
John Loeffler

John Loeffler Credentials Background John Loeffler has 40 years of broadcast news experience, and hosts the weekly news program Steel on Steel, which began in 1990. The program is aired on the Information Radio Network and deals with geopolitical, political or religious and cultural issues. John also co-hosts a weekly financial program, “The Financial Sense […]

Evelyn Browning-Garriss

Evelyn Browning-Garriss Credentials Background Evelyn Browning-Garriss describes herself as a “historical climatologist” or “climatologist,” while it is unclear if she has specific education in this area. She is best known for her publication of the Browning Newsletter, a publication by Fraser Management, that “contains articles, observations and facts to support our contention that man is […]

Jim Puplava

James Joseph “Jim” Puplava Credentials Background James Joseph or “Jim” Puplava is an investment analyst and internet radio show host. He is president and CEO of Puplava Financial Services Inc., and Puplava Securities Inc, and host of the Financial Sense Newshour. His primary business experience is as a TV financial reporter and financial writer. He […]

Ralph B. Alexander

Ralph B. Alexander Credentials Background Ralph B. Alexander is a former Associate Professor of Physics at Wayne State University and former President and co-founder of Ion Surface Technology, a small high-tech materials company. He is currently the owner and president of R.B. Alexander & Associates Inc., an independent consulting firm specializing in advanced materials and […]

Jacob Nordangård

Jacob Nordangård Credentials Background Jacob Nordangård is a PhD student at Linköping University in Sweden. According to his profile at Linköping University, Nordangård is writing his dissertation on the EU’s biofuel policy with the underlying aim “to find out how biofuels have been promoted as a solution to both Europe’s energy security problems and the alleged […]

Marcus Ernst

Marcus D. Ernst Credentials Background Marcus D. Ernst is a lawyer and historian. He studied law and History from 1989 to 1993 in Passau. He has worked as a self-employed lawyer in the areas of civil and contract law, real estate law, corporate law, business succession and inheritance. 2“Das […]

Holger Thuss

Holger J. Thuss Credentials Background Holger J. Thuss is the current president of the European Institute for Climate and Energy, a group of German climate change skeptics founded in 2007 in Hanover (Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie in German). Thuss also co-founded CFACT Europe, a group focused on “free market environmentalism” and served as its […]

Michael Limburg

Michael Limburg Credentials Background Michael Limburg is the Vice President and Deputy Press-speaker for the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE). In his position he regularly attends EIKE’s International Conferences on Climate and Energy, and regularly speaks with the media. Stance on Climate Change “At best, this conference [the climate conference in Copenhagen] will […]

Dan Lewis

Dan Lewis Credentials Background Dan Lewis is the Chief Executive of the Economic Policy Center, a UK economic think tank with a mission to “promote high quality research and debate across all areas of economics in a free democratic society.” Lewis has also been the Energy Policy Advisor for the Institute of Directors where he […]

Helmut Alt

Helmut Alt Credentials Background Helmut Alt is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Alt studied from 1960 to 1963 at a School of Electrical Engineering, and subsequently became an engineer at […]