a down payment with more sacrifices to come later.โ€ Tom Wigley, a Senior Scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has calculated that compliance with Kyoto โ€œwould have 0.11 โ€“ 0.21ยฐ C (0.20 โ€“ 0.38ยฐF) effect on global average temperatures by 2100.โ€ For the record, Wigley favors Kyoto, but believes additional measures are required.

The lobbying effort in the political arena will be done by the professionals like NRECA.

We do not want to do anything that would harm our ability to be able to provide the best possible service at the lowest possible cost to our members.

Realizing that this issue is not going to go away, the next best solution in our opinion is for any carbon reduction to be voluntary and let technological advances solve the issue, if it even exists. The least desirable effect would be a carbon tax for mandatory cap and trade program.  If this occurs, the following criteria should be used (one that is supported by the Administration and some members of Congress).

1. China and India must be included.

2. All emitters of CO2 must be included in a program (not just power plants).

3. The U.S. economy must not be damaged

A Russian Scientist (Khabibullo Abdusamatov) predicts that a decrease in the sunโ€™s radiation beginning in 2012 will cause global temperatures to decline into the middle of the 21st century. We hope that this actually occurs prior to a tremendous impact on our economy.


Stanley R. Lewandowski, Jr.  

The letter also enclosed a โ€œfact sheetโ€ that lists the primary causes of global climate change as follows:

1. โ€œCyclical variation in the sun’s energy output.

2. Eccentricities in the earth’s orbit

3. The influence of plate tectonicsโ€


990 Forms


A 2009 article atย The Colorado Independentย notes that the IREA maintained a $500,000 annual bill for lobbyists. One co-op member,ย David Harlan of Divide, questioned the group’s allocation of funds:9David O. Williams. โ€œIREA election spending: โ€˜Outrageousโ€™ or โ€˜normal political fightโ€™?โ€ The Colorado Independent, April 15, 2009. Archived July 20, 2017. URL:

โ€œIREA spent $500,000 in 2007 to lobby against alternative energies; spent $100,000 in 2006 to purchase the skewed opinions of an industry-paid spokesperson skeptical of climate change warnings; and, spent less than $75,000 to defray energy costs for senior citizens and low income households,โ€ he said.10David O. Williams. โ€œIREA election spending: โ€˜Outrageousโ€™ or โ€˜normal political fightโ€™?โ€ The Colorado Independent, April 15, 2009. Archived July 20, 2017. URL:

Harlan also noted that the IREA had sent out a self-promoting mailing from incumbent Gene Sperry, who opposed renewables:11David O. Williams. โ€œIREA election spending: โ€˜Outrageousโ€™ or โ€˜normal political fightโ€™?โ€ The Colorado Independent, April 15, 2009. Archived July 20, 2017. URL:

โ€œIn February, an IREA– and self-promoting mailing from incumbent Gene Sperry was included with the electric bill,โ€ Harlan said. โ€œThe IREA board sends to customers similar โ€˜personalizedโ€™ mailings on a rotating basis. I found it curious that Gene Sperryโ€™s mailing predated by 30 days his campaign for re-election, and I found it outrageous that this mailing may have saved him about $20,000 in campaign fees.โ€

Political (527) Contributions

Lobbying details are not required to be included in the IREA‘s 990 tax filings, the following contributions are listed to political organizations:

Organization Name20082009201020112012201320142015Grand Total
Colorado Leadership Fund$2,500$2,500$7,000$7,500$5,500$10,000$5,000$5,000$45,000
Senate Majority Fund  $4,500$10,000$4,500$10,000$5,000$7,000$41,000
Care Membership Account LLC      $10,000$5,000$15,000
Colorado Business PAC $500  $4,600$250  $5,350
Common Sense Values      $2,500$2,500$5,000
Colorado CItIzens Alliance       $2,500$2,500
Coalition for Colorados Future    $1,500   $1,500
Mining for COs Future Pol Comm LLC   $1,050    $1,050
Priorities for Colorado    $1,000   $1,000
Colorado Assoc of Comm & Industry   $550    $550
Peak Leadership Committee     $500  $500
Liberty Leadership PAC     $500  $500
Conservative Leadership PAC     $500  $500
Colorado Republic Leadership Fund     $500  $500
Colorado Association for Commerce Industry     $250  $250
Grand Total$2,500$3,000$11,500$19,100$17,100$22,500$22,500$22,000$120,200

Key People

The following people have been listed on IERA‘s publicly available 990 forms, website, and annualย reports:

Bruff SheaYYYY YYYYYYYYYVice President, Director of District 5
Timothy L WhiteYYYY YYYYYYYYYPresident, Director of District 4
Michael Kempe   Y YYYYYYYYYDirector of District 1
Eugene SperryYYYY  YYYYYYYYSecretary-Treasurer, Director of District 3
James T Anest       YYYYYYYDirector of District 7
Robert W Graf       YYYYYYYDirector of District 6
James C DozierYYYY YYYY YYYYAssistant Secretary/Treasurer, Director of District 2
Patrick Mooney      YYYYYYY CEO
Dede P. Jones            Y CFO
Edwin Jenks Jr    YYYYYYYY  DIstr Ops Mgr
Konstantinos Lagos    YYYYYYYY  Facility Fleet and AcquIsItIon Mgr
Anne Thomas     YYYYYYY  Finance Manager
Gerald R Hacker        YYYY  HR Manager
Pamela L Feuerstein        YYYY  Asst General Manager Ops & Eng
Amanda Lesher          YY  Consumer Srv Mgr
Mark Jurgemeyer           Y  Engineering Mgr
Rob D Youngquist           Y  InfoTechnology Mgr
Walter Jones      YYYYY   Asst General Manager
Dana Mike Kopp         YY   Corp Affa Irs Mgr
Amanda Zimmerman      YYYY    Cons./Info Svcs Mgr
William Schroeder Jr    YYYYY      
George R HierYYYY YYYY     Director
John E Pope   YYYYY      Asst General Manager
Michael Rheinberger    YYYY      System Eng Mgr
Stanley R Lewandowski JrYYYYYYY       General Manager
Sidney HanksYYYY YY       Vice President
Jeanne M Oakes    YY        Former CFO
Richard M Soash    YY        Govt & Bus Liason
Richard Stith     Y        Mgr Member Rel
Thomas H Phillips SrYYYYY          
Richard A Strain   YY          


March 2011

Mike Kempe, a board member at IREA, โ€œarguably the only green-minded board member for a rural electric co-opโ€ย was facing โ€œa bitter re-election bid โ€“ one in which he says the co-opโ€™s old guard is fighting hard to unseat him and forever end any meaningful reform at the stateโ€™s largest rural electric co-opโ€ after he helped to redirect more than $260,000 in spending to conservative think tanks and conributions to climate change skeptics, The Colorado Independent reported.12David O. Williams. โ€œStateโ€™s largest electric co-op sees heated election debate on climate change, renewables,โ€ The Colorado Independent, March 23, 2011. Archived July 20, 2017. URL:ย

June 1, 2010

IREA board members voted to oppose the โ€œAmerican Power Actโ€ at the June meeting of the Board of Directors,ย claiming that climate science was not settled:13โ€œBoard Resolution,โ€ย (PDF), IREA, June 1, 2010. Archived .pdf on file atย DeSmog.

โ€œThe science of climate change is far from resolved, with prominent scientists disagreeing on the extent to which CO2 increases influence climate and especially whether mankind has any meaningful impactย [โ€ฆ]

Decreasing CO2 permits and increasing permit costs would cost trillions of dollars in added energy costs, plus trillions of dollars in added costs for food and other products because of increased energy costs used in producing food products and manufacturing all other products;ย and

Whereas, It is estimated that the legislation would reduce temperatures only 1/15th of a degree Fahrenheit in 2050 and 1/5th of a degree Fahrenheit in 2100โ€ the board resolution read.

March 2010

The IREA board, excepting Mike Kemp, voted for a resolution on HB 10-1098 which would regulate Rural Electric Associations director elections. The board resolution claimed that the reason for the bill was that โ€œadvocates of high cost solar and wind power and of raising electric rates to force conservation have been unsuccessful in getting their allies elected to the boards of rural electric cooperatives.โ€14โ€œBOARD RESOLUTIONโ€ (PDF), IREA. Document created by Richard W Stith, March 4, 2010. Archived .pdf on file atย DeSmog.

February 13, 2007

Bill Shroeder, representing Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA), testified in opposition to billย HB07-1281 before the House Committee on Transportation & Energy. The bill would implement a new renewable energy standard in Colorado, increasing the standard toย 20% by the year 2020.15โ€œFinal BILL SUMMARY for HB07-1281,โ€ HOUSE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION & ENERGY, February 13, 2007. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:

Environment Colorado reported that the bill would also be the first to set a renewable energy standard for all rural electric cooperatives, which would be required to getย 10% of their electricity from renewables by 2020.16(Press Release). โ€œ’New Energy Economy’ย one step from Governor’s desk,โ€ Environment Colorado, March 15, 2007. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:

Shroeder said that IREA customers favored the opt out provision of Amendment 37 and HB 07-1281 will not allow his customers that option. ย He said IREA should be included in a grandfather clause to keep the opt-out provision in place.17โ€œFinal BILL SUMMARY for HB07-1281,โ€ HOUSE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION & ENERGY, February 13, 2007. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:

July 17, 2006

In 2006,ย Stan Lewandowski, General Manager of IREA, sent a letter to members describing a campaign to combat global warming โ€œalarmists.โ€ One recipient of IREA funds would beย climate change denier Patrick Michaels. Desmog reported on the โ€œVampire Memoโ€โ€”dubbed such because it ressurects an earlier campaign abandoned in the mid 1990s.18Ross Gelbspan. โ€œ’Vampire Memo’ย Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,โ€ DeSmog, July 27,ย 2006.

Lewandowski notes that, in February of 2006, โ€œIREA alone contributed $100,000 to Dr. Michaels.โ€ He added,ย โ€œwe contacted all of the G & T’s in the United States and as of the writing of this letter, we have obtained additional contributions and pledges for Dr. Michaels [ibid] group.โ€19IREA Letterย (PDF), July 17, 2006. retrieved from The Public Interest Network. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

According to Associated Press, viaย The New York Times,ย another company planned to give $50,000 more to Michaels while a third would contribute in the following year.20The Associated Press. โ€œUtilities Pay Scientist Ally on Warming,โ€ The New York Times, July 28, 2006. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:

โ€œThis is a classic case of industry buying science to back up its anti-environmental agenda,โ€ said Frank Oโ€™Donnell, president of the Washington advocacy group Clean Air Watch.

Lewandowski encouraged recipients to spread the information to the local media, local and state officials, to supplement the IREA‘s efforts. โ€œWe plan to contact unions, other social and business groups, as well as industry corporations served by the investor-owned utilities. We cannot allow the discussion to be monopolized by the alarmists,โ€ he said.

Lewandowski highlights a coordinated campaign by Koch Industries, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Southern Company, the National Association of Manufacturers, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Michaels, and other key groups to push back against โ€œalarmismโ€ on climate change:21Ross Gelbspan. โ€œ’Vampire Memo’ย Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,โ€ DeSmog, July 27,ย 2006.

โ€œThere are other groups that are interested in the issue of global warming and the concerns about its costs. Koch Industries is working with other large corporations, including AEP and the Southern Company, on possibly financing a film that would counteractย An Inconvenient Truth. Koch has also decided to finance a coalition that very likely will be administered through the National Association of Manufacturers. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has been running two ads in ten states that were financed by General Motors and the Ford Motor Company. CEI has a director on climate change and other employees working on the issue. We have met with Koch, CEI and Dr. Michaels, and they meet among themselves periodically to discuss their activities.โ€22Ross Gelbspan. โ€œ’Vampire Memo’ย Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,โ€ DeSmog, July 27,ย 2006.

Lewandowski portrays global warming as a manufactured threat as โ€œAn army of scientists and researchers are determined to make man-made global warming a threat in order to continue obtaining theirย fundingโ€ and suggests there are special interest โ€œwhose true motivation is to stop growth.โ€23Ross Gelbspan. โ€œ’Vampire Memo’ย Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,โ€ DeSmog, July 27,ย 2006.

In justification for spending member funds, Lewandowski writes:24Ross Gelbspan. โ€œ’Vampire Memo’ย Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,โ€ DeSmog, July 27,ย 2006.

โ€œWe do not want to do anything that would harm our ability to be able to provide the best possible service at the lowest possible cost to ourย members.

Realizing that this issue is not going to go away, our next best solution in our opinion is for any carbon reduction to be voluntary and let technological advances solve the issue, if it even exists. The least desirable would be a carbon tax or mandatory cap and trade program.โ€25Ross Gelbspan. โ€œ’Vampire Memo’ย Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,โ€ DeSmog, July 27,ย 2006.

Jake Meffley, an Energy Advocate for Environment Colorado, pointed out that many of the so-called โ€œscientistsโ€ mentioned in the IREA letter may not be qualified to comment on the issue:26(Press Release). โ€œIntermountain Rural Electric Association Gives $100,000 to Global Warming Skeptic,โ€ Environment Colorado, August 4, 2006. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:ย

โ€œThe real issue here is not global warming, its cause, and our collective responsibility for the generation of greenhouse gases. That is a debate (if there is one) best left for qualified climate scientists. The issue deserving our attention is IREAโ€™s contribution of a huge sum of money last February to such a questionable source with virtually no input from its members,โ€ย Meffley concluded, as quoted by a Environment Colorado press release.27(Press Release). โ€œIntermountain Rural Electric Association Gives $100,000 to Global Warming Skeptic,โ€ Environment Colorado, August 4, 2006. Archived July 19, 2017. URL:ย

The so-called scientists mentioned by Lewandowski are outlined in this paragraph (links to DeSmog research on each individual added):

โ€œDisputing alarmists are expert climatologists, meteorologists and astrophysicists like Richard Lindzen, William Gray, Fred Singer, Roy Spencer, Patrick Michaels, Robert Balling, and Craig Idso and the 17,000 signatories to Dr. Arthur Robinson‘s Petition Project who said of the Kyoto Accord ‘There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gases is causing, or will in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the earth’s climate.โ€28Ross Gelbspan. โ€œ’Vampire Memo’ย Reveals Coal Industry Plan for Massive Propaganda Blitz,โ€ DeSmog, July 27,ย 2006.

The โ€œPetition Projectโ€ listed above is the debunked Oregon Petition, which was disguised to look like official National Academy of Science documents and included many fake names intentionally placed to prove theย invalid methodology with which the names of scientists were collected.29Kevin Grandia. โ€œThe 30,000 Global Warming Petition Is Easily-Debunked Propaganda,โ€The Huffington Post, August 22, 2009. Archive.isย URL:ย 30H. Josef Hebert. โ€œJokers Add Fake Names To Warming Petition,โ€ย The Seattle Times, May 1, 1998.ย Archived October 24, 2016. Archive.isย URL:ย

The letter also enclosed a โ€œfact sheetโ€ that lists the primary causes of global climate change as follows (the greenhouse effect is listed as a โ€œsecondaryโ€ cause):

  1. โ€œCyclical variation in the sun’s energy output.โ€
  2. Eccentricities in the earth’s orbit
  3. The influence of plate tectonicsโ€

Contact & Address

As of May 28, 2016 the main contact information was:31โ€œContact Us,โ€ Intermountain Rural Electric Association. Archived May 28,ย 2016.

5496 North US HWY 85    
P.O. Drawer A   
Sedalia, CO 80135  USA
Phone: 303-688-3100    
Toll-free: 1-800-332-9540    
Engineering Fax: 720-733-5862    
Consumer Services Fax: 720-733-5872

Social Media

Other Resources


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