
Nevada Policy Research Institute

Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI) Background The Nevada Policy Research Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that describes itself as a “free-market think tank that seeks private solutions to public challenges facing Nevada, the West and the nation.” NPRI is a member of the […]

Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE)

Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE) Background The Center for Organization Research and Education (CORE), formerly known as the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) until late 2014, formerly the Guest Choice Network (GCN), is made up of several organizations controlled by Washington lawyer and lobbyist Richard Berman.1David P. Goch. “Re: The Center for Consumer Freedom,” (17-33-72) (PDF). Letter to […]

Free Speech in Science Project

Free Speech in Science Project Background Attorneys David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman established the Free Speech in Science Project in 2016 to “to defend the kind of open inquiry and debate that are central to scientific advancement and understanding,” they write in The Wall Street Journal.1David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman. “Punishing Climate-Change Skeptics,” The Wall […]

Center for Accountability in Science

Center for Accountability in Science (CAS) Background The Center for Accountability in Science (CAS), “a non-profit organization dedicated to providing balance to alarmist media stories and NGO campaigns regarding the risks posed by modern technology, medicines, and products,” is a project of the nonprofit Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE). It has been described […]

Illinois Policy Institute

Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) Background The Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that “generates marketable policy solutions” with the aim of “promoting personal freedom and prosperity in Illinois.” The Illinois Policy Institute is a member of the State Policy Network (SPN), a group […]

US Chamber of Commerce

US Chamber of Commerce Background The U.S. Chamber of Commerce describes itself as “the world’s largest business organization representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions.” The primary focus of the U.S. Chamber is advocacy and lobbying for pro-business policies. In 2015, the chamber spent more than $80 million […]

Alexis de Tocqueville Institution

Alexis de Tocqueville Institution (AdTI) Background The Alexis de Tocqueville Institution (AdTI) was a Washington-DC-based think tank advocating for lower taxes and less government regulation. The group’s website,, is no longer in operation and the group appears to be defunct. AdTI was founded in 1988 in Redwood City, CA with an initial board made up of […]

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) Background The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) describes itself as a “non-profit research institute established in 1980 to conduct basic and applied research in subjects immediately applicable to increasing the quality, quantity, and length of human life.” OISM is classified by the IRS as a 501(c)3 […]

The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition

The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) Background The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC) — now defunct — was founded in 1993 to promote what it described as “sound science” in policy decision making. It was initially based on the Washington, DC offices of APCO and Associates, and led by an advisory board of […]

James Madison Institute

James Madison Institute (JMI) Background The James Madison Institute (JMI) is a Florida-based 501(c)(3) libertarian think tank founded in 1987 with the mission of keeping “the citizens of Florida informed about their government and to shape our state’s future through the advancement of practical free-market ideas on public policy issues.”1“About JMI,” The James Madison Institute. […]