
Henri Masson

Henri A. Masson Credentials Background Ir. Henri A. Masson is past event coordinator at SEII (European Society of Engineers and Industrialists). He resigned from the organization shortly after SEII canceled a conference of climate change skeptics that featured S. Fred Singer. 2P. Gosselin. “Another […]

Steven Goddard

Steven Goddard (Tony Heller) Credentials Background Steven Goddard is a climate science denier, regular contributor to WattsUpWithThat (WUWT), and operator of ”The Deplorable Climate Science Blog.” The name “Steven Goddard” is a pseudonym used by Tony Heller, which he confirmed himself in June 2014.1Heartland Institute ICCC9 Speakers List, May 2014. Archived September 24, 2014. […]

Institute for Private Enterprise

Institute for Private Enterprise (IPE) Background The Institute for Private Enterprise (IPE) is a small think tank based in Melbourne, Australia with the aim to “promote the cause of private enterprise and to argue for a reduction in the role of government.” The […]


TSAugust Background TSAugust, which stands for “The Second of August” (the day most delegates signed the Declaration of Independence) is a 501(3)(c) not-for-profit non-stock corporation in Virginia. The group’s website,, is no longer live and the group no longer appears to be in operation. The mission of TSAugust, according to an archive of their […]

Austrian Economics Center

Austrian Economics Center (AEC) Background The Austrian Economics Center (AEC) is an incorporated society in Vienna Austria. The AEC also runs a separate 501(c)(3) organization called “Friends of the Austrian Economics Center,” which it also calls “AEC US” that allows U.S. donors to make contributions to AEC. AEC US works to oppose “expanded government” through […]

Leadership Institute

The Leadership Institute (LI) Background The Leadership Institute (LI) was founded in 1979 by Morton C. Blackwell who serves as its current president. The Institute specializes in training potential conservative political leaders in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organization, youth politics, and communications. According to their […]

African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development

African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD) Background The African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development (ACAHD), located in Nigeria, is an “independent, Non-Governmental Organization,” established in January 2002 to “reflect the general needs of African people.” They describe […]

Australian Taxpayers' Alliance

Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance (ATA) Background The Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance describes itself as a grassroots activist body “dedicated to fighting Australia’s crippling levels of taxation, over-regulation, and government waste.” It was launched on May 1, 2012 by Menzies House, a website catering to “conservative, centre-right and libertarian thinkers […]

Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy

Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE) Background The Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE) is a 501(c)(3) public charity with a Section H Election, allowing it to lobby legislators within IRS guidelines. The group’s website is no longer valid, and it is unclear if it is still in operation.1“Welcome to CARE,” Archived December 4, […]

Liberty Institute

Liberty Institute (India) Background The Liberty Institute is a free market think tank located in New Delhi, India. Founded in 1996, it describes itself as “dedicated to empowering the people by harnessing the power of the market.” and it seeks to “build understanding and appreciation of the four institutional pillars of a free society – […]