
Media Research Center

Media Research Center Background The Media Research Center (MRC) was founded in 1987 by L. Brent Bozell. The MRC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that describes itself as “the nation’s premier media watchdog” with its mission to “to expose and neutralize the propaganda arm of the Left: the national news media.”1“To Create a Media Culture in […]

High Park Group

High Park Group (HPG) Background The High Park Group (HPG) describes itself as a Toronto-based “public affairs firm,” that has been in operation since 2001. HPG’s roster of clients includes large corporations, industry associations and not-for-profit organizations. In 2007, DeSmog found that two of […]

Alberta Prosperity Fund

Alberta Prosperity Fund (APF) Background The Alberta Prosperity Fund (APF) is a Canadian non-profit corporation launched in November 2015. APF describes itself as the “the conservative response to left leaning coalitions and governments whose anti-industry pro-government policies are destroying Alberta’s advantage.” The group contends that  “governments and special interests pursue high tax, anti-business agendas, Albertans and the […]

Donald Trump

Image of Donald Trump by Michael Vadon [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. Donald Trump Credentials Background Donald J. Trump, 45th president of the United States, is an American businessman, real-estate developer, and reality television personality. Trump announced his candidacy for president of the United States in 2015, and became the official Republican candidate for president on July […]

Stephen Moore

Stephen Moore Credentials Stephen Moore is a graduate of the University of Illinois and holds an MA in Economics from George Mason University. Background Stephen K Moore is […]

Mercer Family Foundation

Mercer Family Foundation Background The Mercer Family Foundation is a 501(c)(3) foundation run by Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of hedge fund manager Robert Mercer. The Mercer family has funnelled millions of dollars to conservative causes including climate deniers like […]

Robert Mercer

Robert Mercer Credentials Background Robert Mercer, 70, is the co-chief executive officer of the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies. In November 2017, in an effort to distance himself from controversy, Mercer announced he would step down from the hedge fund after facing “great scrutiny from the press” as well as sell his stake in Breitbart News […]

Fueling US Forward

Fueling U.S. Forward Background Fueling U.S. Forward (FUSF) was a pro-fossil-fuel organization launched in August, 2016 and headed by former industry lobbyist and executive Charles T. Drevna. Drevna has described the group as a 501(c)(6) nonprofit business association, a designation that allows its involvement in both lobbying and political […]

Martin Armstrong

* Profile Image Rick Maiman/Bloomberg News Martin A. Armstrong Credentials Background Martin Arthur Armstrong is former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd. and the CEO of Armstrong Economics. Martin Armstrong is known for developing the Economic Confidence Model based on business cycles and pi. He has claimed to have predicted the crash of 1987 to […]

George Will

George Will Credentials Background George Will is an American newspaper columnist, journalist, author, and a Pulitzer Prize-winning commentator. Will joined Fox News as a contributor and panelist in 2013, “providing analysis and commentary across FNC’s [Fox News Channel] daytime and primetime programming” 3“George Will,” Archived October 26, 2016. […]