
Heritage Foundation

Heritage Foundation Background The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank founded in 1973 by Paul Weyrich to “formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.” The Heritage Foundation has been a […]

Heartland Institute

The Heartland Institute Background The Heartland Institute is a Chicago-based free market think tank and 501(c)(3) charity that has been at the forefront of denying the scientific evidence for man-made climate change. The Heartland Institute has received at least $676,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998 but no longer discloses its funding sources. According to ExxonMobil’s worldwide giving […]

Americans for Prosperity

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Background Americans for Prosperity was founded by David Koch and Richard Fink in 2003 out of the remains of Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE). Like CSE, Americans for Prosperity has been accused by critics of “using the guise of nonprofit status to work, behind a screen of anonymity, on behalf of the […]

American Petroleum Institute

American Petroleum Institute (API) Background Based in Washington DC, the American Petroleum Institute (API) is the largest trade association for the oil and gas industry, representing over 600 corporate members “from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents, come from all segments of the industry.” The API says its mission is to “influence […]

American Enterprise Institute

American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Background The American Enterprise Institute (AEI), or American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, is one of the richest and most influential think tanks in the U.S. having received significant funding from conservative foundations and large corporations. AEI’s areas of concern include foreign and domestic policy which includes the issue of […]

Roger Tattersall

Roger Tattersall Credentials Background Roger Tattersall, also known by his online persona “Tallbloke,” runs Tallbloke’s Talkshop, a skeptical blog set up in November 2009, around the time of the first release of hacked e-mails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia.1“The Talkshop: second anniversary,” Tallbloke’s Talkshop, November 29, 2011. Archived […]

Steve McIntyre

Stephen (Steve) George McIntyre Credentials Background Stephen McIntyre has been a long-time mining industry executive, mostly working on the “stock market side” of mining exploration deals. He published a blog called Climate Audit where he attempts to analyse in sometimes long and extensive detail the work of climate change scientists where he documents “statistical mistakes” […]

Global Warming Policy Foundation

Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) Background The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) is a UK-based think tank founded by former Conservative Chancellor Nigel Lawson with the purpose of combating what it describes as “extremely damaging and harmful policies” designed to mitigate climate change. The group was established on November 22, 2009, just three days after the first […]

David Whitehouse

David (Robert) Whitehouse Credentials Background David Robert Whitehouse is a scientist, writer, and broadcaster. He was BBC‘s Science correspondent from 1988 until 2006, and also served as the Science Editor for BBC News Online. Whitehouse has since criticized the BBC‘s climate change reporting as “evangelical” and “inconsistent,” […]

American Tradition Institute

American Tradition Institute (ATI) Background **Note: The American Tradition Institute (ATI) has been renamed the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal). The American Tradition Institute was launched in Colorado in February 2009 as the nonprofit Western Tradition Institute, later changing its name to ATI.  WTI, in turn, was a spinoff of the Western Tradition […]