
Freedom Association

Freedom Association


The Freedom Association (TFA) is a UK-based campaign group founded in 1975 by former Conservative Party members William Sidney 1st Viscount De L’Isle, Ross McWhirter, Norris McWhirter, and John Gouriet.1Welcome to The Freedom Association,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL: 2History,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

The organisation describes its politics as “non-partisan, centre-right, [and] libertarian”,3Welcome to The Freedom Association,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL: and states that it campaigns “in support of individual liberty and freedom of expression”. The group has also argued against the Climate Change Act4Roger Helmer. “Why we must repeal the Climate Change Act,” Freedom Association, March 20, 2012. Archived April 25, 2015, since been deleted. URL: and has held events to discuss ideas that oppose the scientific consensus on climate change.5Andy Rowell. “The Climate Sceptics on the Fringe of the Tories,” Oil Change International, October 3, 2008. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

TFA’s council members have ties to 55 Tufton Street, home to a number of right-wing Eurosceptic think tanks in London, as well as both the Conservative Party and the UK Independence Party.6Council and Management Committee,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

The group’s patron is Conservative peer Lord Nigel Vinson. He is one of the few known donors to the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the UK’s most prominent climate science denial group.7Council and Management Committee,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

Stance on Climate Change

TFA claims on its website that its quarterly journal, Freedom Today, has:8The journal of the Freedom Association,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

“… earned a reputation for fearlessly tackling issues other publications often ignore. For example, it led the way in questioning identity cards and consensus thinking on climate change and has helped change opinion on both.”9The journal of the Freedom Association,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:


According to Companies House, TFA received £43,776 in 2018 from membership fees, down from £55,403 the year before.10Freedom Association Limited Unaudited Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2018 (PDF),” Companies House. Archived July 15, 2020. Archived .pdf on file at DeSmog.

In 2010 it was revealed by the Observer that TFA had received a donation from Swiss-banker Henry Angest through the company Flowidea, which has also donated to Liam Fox’s now defunct neoconservative think tank Atlantic Bridge.11Jamie Doward. “Publicity-shy Conservative donor revealed as paymaster of anti-European activists,” Guardian, April 11, 2010. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

Key People

David Campbell Bannerman, former Conservative MEP for the East of England between 2009 and 201912Council and Management Committee,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL: and former deputy leader of the UK Independence Party,13David Campbell Bannerman,” Brexit Central. Archived July 15, 2020. URL: is TFA’s Chairman14UKIP MEP Campbell Bannerman defects to Conservatives,” BBC News, May 24, 2011. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

Lord Nigel Vinson is a Conservative peer and TFA’s patron. He is also one of the few known donors to climate science denial group the Global Warming Policy Foundation.15Council and Management Committee,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

Simon Richards has been TFA’s Chief Executive since 2014 and a member since 1976, a year after the organisation’s inception.16Council and Management Committee,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL: He describes himself as a Thatcherite and was once the National Vice-Chairman of the Federation of Conservative Students.17Meet the team,” Freedom Association. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

Andrew Allison is TFA’s Head of Campaigns. He was previously the National Grassroots Coordinator at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, an organisation that campaigns for a low tax society and which is one of several right-wing lobby groups based at 55 Tufton Street in Westminster, London.18Meet the team,” Freedom Association. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

Council Members

Its council members include a number of high-profile politicians who have rejected the scientific consensus on climate change or argued against action to reduce emissions:19Council and Management Committee,” Freedom Association. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:


March 6, 2020

In a blog post for the organisation’s campaign Axe the TV Tax, TFA’s Head of Campaigns Andrew Allison criticised the BBC for “being out of touch with ordinary people” when it came to issues like Brexit and climate change. Allison went on to write:20Andrew Allison. “Is the culture secretary ready to fight the BBC?Freedom Association, March 6, 2020. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

“Lord (Nigel) Lawson can’t get a platform with the BBC when he casts doubt about the effects of man-made climate change. But the BBC can’t get enough of Greta Thunberg.”21Andrew Allison. “Is the culture secretary ready to fight the BBC?Freedom Association, March 6, 2020. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

Former UK Chancellor Nigel Lawson is a Conservative Life Peer and founded the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), the UK’s most prominent climate science denial group. He and the GWPF have consistently cast doubt on the threat of climate change and opposed climate action.

March 20, 2012

Roger Helmer published an article on TFA detailing, “why we must repeal the Climate Change Act”. With various references to fossil fuel funded academic Richard Lindzen, Helmer argued that there had been no “further warming trend for the past fifteen years”.22Roger Helmer. “Why we must repeal the Climate Change Act,” Freedom Association, March 20, 2012. Archived April 25, 2015, since been deleted. URL:

He also wrote:23Roger Helmer. “Why we must repeal the Climate Change Act,” Freedom Association, March 20, 2012. Archived April 25, 2015, since been deleted. URL:

“The IPCC’s disaster scenario is quite literally speculative, and unsupported by the evidence. It exists in a virtual world of computer models which reflect the prejudices and the inputs of the climatologists who programmed them, and have about as much relevance to the real world as Grand Theft Auto.”24Roger Helmer. “Why we must repeal the Climate Change Act,” Freedom Association, March 20, 2012. Archived April 25, 2015, since been deleted. URL:

October 1, 2007

TFA held a meeting titled “Let Cooler Heads Prevail,” in response to a report published by a group of environmental organisations, including Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, which criticised green policies by political parties in Parliament.25Ros Taylor. “Tory climate change sceptics warm to their theme,” Guardian, October 2, 2007. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

The event was attended by a number of Conservative members including then MEP Roger Helmer and former Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith.26Ros Taylor. “Tory climate change sceptics warm to their theme,” Guardian, October 2, 2007. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

In a speech about global warming, Helmer said:27Ros Taylor. “Tory climate change sceptics warm to their theme,” Guardian, October 2, 2007. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

“You either believe it or you don’t… And in my case, I don’t!… This whole issue has got completely out of hand. It has become a new religion. You have to believe it. If you do not believe it, you are a heretic. They would like to burn us at the stake – using recycled faggots!”28Ros Taylor. “Tory climate change sceptics warm to their theme,” Guardian, October 2, 2007. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

In October of the following year, TFA held a similar event titled “Free Thinking on Climate Change” with speakers including Ruth Lea, now trustee at the Global Warming Policy Foundation, and former advisor to Margaret Thatcher Christopher Monckton.29Andy Rowell. “The Climate Sceptics on the Fringe of the Tories,” Oil Change International, October 3, 2008. Archived July 15, 2020. URL:

Contact & Address

TFA lists the following contact information on its website:32Contact,” Freedom Association. Archived July 16, 2020. URL:

122 Winchcombe St
GL52 2NW

Email: [email protected]

Social Media

Other Resources


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