
Russell Cook

Russell Cook Credentials Background Russell Cook is a contributing editor for The Heartland Institute‘s Environment & Climate News. Russell Cook is “neither a scientist nor a trained journalist,” but rather, “a common citizen having reasonably adequate enough education and an inquisitive enough mind to observe and question contradictory stories in the media about global warming.”1Russell […]

Bob Armstrong

Bob Armstrong Credentials Background Robert (Bob) E. Armstrong is a self-described “bleeding heart libertarian,” the owner of, a computer programming company, and the previous drug affairs director of the Manhattan Libertarian Party. According to his C.V. and the Heartland Institute, he spent the 1970s […]

Copenhagen Consensus Center

Copenhagen Consensus Center Background The Copenhagen Consensus Center is a think tank registered in Arlington, Virginia, near Washington DC. The CCC says its role is to publicize “the best ways for governments and philanthropists to spend aid and development money.” High-profile Danish economist and author Bjørn Lomborg is the Copenhagen Consensus Center’s president, founder and […]

Andrew Bolt

Photo credit: Studio 10/YouTube Andrew Bolt Credentials Background Andrew Bolt is a high-profile conservative Australian columnist, commentator and broadcaster. Bolt is an opinion writer at the Rupert Murdoch-owned Herald Sun in Melbourne, with his columns often syndicated across the rest of the News Corporation Australia network of metropolitan tabloid newspapers online and in print.1“Andrew Bolt,” […]

Nick Minchin

Nick Minchin Credentials BEc (Economics), Australian National University  LLB (Law), Australian National University  Source: Parliamentary Biography. Background Nick Minchin is a former Australian government finance minister and Senator who in February 2014 was appointed to the influential diplomatic role of Australia’s Consul-General in New York. Minchin has long been considered a power broker in Australia’s conservative Liberal Party. Minchin served […]

John O’Sullivan

John O’Sullivan Credentials Credentials heavily contested. No reliable source available. Background John O’Sullivan is a UK-based climate denialist blogger, writer, and the sole active director of Principia Scientific International — a membership group promoting fringe views on climate change science and the role of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. O’Sullivan, a former school teacher, claims the greenhouse […]

Principia Scientific International

Photo credit: Principia Scientific International Principia Scientific International Background Principia Scientific International (PSI) is an organisation based in the United Kingdom which promotes fringe views and material to claim that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas. PSI was formed in 2010 around the time they published their first book, titled Slaying the Sky Dragon: […]

Maurice Newman

Maurice Newman Credentials Background Maurice Newman is a former stockbroker, company director and chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and has been an advisor to several Australian governments. In September 2013 he was appointed chairman of the Tony Abbott-led Government’s Business Advisory Council. 2“Prime […]

The Galileo Movement

The Galileo Movement Background The Galileo Movement is an Australian organisation, registered as a private company, which campaigns against legislation to put a price on carbon dioxide emissions. The group was founded in February 2011 by two Queensland-based retired businessmen Case Smith and John Smeed, who had previously worked together to successfully arrange a tour […]

Malcolm Roberts

Malcolm Roberts Credentials BE, Engineering, University of Queensland. MBA, Business, University of Chicago. Photo credit: ABC/YouTube Background Malcolm Roberts, based in Brisbane, Queensland, was a Australian Senator for the far-right fringe political party One Nation. 4Nick Wiggins and Chris […]