
George E. Smith

George E. Smith


George E. Smith earned a Bachelor of Science degree, with a dual major in physics and mathematics, from the Uiversity of Auckland in 1957.  In 1964, Smith began working for Monsanto Chemical where he helped to design digital instruments.  George E. Smith has spent the majority of his career specializing in the field of optical design, describing himself as a “pioneer in the opto-electrical field and developer of the LED and IR optical computer mouse.” 

George E. Smith and Climate Change

George E. Smith classifies himself as a scientist with a legitimate voice in the study of climate change. However, according to Google Scholar Smith has not written any peer-reviewed articles in the area of climate change. In fact, Smith has not written any peer-reviewed articles on any subject. Smith’s biggest claim regarding global warming is that as long as there are oceans, human beings cannot effect the temperature of the planet even if they want to.

In 2008, Smith posted a comment on the New York Times blog which stated that he does not “receive a dime from either side of this issue; and both sides collectively don’t have enough money to buy [his] opinion.”  However, since then ThinkProgress has identified George E. Smith as a member of Marc Morano’s climate denier team.