
Friends of Science

Friends of Science (FoS) Background Friends of Science (FoS), or the Friends of Science Society, is a Canadian non-profit group based in Calgary, Alberta, “comprised mainly of active and retired earth and atmospheric scientists, engineers, and other professionals” whose main concern is what they describe as “the abuse of science displayed in the politically inspired Kyoto […]

Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation

Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation Background The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, formerly the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance (ISA) is an evangelical Christian group founded in 2006 by Calvin Beisner that claims environmentalism is “one of the greatest threats to society and the church today.”1“Cornwall Alliance: Background information for reporters” (PDF), Desmog UK, April, 2015. Archived […]

Richard Tol

Richard Tol Credentials Background Professor Richard Tol is an economist, academic and was an advisor to the climate denial organisation the Global Warming Policy Foundation. Tol claims to specialise in assessing the economic implications of climate change impacts and policy approaches. His analysis suggests economic impacts from climate change are negligible and possibly beneficial, at […]

Craig Rucker

Craig Rucker Credentials Background Craig Rucker is the co-founder and executive director of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), which was founded in 1985 to “promote a positive voice on environment and development issues.” […]

Arthur Middleton Hughes

Arthur Middleton Hughes (Deceased) Credentials Background Arthur Middleton Hughes was the founder and Vice President of the Database Marketing Institute, an author at, and the VP Director of Research and Strategy at the CO2 Capture Corporation. Arthur Hughes passed away in September of 2014. 2Al Urbanski. […]

Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn Credentials Mark Steyn attended the King Edward’s School in Birmingham, U.K., leaving in 1978, at the age of 18. Steyn does not appear to have a college education or any background in climate science. 2“Top American Conservative Mark Steyn Didn’t Go to College,” Edbasic, July 9, 2012. Archived […]

Ronald Bailey

Ronald Bailey Credentials B.A. Philosophy, B.A. Economics, University of Virginia, 1976. Background Ronald Bailey is a science correspondent at Reason Magazine, writing a weekly science and technology column. He is also a “media fellow” and […]

Rupert Darwall

Rupert Darwall Credentials Background Rupert Darwall is a Consulting Director with the White House Writers Group, where he specializes in the intersection of public policy and finance. Darwall is also listed as a “team member” by the CO2 Coalition, an organization that claims […]

John Hinderaker

John Hinderaker Credentials Background John Hinderaker is “a lawyer in Minneapolis who occasionally writes stuff on the web” for, according to his Twitter profile biography. Hinderaker’s litigation practice spans the United States and for twenty years he has written on public policy issues “including income inequality, income taxes, campaign finance reform, affirmative action, welfare reform, […]

Norman Rogers

Norman Rogers Credentials Background Norman (Norm) Rogers is a Policy Advisor at the Heartland Institute. Rogers received a B.A. in Physics from the University of California at Berkley and a M.S. in Physics from the University of Hawaii. Following his education, he “held a variety of engineering and computer programming jobs with IBM, Hewlett Packard […]