
David Douglass

David Douglass Credentials Background David Douglass is a Professor of Physics at the University of Rochester. According to his bio, Douglass main focus has been in the area of experimental condensed matter, but in the last few several years he’s been studying the fundamental science issues underlying global warming. Douglass has published several papers on […]

Myron Ebell

Myron Ebell Credentials Background Myron Ebell is the former Director of Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and has been director of Freedom Action, a “web-based grassroots activist organization loosely affiliated with CEI.” He is also the chair […]

Tom Tanton

Thomas (Tom) Tanton Credentials Background Tom Tanton is the Director of Science and Technology Assessment for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal), where he is described as “a strong proponent of free market environmentalism and consumer choice,” as well as, “frequently publish[ing] and speak[ing] against alarmist and reactionary policies and government failures.”1 “Senior […]

Roy Cordato

Roy Cordato Credentials Ph.D., economics, George Mason University (1986). M.A., Economics, University of Hartford (1980). Bachelors of Music Education, Hartt School of Music (1975).3“Biography,” The John Locke Foundation. Archived October 30, 2019. […]

Roy Innis

Roy Innis (Deceased) Credentials Roy Innis claimed that his experience of climate science came from being “exposed to climate variation dynamics while a student in chemical engineering at the City College of New York.” Background Roy Innis was the National Chairman […]

Richard Rahn

Richard W. Rahn Credentials Background Richard Rahn is an economist and the current chairman of the Institute for Economic Growth (IGEG). He sits on the advisory boards of numerous think-tanks and advocacy groups. Rahn is also the founder of Novecon companies, and currently sits as the chair of Novecon Financial Ltd.1“About us,” Institute for Global Economic […]

Julian Morris

Julian Morris Credentials Background Morris is the president, founder (in the 2001 rebranding), and past Executive Director of the International Policy Network (IPN), a UK-based free market think-tank. He is also the vice president of Research at the Reason Foundation, and has previously worked with […]

David Legates

David Legates Credentials Background David R. Legates is a Joint Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Delaware. In 2005, Legates was designated as Delaware’s State Climatologist. He was hired as deputy assistant secretary of commerce for observation and prediction at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 2020. In November 2020, Legates was reportedly tapped to head the U.S. Global […]

Christopher Monckton

Christopher Monckton Credentials Background Christopher Walter Monckton, the third Viscount Monckton of Brenchely, is a former British politician affiliated with the UK Independence Party. He was a former advisor to UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and was a “special advisor to Thatcher’s Downing Street policy unit” in the 1980s. Monckton’s first claim to fame was […]

Robert L. Bradley Jr.

Robert L. Bradley Jr. Credentials Background Robert Bradley Jr. is the founder and CEO of Institute for Energy Research (IER). Bradley spent nearly 20 years in the business world including 16 years at Enron where he served as corporate director of public policy analysis and as a speech writer for Kenneth L. Lay.1“ExxonSecrets Factsheet: Robert […]