
Steven F. Hayward

Steven F. Hayward Credentials Background Steven F. Hayward is a conservative writer and journalist covering issues including environmentalism, law, economics, and public policy. He is the Thomas Smith Distinguished Fellow at the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University in Ohio, where he directs their political economy program.1 “Steven F. Hayward,” American Enterprise Institute. Archived November 20, […]

Robert Bryce

Robert Bryce Credentials Background Robert Bryce is an American author and journalist based in Austin, Texas. He has regularly been cited as an “expert” on energy issues in the media, but has been under increased scrutiny after writing numerous articles in media outlets […]

Indur M. Goklany

Profile image screenshot from YouTube video, Indur Goklany speaking at the Heartland Institute’s 12th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC12). Indur M. Goklany Credentials Background Indur M. Goklany is a senior advisor at the U.S. Interior Department’s Office of Policy Analysis.1“OPA – Staff Directory,” U.S. Department of the Interior. Archived March 26, 2012. URL: […]

Robert C. Balling Jr.

Robert C. Balling Jr. Credentials Background Robert C. Balling Jr. is a professor at the school of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University (ASU). He was the director of ASU’s Office of Climatology from 1989 to 2004 when he became the director of the MAS-GIS program. Balling acknowledged that he has received […]

Vincent Courtillot

Vincent Courtillot Credentials Background Vincent Courtillot is a professor of geophysics at the University of Paris Diderot and past Director of the Institut de Physique du Globe (IPGP) in Paris until January 14, 2011.1 “Claude Jaupart nommé nouveau directeur de l’IPGP,” Sorbonne Paris Cité, January 17, 2011. He is known for his research on the […]

Don Keiller

Donald (Don) Keiller Credentials Background Don Keiller is the former Deputy Head of Life Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. He has conducted biochemical research, photobiology, and worked with the Cambridge University Department of Plant Sciences, according to his archived profile at the university.1“Don Keiller,” LinkedIn. Accessed December 2, 2020. Archived .pdf on file […]

Nathalie Elgrably-Levy

Nathalie Elgrably-Lévy Credentials Master’s degree in management from HEC Montréal, with a specialization in applied economics and a thesis on the federal budget deficit. Background Nathalie Elgrably-Lévy has been a economics teacher at HEC Montreal since 1992, and is a senior economist and director of the […]

Ezra Levant

Ezra Levant Credentials Background Ezra Levant is a Canadian television and radio personality, conservative political activist, and author of Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada’s Oil Sands, the book that popularized the phrase “Ethical Oil,” which is now being used by the conservative government in Canada as justification for the expansion of the Athabasca tar […]

Joel Wood

Joel Wood Credentials Background Joel Wood is an associate professor at Thompson Rivers University. Previously, he was the Fraser Institute‘s Senior Research Economist in the Centre for Environmental Studies and Centre for Risk and Regulation. A similar position was previously held by climate change skeptic Kenneth Green who now works with the American Enterprise Institute.1Joel […]

Reynald Du Berger

Reynald Du Berger Credentials Background Reynauld Du Berger is emeritus professor of geophysics at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi. His background is in geological engineering and seismology. Du Berger’s research interests while working at the University of Quebec were in the fields of applied […]