
Henrik Svensmark

*Profile image screenshot of “The Connection between Cosmic Rays, Clouds and Climate” by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, via YouTube, March 16, 2018. Henrik Svensmark Credentials Background Henrik Svensmark is a physicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen. Svensmark has studied the effects of cosmic rays on cloud formation and presented a hypotheses […]

David Deming

​David Deming Credentials Background David Deming is associate professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. He graduated from Indiana University in 1983 with a B.S. degree in geology, and received a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Utah in 1988. Prior to his arrival at the University of Oklahoma […]

George Kukla

George Kukla (Deceased) Credentials According to an interview with Kukla on the program “Truthquest” at KHENLPFM Radio (June 29, 2010), he received his doctorate in 1971 at Charles University as opposed to 1953. Background George Kukla was a micropalentologist and Special Research Scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. He passed away on […]

Tom Segalstad

Tom Victor Segalstad Credentials Ph.D., Geology/Geochemistry, University of Oslo.1 “Submission from the Lavoisier Group to the Garnaut Climate Change Review” (PDF), The Lavoisier Group. Accessed February, 2012. Background Tom Segalstad is an associate professor of Resource and Environmental Geology at the University of Oslo and head of the University’s Geological Museum.2 “Tom Victor Segalstad: Associate […]

Syun-Ichi Akasofu

Syun-Ichi Akasofu Credentials Background Syun Akasofu was the founding director of the International Arctic Research Center (IARC) of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, from its establishment in 1998 until January 2007. His areas of expertise are physics and geophysics. Akasofu is a well-known climate change skeptic and a speaker at the International Conference on Climate […]

Patrick Moore

Patrick Moore Credentials *Note: Patrick Moore has listed himself with a “Ph.D. in Ecology, Institute of Resource Ecology, University of British Columbia” in his profile at EcoSense and at the Heartland Institute, among others. However, Moore’s thesis at UBC was submitted for a Doctor of […]

Ray Evans

Ray Evans (Deceased) Credentials Background Ray Evans passed away on June 17, 2014. Evans is a former office-holder and co-founder of numerous Australian front groups and right wing think-tanks. He is past President of the HR Nicholls […]

Paul Driessen

Paul Driessen Credentials  Profile image Paul Driessen speaking at the Heartland Institute’s 12th International Conference on Climate Change, screenshot via YouTube. Background Paul Driessen is a senior policy advisor for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and maintains associations with a range of organizations devoted to the denial of man-made climate change including the Heartland Institute, […]

Joseph Conklin

Joseph Conklin

Joseph Conklin Credentials Background Joseph Conklin is trained as a meteorologist with experience collecting and analyzing surface weather observations. He has additional experience in radar/lightning analysis, wind shear detection, and software development. He was the founder of […]

Gary England

Gary England Credentials Background Gary England is the chief meteorologist for KWTV Channel 9, the CBS affiliate in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. England has been described as the first person (in 1981) to use commercial Doppler radar to warn the public of […]