
James Mahoney

James Mahoney Credentials Background James Mahoney was employed by Koch Industries, Inc. since 1988 where he began his career working for Flint Hills Resources. Now retired, he formerly worked as vice president for operations excellence and compliance and was also a member of the board of directors.1Bill Wilson. “Koch announces new leadership,” Wichita Business Journal, […]

Koch Industries, Inc.

Koch Industries, Inc. Related Profiles & Research Background Koch Industries, Inc. is the largest privately owned company in the United States. According to Forbes, in 2007 Koch Industries generated $98 billion in revenue and had 80,000 employees. As of 2020, it […]

Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera

Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera Credentials Background Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera is a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. His research areas include remote sensing systems, signal and image processing, planetary remote sensing, and prevention of natural disasters. Herrera’s name appears as part of a list (PDF) of “650 […]

Ivar Giaever

Ivar Giaever Credentials Background Ivar Giaever is a retired professor formerly with the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s department of physics. In 1973 Giaever shared the Nobel Prize for physics with Leo Esakis for their discovery of electron tunnelling in superconductors; work Giaever had done while working with General Electric (GE).1“Press Release: The 1973 Nobel Prize in […]

Kiminori Itoh

Kiminori Itoh Credentials Background Dr. Kiminori Itoh received his Ph.D. in industrial chemistry from University of Tokyo in 1978. As […]

Bjørn Lomborg

Bjørn Lomborg Credentials Background Bjørn Lomborg is a political scientist, economist, and the founder and president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center (CCC). Lomborg’s Copenhagen Consensus Center (CCC) was founded in 2006 in Denmark and registered as a non-profit organization in the United States in 2008.2“Board & Directors,” Copenhagen Consensus Center. August […]

Oregon Petition

Oregon Petition The infamous “Oregon Petition” The Oregon Petition has been used by climate change skeptics as proof that there is no scientific consensus, however they fail to note the controversy surrounding the petition itself.2“SEPP News Release: More […]

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Background The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was founded by civil rights activist James Farmer in 1942 and was originally a leading civil rights organization that later aligned itself with conservative and anti-environmental groups. In 1993, James Farmer himself told New York Newsday that “CORE has no functioning chapters; it holds no […]

David Evans

David Evans Credentials Background David M. W. Evans is an editor for the Australian edition of GoldNerds, a company that sells information about gold companies to investors. He also does private mathematics research. Evans works alongside his wife Joanne Nova at Science Speak, a group that describes itself as “a small private scientific modeling and […]

Frederick Seitz

Frederick Seitz (Deceased) Credentials Background Dr. Frederick Seitz passed away on March 2, 2008. He was the former head of Rockefeller University, a former head of the National Academy of Sciences and the principal scientific advisor to the R.J. Reynolds medical research program. He was a co-founder of the George C. Marshall Institute, and later […]