
Wibjorn Karlen

Wibjorn Karlen Credentials Background Karlen is a retired professor in the department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology from Stockholm University. Karlen appears as on Senator James Inhofe‘s list of scientists who are skeptical of global warming as one of 40 who are currently retired. Stance on Climate Change “Newspapers should think about the damage […]

Freeman Dyson

Freeman Dyson (Deceased) Credentials Background Freeman Dyson was a physics professor known for his work in the area of electrodynamics. Dyson formerly worked as a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He passed away at 96 years old in February 2020. […]

Ian Clark

Ian Clark Credentials According to the NRSP, Clark completed his graduate studies at the University of Waterloo and at the Université de Paris Sud (Orsay) in isotope hydrogeology and paleoclimatology. Background Ian D. Clark is emeritus professor in the Department of Earth and […]

Robert H. Essenhigh

Robert H. Essenhigh Credentials Background Robert H. Essenhigh is a professor emeritus of mechanical engineering with a focus in the area of combustion. He is skeptical of the theory of man-made climate change. 2“Robert Essenhigh,” OSU Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. […]

Tad Murty

Tad Murty (Deceased) Credentials Background Tad Murty is former senior research scientist for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. He passed away in 2018.1 “In memoriam for Prof. Tadepalli (Tad) Murty (1937–2018),” Natural Hazards, Volume 96, Issue 2 (March 2019). Retrieved from SpringerLink. He was a former director of Australia’s National Tidal Facility as well […]

Ross McKitrick

Ross McKitrick Profile image Ross McKitrick speaking at the Heartland Institute’s 12th International Conference on Climate Change, screenshot via YouTube. Credentials  Background Ross McKitrick is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Guelph. McKitrick is also a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute, a libertarian think tank based in Vancouver, British Columbia.1“Ross McKitrick: Professor of Economics,” […]

Douglas V. Hoyt

Douglas V. Hoyt Credentials Background Douglas V. Hoyt is a retired solar physicist with Raytheon Corporation. Hoyt appears on Senator James Inhofe‘s list of 400+ “prominent” scientists who doubt global warming. He is listed as one of 49 who are currently retired. Inhofe’s most recent list contains over “650 international scientists.” Stance on Climate Change […]

Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen

Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen Credentials Background Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen is an emeritus reader in geography at the University of Hull and the former editor of Energy and Environment, a journal known for publishing the papers written by climate change skeptics.1 “Geography Department: Academic Staff,” University of Hull, Department of Geography. Accessed March 1, 2012. She stepped down from […]

Hendrik (Henk) Tennekes

Hendrik (Henk) Tennekes Credentials Past professor of aeronautical engineering, and the past director of research at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Background Hendrik (Henk) Tennekes is a retired researcher from the Netherlands known for his work in the fields of turbulence and multi-modal forecasting. From […]

Gordon E. Swaters (had name removed)

Gordon E. Swaters Swaters regrets signing “that damn petition” Dr. Gordon E. Swaters, a Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Alberta, says that he was told he was signing a petition asking the federal government to devote more energy to research on climate change. Instead, the letter – given prominent play in the National Post […]