
Institute for Liberty

Institute for Liberty (IFL) Background The Institute For Liberty (IFL) is a Washington D.C. think tank known for its opposition health care reform. It promotes a free-market approach to maintaining the health care system in the U.S. The IFL was founded in 2005 with a focus on technology policy and national security issues. According to […]


VA-SEEE Background The Northern Virginia Chapter of Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment (VA-SEEE) is a coalition whose goal is to “influence public policy in the areas of energy and environment, and to provide sound information to politicians, the media, and the public in the Commonwealth.”1 “What is SEEE, Really!!”, Northern Virginia Chapter of […]

Center for Industrial Progress

Center for Industrial Progress (CIP) Background The Center for Industrial Progress is a “for profit” think tank founded by Alex Epstein, a philospher with no science background who is also a blogger at Master Resource (the “Free Market Energy Blog”) and a past fellow of the Ayn Rand Institute. Epstein is the author of The Moral Case for […]

Stanley Goldenberg

Stanley B. Goldenberg Credentials Background Stanley B. Goldenberg is a Meteorologist with the Hurricane Research Division/AOML/NOAA located in Miami, Florida. He is one of the lead authors of NOAA’s Seasonal Hurricane Outlooks for the Atlantic basin. Goldenberg received his M.S. in Meteorology under the guidance of fellow climate change skeptic Jim O’Brien. Stanley Goldenberg has […]

Donn Dears

Donn D. Dears Credentials Background Donn D. Dears is president of TSAugust. He contributes to,, and He is a retired GE company senior executive. He has worked for GE as an engineer and later led an organization that serviced GE steel mills, electric utilities, refineries, oil drilling and production facilities, and open […]

Jerome Arnett

Jerome C. Arnett Jr. Credentials Background Jerome Arnett Jr. is a pulmonologist in Elkins, West Virginia. Arnett is also a fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians and once served on its ethics committee. He is also a policy advisor for The Heartland Institute, an adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and a […]

Charles Battig

Charles Battig Credentials Background Charles Battig is a retired physician with a postgraduate degree in electrical engineering. In 2009 he was appointed president of the Piedmont Chapter of Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment (VA-SEEE) by S. Fred Singer. VA-SEEE, described as a “grassroots organization,” was founded by climate change skeptic Fred Singer […]

Todd Wynn

Todd Wynn Credentials Background Todd Wynn is the former director of the Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs in the United States Department of the Interior, where he started in October 2017 and left in August 2019.1 “Wynn, Todd.” Linkedin. Accessed October 18, 2017. Archived .pdf file on DeSmog. 2 Steve Horn. “Former Head of […]

Richard Keen

Richard A. Keen (Deceased) Credentials Background Richard A. Keen was instructor emeritus at the University of Colorado Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC). Keen passed away on January 25, 2020. Some sources have also described him as a “climatologist,” and others as a “meteorologist.” 2“DR. RICHARD KEEN, R.I.P.” […]

Institute for Free Enterprise

Institute for Free Enterprise (IFE) — Formerly Berlin Manhattan Institute Background The Institute for Free Enterprise (IFE), which briefly went under the name Berlin Manhattan Institute for Free Enterprise from 2010 until 2012, is a registered charity in Berlin. According to the Institute […]