
Chris Horner

Chris Horner Credentials Background Christopher C. Horner is a former senior legal fellow for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) (formerly American Tradition Institute), where he provided “strategic and legal counsel on cases involving Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filings and government transparency.”1“Senior Leadership,” Energy and Environment Legal Institute. Archived November 3, 2017. […]

Marc Morano

Marc Morano Credentials Background Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations […]

Calvin Beisner

E. Calvin Beisner Profile image of Calvin Beisner at Heartland Institute Press Conference Before Vatican’s 2015 Climate Summit, via YouTube. Credentials Background E. Calvin Beisner is a former Professor of Social Ethics at Knox Theological Seminary. He was a member of the faculty as an associate professor of historical theology and social ethics from July 2000 through December […]

Dennis Avery

Dennis T. Avery (Deceased) Credentials Background Dennis Avery was the director of the Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute, where he edited Global Food Quarterly. Avery passed away on June 20, 2020 at 83 years of age. […]

Michael Fox

Michael R. Fox (Deceased) Credentials Background Michael Fox was a retired nuclear scientist and university chemistry professor with experience in the field of energy. He passed away on November 4, 2011. 2“Dr. Michael R. Fox 1936 — 2011,” The […]

Patrick Michaels (Deceased)

Patrick J. Michaels Credentials S.M. Biology, University of Chicago (1975). Biological Sciences, University of Chicago (1971). Special Graduate […]

Christopher Essex

Christopher Essex Credentials Background Christopher Essex is a professor of applied mathematics at Western University in London, Ontario where his research interests include “Radiation Thermodynamics, Anomalous Diffusion” and “Chaos, Dynamical Systems and Predictability.”1 ”Full Time Faculty,” Western University. Archived September 23, 2016. Archived .png on file at Desmog. URL: Essex was an author […]

Arthur Rorsch

Arthur Rörsch Credentials Background Arthur Rörsch was a genetics professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands from 1967 to 1997. Rörsch is on Senator James Inhofe’s list of “Prominent Scientists” who deny the existence of man made climate change. He is one of 49 on the list who are retired. Stance on Climate Change “Doubts […]

Alister McFarquhar

Alister McFarquhar Credentials Background Alister McFarquhar is a retired economist from Cambridge, United Kingdom. He is one of 20 economists on Senator Inhofe‘s List of 400+ “prominent climate scientists” who deny global warming. 2“Alister McFarquhar,” […]

Nils-Axel Morner (Deceased)

Nils-Axel Mörner (Deceased) Credentials Background Mörner was a professor at the University of Stockholm where he was head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department from 1991 to 2005. Morner passed away on October 16, 2020 at the age of 86. 2“Interview: Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner” (PDF), EIR News Service, […]