
Edison Electric Institute

Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Background The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the trade association of U.S. electric utility companies, founded in 1933. The association operates in 50 states and the District of Columbia and also holds a number of international members. In 2013, EEI described itself as representing approximately […]

Alex Jones

Alex Jones Credentials Background Alex Jones hosts The Alex Jones Show, a nationally syndicated talk show, as well as the website Infowars. Jones has been described as “the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit which tracks hate groups. Rolling Stone magazine has described him as “the […]

Bret Stephens

Bret Stephens Credentials Background Bret Stephens is a conservative opinion columnist at The New York Times. Stephens is the former writer of the “Global View” column on foreign affairs at The […]

Gale Klappa

Gale E. Klappa Credentials Background Gale Klappa is formerly the Executive Chairman and CEO of WEC Energy Group and currently its the Non-executive Chairman. The company is a major electricity generator, mainly utilising coal and gas. According to his profile at WEC Energy, he retired from his role as CEO in May, 2016. Milwaukee Business […]

Information Council for the Environment

Information Council for the Environment (ICE) Background The now-defunct Information Council for the Environment (ICE) was a program proposed by a coalition of U.S. coal companies including the Western Fuels Association and Southern Company, joined by the Edison Electric Institute.1“Distorting the Debate: A Case Study of Corporate Greenwashing,” Ozone Action, 1996. Retrieved from Greenpeace research […]

Angela Logomasini

Angela Logomasini Credentials Ph.D, American Government, Catholic University of America (2008). Master’s, Congressional Studies, Catholic University (1992).3(Press Release). “ANGELA LOGOMASINI JOINS CEI ENVIRONMENTAL STAFF” (PDF), October 19, 1998.  Retrieved from Greenpeace USA Investigations. Archived .pdf on file […]

American Association of Blacks in Energy

American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) Background The American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) was formed in 1977 by Clarke A. Watson in what it described as a “response to our nation’s energy crisis.” When the new administration formed a task force to address the 1973 oil embargo, AABE’s founding members found that […]

William O’Keefe

William F. O’Keefe Credentials Background William O’Keefe is the former CEO of the George C. Marshall Institute, before it became the CO2 Coalition in 2015. He also sat as an inital Board Member of the CO2 Coalition.1 “Board Members,” George C. Marshall Institute. Archived August 15, 2015. URL: 2 Gayathri Vaidyanathan. “ADVOCACY:Think tank […]

Michael Bastasch

Michael Bastasch Credentials Background Michael Bastasch is a reporter for the conservative news site The Daily Caller where he focuses on energy and environmental issues. Bastasch has published over 3,000 articles on The Daily Caller and has regularly provided a platform for climate change skeptics.1“MICHAEL BASTASCH | ALL ARTICLES,” The Daily Caller. Accessed Mach 24, […]

Reince Priebus

Image of Reince Priebus by Michael Vadon – image has been cropped from original (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons Reince Priebus Credentials Background Reinhold “Reince” Priebus was the White House Chief of Staff, appointed by President Donald Trump on 13 November 2016 until July 28, 2017 when he was replaced by John […]