
Stewart Franks

Stewart Franks Credentials According to Franks, “I’m primarily a hydrologist, but I study what we call hydro-climatology, and that really is the hydrological impacts of climate variability.”1 “Why so wet?”, RadioNational Counterpoint (see transcript), February 7, 2011. Background Stewart Franks is a former professor of environmental engineering at the University of Tasmania in Australia. He […]

David H. Padden

David H. Padden (Deceased) Credentials Background David H. Padden was the founder of the Heartland Institute, a founding director of the Cato Institute, and played a prominent role in a number of other libertarian think tanks. Padden also started the small municipal bond firm Padden and Co. in the early 1960s. David H. Padden passed […]

Andrew Montford

Andrew W. Montford Credentials Background Andrew W. Montford is an English writer, editor, chartered accountant, and the voice behind climate change skeptic blog Bishop Hill. He is also the author of The Hockey Stick Illusion  (2010). He currently lives in Scotland. Montford set up the company Anglosphere in 2004 which provides editing services to the publishing industry […]

Donna Laframboise

Donna Laframboise Credentials Background Donna Laframboise is a journalist, photographer, and founder of, a website critical of the IPCC and skeptical of climate change. In late 2013, Laframboise became a senior fellow for the Frontier Center for Public Policy, a freemarket think tank based in the US and Canada.1“Donna Laframboise,” Google Profile. Accessed October […]

Scaife Family Foundations

Scaife Family Foundations Background The Scaife family foundations are made up of the Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation, the Carthage Foundation, the Allegheny Foundation, and the Scaife Family Foundation. Originally, the foundations were managed by Sarah Mellon Scaife. Effective January 1, 2015, The Carthage Foundation merged with and into the Sarah Scaife Foundation Incorporated and no […]

George Mason University

George Mason University (GMU) Background George Mason University (GMU) began as the Northern Virginia branch of the University of Virginia in 1957. In 1972 it had grown to the point where it officially separated from its parent institution. During the 1990s it became […]

Mercatus Center

Mercatus Center, George Mason University Background The Mercatus Center is a conservative think tank located at George Mason University and is a sister organization to the Institute for Humane Studies. The Mercatus Center was originally founded at Rutgers University by Richard Fink in the late 1970s, under the name the Center for Market Processes.1“History and […]

Capital Research Center

Capital Research Center (CRC) Background The Capital Research Center (CRC) was founded in 1984 by Willa Johnson to “study non-profit organizations, with a special focus on reviving the American traditions of charity, philanthropy, and voluntarism.”  Prior to founding CRC, […]

Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy

Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy Background The Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy is a Virginia-based non profit foundation dealing with “the issues of improving education, government reform, economic development and environmental stewardship.” The Thomas Jefferson Institute’s mission is “to provide Virginia’s political, business, academic, community and media leadership with thoughtful, realistic, useful and […]

Washington Legal Foundation

Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) Background The Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) was founded in 1977 to fight “activist lawyers, regulators, and intrusive government agencies at the federal and state levels, in the courts and regulatory agencies across the country.” WLF is a national non-profit foundation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.1 “WLF at-a-glance,” […]