
James McGrath

James E. McGrath (Deceased) Credentials Background Dr. James McGrath is a former professor of chemistry at Virginia Tech and past co-director of the Polymer Materials and Interface Lab (PMIL) at Virginia Tech. James E. McGrath passed away in May of 2014.1“James E. McGrath, 79, scientist and Virginia Tech professor known for work with polymers, dies,” […]

Edward David

Edward E. David Jr. Credentials Background Edward David is an American electrical engineer. He served as a past science advisor to president Richard M. Nixon. He resigned from his position with Nixon in 1973, because of “disappointment that his advice had not been heeded.”1Lyons, Richard D. (January 3, 1973). Science Adviser to Nixon Leaving for Industry […]

Steve Milloy

Steven J. Milloy Photo of Steve Milloy by Zach Roberts (c) 2017. Credentials Background Steve Milloy joined the Heartland Institute’s board of directors in 2020. He previously worked as director of external policy and strategy at Murray Energy Corp, which claims to be the largest privately-owned coal […]

Richard Lindzen

Richard Lindzen Credentials Background Richard S. Lindzen is former Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a position he held from 1983 until his retirement in 2013.3“Faculty News,” EAPS, May 31, 2013. […]

Nigel Lawson (deceased)

Nigel Lawson Credentials Background Nigel Lawson, whose official title was Lord Lawson of Blaby, spent the majority of his professional career involved in British politics and journalism. In the early 1960s and 70s, Lawson served as an Editor or columnist for a number of newspapers including The Financial Times, The Sunday Telegraph, The Spectator, The Evening Standard, and […]

Lavoisier Group

Lavoisier Group Background The Lavoisier Group, borrowing the name of French chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, was founded in March 2000 by the late Ray Evans, then an executive at the Western Mining Corporation (WMC), Hugh Morgan (past CEO of WMC), and Peter Walsh. Morgan has funded other skeptical think-tanks and organizations including the Centre for Independent […]

Frontier Centre for Public Policy

Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP) Background The Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP) is a “research and education charity” registered in both Canada and the United States. It was founded in 1999 by “philanthropic foundations seeking to help voters and policy makers improve their understanding of the economy and public policy.” They outline their […]

International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project

International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project (ICECAP) Background The International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project (ICECAP) is a website devoted to promoting the views of climate change skeptics. It was registered by Executive Director Joseph D’Aleo on October 20, 2006. ICECAP describes itself as “the […]

George C. Marshall Institute

George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) — Now CO2 Coalition Background The George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) was founded in 1984 by William Nierenberg, Frederick Seitz and Robert Jastrow as a “nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation to conduct technical assessments of scientific issues with an impact on public policy.”1”About The Marshall Institute,” George C. Marshall Institute. Archived August […]

Frontiers of Freedom

Frontiers of Freedom (FoF) Background Frontiers of Freedom (FoF) is a 501(C)4 nonprofit organization founded in 1995 by U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallup. It describes itself as an educational foundation with the mission “to promote the principles of individual freedom, peace through strength, limited government, free enterprise, free markets, and traditional American values as found in the […]