
Frontiers of Freedom

Frontiers of Freedom (FoF)


Frontiers of Freedom (FoF) is a 501(C)4 nonprofit organization founded in 1995 by U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallup. It describes itself as an educational foundation with the mission “to promote the principles of individual freedom, peace through strength, limited government, free enterprise, free markets, and traditional American values as found in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.”1Mission,” Frontiers of Freedom. Archived October 17, 2015. WebCite URL:

Frontiers of Freedom, Inc. does business as “Frontiers of Freedom,” a 501(C)4 nonprofit which is tax-exempt but can’t accept tax-deductible donations, and also maintains a separate “educational organization” called the Frontiers of Freedom Institute that operates under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. 2About Us,” Frontiers of Freedom. Archived February 5, 2003.  In their original mission statement, the Frontiers of Freedom described themselves as “the antithesis to the Sierra Club and Vice President Al Gore’s Earth in the Balance.”3Frontiers of Freedom Mission Statement,” Frontiers of Freedom. Archived August 16, 2000. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

In 2002, Frontiers of Freedom released “Ten Tenets” as their mission statement. Their ninth tenet reads as follows (emphasis added) “To remove sound science from public policy is legislative and regulatory malpractice. To employ junk science in public policy is unethical and irresponsible.” Notably, the term “Junk Science” was often used by by Steve “The Junkman” Milloy.4(Press Release). “Frontiers of Freedom Releases ‘Ten (Belief) Tenets,’” Frontiers of Freedom, September 20, 2002. Republished by Free Republic. Archived October 17, 2015. WebCite URL:

Frontiers of Freedom (FoF) maintains a number of “Centers” on their website  including the Center for Constitutional and Political Studies, Center for Economic Liberty and Property Rights, Center for National Security, Center for Science and Public Policy, and Reagan Legacy.5Centers,” Frontiers of Freedom. Archived October 17, 2015. WebCite URL:

Stance on Climate Change

October 2015

“Many scientists are predicting the onset of two or three centuries of cooler weather — which would mean bigger glaciers. That’s despite the world’s growing use of fossil fuels. No matter what humans do, temperature trends go up, and then down; glaciers expand and then recede; sea levels rise and then fall, explains Will Happer, professor emeritus of physics at Princeton.”6Wake up, Obama, climate change has been happening forever,” Frontiers of Freedom, October 10, 2015. Archived October 18, 2015. WebCite URL:


Frontiers of Freedom used to maintain a list of “Global Warming Papers” including many written by prominent climate change skeptics including:7Global Warming – Papers,” Frontiers of Freedom Centre for Science and Public Policy. Archived July 12, 2010.

October 2007

“The Earth’s climate has changed many times with many cooling phases and many warming phases. The Earth’s current modest warming trend (less than 1 degree C over 100 years), is well within historical norms.”8George Landrith. “Climate Change: Fabricating the Numbers,” Frontiers of Freedom, October 3, 2007.

February 2004

“Climate has always varied, often with large swings. […] These dramatic climatic ebbs and flows are naturally occurring events. A more appropriate response to potential climate change is the production and employment of resources toward meaningful adaptation strategies.”9“Congressional Staff Seminar” (PDF)Science Hill Watch, February 2, 2004. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.


In 2001, the Wall Street Journal reported that the largest donors to Frontiers for Freedom were Philip Morris, Exxon Mobil, and R.J. Reynolds.10Anne Marie Chaker. “Conservatives Seek IRS Inquiry On Environmental Group’s Status,” The Wall Street Journal, June 21, 2001 (subscription required).

Frontiers of Freedom Institute is the 501(c)(3) arm of FoF. The other arm, Frontiers of Freedom, Inc., is a 501(c)4 organization and so is not required to publicly list their donors. According to the IRS, 501(c)4 organizations are also permitted to attempt to influence legislation, and participate in political campaigns or elections.11“Rev. Rul. 68-656, 1968-2 C.B. 216,” (PDF), Internal Revenue Service.  (02-09-1999) Exemption Under IRC 501(c)(4) v. Exemption Under IRC 501(c)(3),” Accessed October 17, 2015.

The following is compiled from data the Conservative Transparency Project collected from publicly available 990 tax forms for Frontiers of Freedom, Inc.13Search String: Frontiers of Freedom,” Conservative Transparency. Search performed May 12, 2016.

View the attached spreadsheet for additional information on Frontiers of Freedom Funding by year (.xlsx).

DonorFrontiers of FreedomFrontiers of Freedom InstituteGrand Total
Exxon Mobil $1,127,000$1,127,000
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation $175,000$175,000
John M. Olin Foundation $125,000$125,000
DonorsTrust $107,500$107,500
Earhart Foundation $100,000$100,000
Sarah Scaife Foundation $100,000$100,000
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation $100,000$100,000
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation $160,000$160,000
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation $48,450$48,450
The Carthage Foundation $35,000$35,000
William H. Donner Foundation $35,000$35,000
The Roe Foundation $7,500$7,500
True Foundation $7,200$7,200
Aequus Institute $4,500$4,500
Windway Foundation $4,000$4,000
Armstrong Foundation$4,500 $4,500
The Randolph Foundation$25,000 $25,000
Americans for Tax Reform Foundation$15,000 $15,000
Institute for Liberty$17,500 $17,500
Institute for Energy Research $200,000$200,000
Grand Total$62,000$2,336,150$2,398,150

ExxonMobil Funding

According to ExxonSecrets, FoF has received a total of $1,272,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.14ExxonSecrets Factsheet: Frontiers of Freedom, FoF. Accessed March 31, 2019.

Koch Funding

Greenpeace reports that FoF received a total of $335,000 from Koch Foundations between 2004 and 2015:15Frontiers of Freedom: Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group,” Greenpeace USA. Archived March 14, 2017. URL:

YearCharles Koch FoundationClaude R. Lambe Charitable FoundationGrand Total
2004 $25,000$25,000
2005 $50,000$50,000
2006 $50,000$50,000
2007 $50,000$50,000
2014    $75,000 $75,000
2015$85,000 $85,000
Grand Total$160,000$175,000$335,000

990 Forms

Key People

View key people by year below, or view the attached spreadsheet for a full list of Frontiers of Freedom’s key People (.xlsx) including sources.

George C. Landrith

George C. Landrith, President and CEO of Frontiers of Freedom, previously served as the Vice President and General Counsel to the National Legal Center for the Public Interest (now associated with the American Enterprise Institute.)

Pau Georgia

Paul Georgia was a past Analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and past Chief Economist for the National Mining Association.

Peter Roff

Peter Roff was the political director of Newt Gingrich’s GOPAC.

Other People


April 6, 2020

FoF, represented by George Landrith, was signatory to an American Energy Alliance letter to President Donald Trump supporting the Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule which would scrap federal fuel economy mandates under the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) program.21CAFE-Coaliton-to-Trump-April-2020-9 (PDF)American Energy Alliance.

Describing CAFE, the letter contends: “Those families and individuals who prefer or need trucks, SUVs, and crossovers pay more to subsidize those who buy smaller vehicles or electric vehicles under the existing mandate. This significant, needless, and unjust cost is a very real regressive tax on American families that has made our country worse off.”22CAFE-Coaliton-to-Trump-April-2020-9 (PDF)American Energy Alliance.

May 9, 2019

Frontiers of Freedom, represented by George Landrith, signed on to an open letter organized by the American Energy Alliance designed to fight against an electric vehicle tax credit.23Dear Senator Grassley, Senator Wyden, Representative Neal and Representative Brady:” May 9, 2019. Retrieved from The Daily Caller.

The American Energy Alliance has organized a coalition to proclaim in one unified voice that there should be no expansion of the misguided electric vehicle tax credit,” Thomas Pyle wrote in a statement, quoted at The Daily Caller. There is no question that the electric vehicle tax credit distorts the auto market to no gain.”24Christ White. “CONSERVATIVES WARN LAWMAKERS: TESLA’S TAX CREDITS ‘OVERWHELMINGLY BENEFIT THE RICH’,”The Daily Caller, May 9, 2019. Archived May 9, 2019. URL:

According to Pyle and others who signed the letter, electric vehicle tax credits “overwhelmingly benefit the rich.” DeSmog’s Koch vs. Clean project has systematically debunked this, among other well-rehearsed talking points and misinformation put forward by industry about electric vehicles.25Christ White. “CONSERVATIVES WARN LAWMAKERS: TESLA’S TAX CREDITS ‘OVERWHELMINGLY BENEFIT THE RICH’,”The Daily Caller, May 9, 2019. Archived May 9, 2019. URL:

The letter cites research by the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a group that has received over $600,000 from ExxonMobil and millions from “dark money” groups DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund

July 18, 2018

Frontiers of Freedom, represented by George Landrith, was among signatories of a letter supporting an anti-carbon tax resolution from House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.2641 Conservative Groups Support Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution,” Americans for Tax Reform, July 18, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

“We oppose any carbon tax. We oppose a carbon tax because it would lead to less income and fewer jobs for American families,” the letter read. “We support the House Concurrent Resolution in opposition to a job-killing carbon tax and urge members to co-sponsor and support this effort.”2741 Conservative Groups Support Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution,” Americans for Tax Reform, July 18, 2018. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The resolution would call a carbon tax “detrimental to the United States economy.”E&E News reported it was similar to a measure that passed the House in 2016. Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, co-chairman of the Climate Solutions Caucus, said he would not vote for the resolution.28Nick Sobczyk. “House voting on anti-carbon-tax measure: ‘Pass the popcorn’,” E&E News, July 16, 2018. Archived Aug 2, 2018. URL:

“Protecting our environment and economic growth are not mutually exclusive,” he said in a statement. “The resolution presents a false choice.”29Nick Sobczyk. “House voting on anti-carbon-tax measure: ‘Pass the popcorn’,” E&E News, July 16, 2018. Archived Aug 2, 2018. URL:

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the measure when it was first introduced.30Teaching opportunities from House Concurrent Resolution 119 (H.Con.Res.119)” (PDF), Citizens’ Climate Lobby, April 30, 2018.

January 12, 2017

George C. Landrith, President and CEO of Frontiers of Freedom,  was a signatory to a January 12, 2017 official letter of support (PDF) for Scott Pruitt, in which numerous groups, including The Heartland InstituteAmerican Energy Alliance (AEA), and others, declared that the Senate should “swiftly approve his nomination” for Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

 Other signatories of the letter included:31“Dear Senators,” (PDF)Competitive Enterprise Institute, January 12, 2017. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

June 13, 2016

Frontiers of Freedom (FoF) was listed as a creditor in Peabody Energy’s 2016 bankruptcy filings, reports the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD/PRWatch).32Nick Surgey. “Peabody Coal Bankruptcy Reveals Climate Denial Network Funding,” PRWatch, June 13, 2016. Archived June 20, 2016. WebCite URL:

While the available bankruptcy documents do not list the scale or dates of funding, they outline Peabody Energy’s financial ties to a large network of groups promoting climate change denial.33In re: Peabody Energy Corporation, et al. Debtors,” United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Missouri Eastern Division,  Case 16-42529, May 27, 2016. Retrieved from DocumentCloud.

Prominent individuals appearing in the documents include climate deniers Willie SoonRichard LindzenRoy Spencer and Richard Berman. The long list of organizations also includes groups such as Americans for ProsperityAmerican Legislative Exchange CouncilCFACTInstitute for Energy ResearchState Policy Network, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and dozens more.34Farron Cousins. “Court Documents Show Coal Giant Peabody Energy Funded Dozens Of Climate Denial Groups,” DeSmog, June 13, 2016.

The Guardian also analysed and reported on the Peabody bankruptcy findings:35Suzanne Goldenberg and Helena Bengtsson. “Biggest US coal company funded dozens of groups questioning climate change,” The Guardian, June 13, 2016. Archived June 20, 2016. WebCite URL:

These groups collectively are the heart and soul of climate denial,” said Kert Davies, founder of the Climate Investigation Center, who has spent 20 years tracking funding for climate denial. “It’s the broadest list I have seen of one company funding so many nodes in the denial machine.”

The company’s filings reveal funding for a range of organisations which have fought Barack Obama’s plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions, and denied the very existence of climate change. […]

Among Peabody’s beneficiaries, the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change has insisted – wrongly – that carbon emissions are not a threat but “the elixir of life” while the American Legislative Exchange Council is trying to overturn Environmental Protection Agency rules cutting emissions from power plants. Meanwhile, Americans for Prosperity campaigns against carbon pricing. The Oklahoma chapter was on the list. […]

The breadth of the groups with financial ties to Peabody is extraordinary. Thinktanks, litigation groups, climate scientists, political organisations, dozens of organisations blocking action on climate all receiving funding from the coal industry,” said Nick Surgey, director of research for the Center for Media and Democracy.

We expected to see some denial money, but it looks like Peabody is the treasury for a very substantial part of the climate denial movement.”

Notable organizations listed in the initial documents include:

Notable individuals named in the initial documents include the following:

December 13, 2015

Writing as a guest blogger on Watts Up With That, CFACT‘s executive director Craig Rucker denounced the latest UN climate change agreement:36In re: Peabody Energy Corporation, et al. Debtors,” United States Bankruptcy Court Eastern District of Missouri Eastern Division,  Case 16-42529, May 27, 2016. Retrieved from DocumentCloud.

“This agreement will not meaningfully alter the temperature of the Earth, even under the U.N.’s own computer models.

“The bad news is that it plants the seeds of a new UN climate regime that left unchecked will swell into a bureaucratic behemoth.”

April 7, 2016

Frontiers of Freedom President George Landrith issued the following statement on proposed renewable energy tax benefits:37Group of Senators Let America Down,” Frontiers of Freedom, April 7, 2016. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

“Millions of Americans are deeply disappointed that Senators John Thune (R-S.D.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) worked to insert sweetheart tax benefits for special interests in the so-called renewable energy industry. Simply stated, hard working Americans who are struggling to make ends meet may now end up paying hundreds of millions of dollars to well-healed ‘green energy’ companies — like wind and geothermal energy — who can afford the best lobbyists money can buy.

Not only do ratepayers pay more on the electrical bill for these forms of ‘green energy,’ they also pay for the corporate welfare these special interests receive. This is doubly insulting. This is reminiscent of the Solyndra scandal — taxpayers paying hundreds of millions for a failed business model.

Just two days ago, Frontiers of Freedom was part of a large coalition of organizations representing millions of Americans expressing our strong opposition to extending expiring renewable energy tax benefits when reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration. In that letter, we stated, ‘Government subsidies, loans, mandates, and tax policies regarding renewables have consistently failed to deliver on their promises of long-term job creation and economic viability. Americans deserve access to energy solutions that are affordable and reliable — ones that should be able to stand on their own in the marketplace.’

Americans have once again been let down by some of their elected representatives in the U.S. Senate. Given the frustration and anger that is plainly visible in the electorate, it is shocking that business continues as usual inside the Beltway. Out of touch politicians often decry the frustrated and angry tone of the public. But if they are concerned about the tone of the electorate, politicians must start listening to regular Americans and abandon cozy corporate welfare deals that have become all too much the norm in Washington. The budget process must return to ‘regular order’ where the public can see what is being done with their money and where secret backroom deals are prohibited.”

July 27, 2015

Frontiers of Freedom was a signatory to a letter to House members urging them to support a bill that would kill the wind production tax credit (PTC).38“Coalition to Congress: Support PTC Elimination Act” (PDF),, July 27, 2015. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

The letter claimed the proposed legislation “protects Americans from the large costs of an out-of-control subsidy.” Since the PTC was created, the letter asserted that, “taxpayers have sent billions of dollars to large multinational corporations in the wind industry.”

The bill referenced in the letter, “The PTC Elimination Act,” was sponsored by Mike Pompeo of Wichita, Kansas—the top recipient of Koch funding in Congress. As of November 17, the bill had 53 co-sponsors, forty-six of which had received contributions from Koch Industries over the last five years, reports Elliot Negin of the Union of Concerned Scientists.39Elliott Negin. “How the Koch Brothers’ ‘Bankers’ Snuck an Anti-Wind Op-Ed Past the New York Times,” Alternet, January 7, 2016. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

Signatories included:

March 25, 2015

Frontiers of Freedom was one of a group of organizations to submit a group letter to chairman Michael Boots regarding the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review.  According to the letter, the NEPA review is “an inappropriate framework for making climate policy.”40Consideration of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change effects in NEPA Reviews,” Frontiers of Freedom, March 29, 2015. Archived October 18, 2015. 

Other organizations behind the letter include many which have received significant funding from the fossil fuel industry and right-wing foundations:

October 2013

Frontiers of Freedom was behind a coalition letter urging Congress to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard. The letter was also signed by the Heartland Institute.41Taylor Smith. “Frontiers of Freedom Backs Coalition Supporting Swift Repeal of the Renewable Fuel Standard,” Somewhat Reasonabile (Heartland Institute Blog), October 1, 2013. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

“We, collectively and individually, believe the only reform to this failed government mandate should be to repeal the RFS. Repealing this mandate would bring certainty to the fuel markets and eliminate the harmful impacts this government program has had on businesses and consumers,” the FoF letter reads. “[…] With the recent scandals at EPA showing its lack of transparency and its willingness to break the law to further its agenda, expanding the RFS would only give the EPA another avenue to exercise power over the lives of Americans and further harm the economy.”42Coalition Letter Opposing the Renewable Fuel Standard,” Frontiers of Freedom, September 27, 2014. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

May 21–23, 2012

Frontiers of Freedom is listed as an official co-sponsor (PDF) of the Heartland Institute’s Seventh International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC7) in Chicago, IL.43“Seventh International Conference on Climate Change: Sponsored by the Heartland Institute” (PDF), the Heartland Institute. Archived August 15, 2015.

DeSmog investigated sponsors behind the conference and found they had collectively received over $67 million from ExxonMobil, Koch, and Scaife family foundations.44A Closer Look at Heartland’s ICCC7 Denial-a-Palooza Speakers and Sponsors,” DeSmog, May 23, 2012. 

March 2009

Frontiers of Freedom is listed as a sponsor of the Heartland Institute’s Second International Conference on Climate Change.45Co-Sponsors,” Third International Conference on Climate Change. Archived July 14, 2010.

DeSmog found that conference sponsors had collectively received over $47 million from energy companies and right-wing foundations, with over 78% coming from Scaife Family Foundations.46“Heartland Institute’s 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors,” DeSmog.

April 12, 2007

George Landrith, president of the Frontiers of Freedom Institute (FFI), said the idea behind the Durbin-Hagel proposal which would have the CIA and Pentagon assess the national security implications of climate change is “a big waste of time and effort” at a period when numerous security issues need to be addressed.47Durbin, Hagel say global warming a national security threat,” OneNewsNow, April 12, 2007. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

“We’ve seen in the last several years, leading up to 9/11, lots of intelligence and security failures,” Landrith notes. “And it seems to me that diverting [the agencies’] attention with things that matter, like protecting Americans from people who want to kill them, would be a much higher priority than worrying about whether temperature change is going to change by one degree over the next hundred years. […] I just don’t see how that military’s problem.”48Durbin, Hagel say global warming a national security threat,” OneNewsNow, April 12, 2007. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

According to Landrith, former Vice President Al Gore and “the global-warming alarmists at the U.N.,” have convinced people that global warming is real, that the science behind it is certain, and that there is no serious debate about its reality. “And of course, that’s not true,” says Landrith. “I talk to scientists everyday who question it and scratch their head [about what global-warming advocates are saying].” And to the extent that there is a consensus about global warming, he adds, “it seems that there’s a political consensus – which is [when] politicians have licked their finger, stuck it in the air, and they have a sense that the breeze is blowing in a certain direction. […]”49Durbin, Hagel say global warming a national security threat,” OneNewsNow, April 12, 2007. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:


ExxonMobil received two grants from ExxonMobil in 2003: one $95,000 grant for “Global Climate Change Outreach,” and another $50,000 grant for “Global Climate Change Activities,” Greenpeace reports.50Cindy Baxter. “Exxon Knew Climate Change Was Coming, but What Matters Is What Exxon Did,” Greenpeace USA, November 12, 2015. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

Exxon gave more than $200,000 to the Frontiers of Freedom Institute in 2004, reports the Portland Press Herald.51Amy Lieberman and Susanne Rust. “While denying climate change in Washington, Big Oil braced for a hotter planet,” Portland Press Herald, January 11, 2016. Archived May 17, 2016. WebCite URL:

June 7, 2002

President George Landrith signed a letter to President Bush, asking him to withdraw the “Climate Action Report 2002.”52Fred L. Smith Jr. “Joint Letter To President Bush On The EPA’s Climate Action Report,” Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 7, 2002. Archived October 18, 2015. WebCite URL:

The letter describes the Climate Action Report as “largely a compilation and summary of junk science produced by the Clinton-Gore Administration in order to support their Kyoto agenda,” and calls on Bush to have the report “re-written on the basis of sound science.”

A further demand of the letter is for Bush to “dismiss or re-assign all administration employees who are not pursuing your agenda, just as you have done in several similar instances.”53Fred L. Smith Jr. “Joint Letter To President Bush On The EPA’s Climate Action Report,” Competitive Enterprise Institute, June 7, 2002. Archived October 18, 2015. WebCite URL:

May 14, 2002

Held a briefing at the National Press Club, in conjunction with the Cooler Heads Coalition and The Science and Environmental Policy Project, entitled “Experts Discuss Why United States Should Withdraw Its Signature From Kyoto; Whatever Happened To Global Warming Anyway?”54Experts Discuss Why United States Should Withdraw Its Signature From Kyoto; Whatever Happened To Global Warming Anyway?” U.S. Newswire, May 14, 2002. Archived October 19, 2002.

Speakers included John Daly, S. Fred Singer, and Chris Horner.

August 19, 1997

Held a “Countdown to Kyoto” conference in Canberra, Australia “to bolster support for the government’s increasingly isolated position on global warming in preparation for Kyoto.”

The conference was co-organized by The Australian APEC Study Centre and featured well known climate change deniers such as Patrick Michaels, John Christy, and Alan Oxley. Other speakers including Jerry Ellis, past Chairman of the multinational BHP Ltd. And Peter Hartley, director of a think tank called the Tasmania Institute.55Countdown to Kyoto: The Consequences of Mandatory CO2 Emission Reductions,” Monash University. Archived August 6, 1997.

At the conference, U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel commented, “I believe we are headed down the wrong path in the negotiations for any global climate treaty to be signed in Kyoto, Japan, this December.”56“Countdown to Kyoto” an International Conference on The Consequences of Mandatory Global CO2 Emission Reductions: Remarks by United States Senator Chuck Hagel” (PDF), Retrieved from Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

Contact & Location

As of June, 2016 Frontiers of Freedom listed the following contact information on its website:57Contact Us,” Frontiers of Freedom. Archived June 8, 2016. WebCite URL:

Frontiers of Freedom
4094 Majestic Blvd., #380
Fairfax, Virginia 22033

703-246-0110 office
703-246-0129 fax

Email: [email protected]

Social Media

Other Resources


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