
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise

Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE) Background The Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE) was founded in 1976 by Alan Gottlieb and co-run by executive vice president Ron Arnold, known as “the father of the Wise Use movement.”1Bill Berkowitz. “Terrorist Tree Huggers: Ron Arnold, Father of the ‘Wise Use’ Movement, sets his […]

Derrick Hollie

Derrick Hollie Credentials Background Derrick Hollie is the founder of Reaching America, a 501(C)(4) organization that uses “grass root efforts, social media, traditional media and PR” to advocate for reduced regulation on the fossil fuel industry as well as “other issues affecting African Americans in our country today.”1“About,” Reaching America. Archived July 15, 2017. […]

Reaching America

Reaching America Background Reaching America is a 501(c)(4) organization founded by Derrick Hollie, an advertising and marketing specialist. The group, founded in 2015, claims to focus on “innovative solutions for African Americans not based on right or left wing views but what makes sense for a more united America,” a goal they will accomplish through […]

The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller Background The Daily Caller is an online media outlet founded by conservative TV commentator and journalist Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel, former chief policy advisor to Vice President Cheny. Launched on January 11, 2010, The Daily Caller positioned itself as a conservative alternative to The Huffington Post.1 “ABOUT US,” The Daily Caller. […]

Tim Huelskamp

Tim Huelskamp Credentials Background Tim Huelskamp served for three terms in Congress, representing the 1st District of Kansas. During his time in congress, he worked on the Veterans Affairs Committee where, according to his profile at the Heartland Institute, he “was a leader in exposing the corruption and failures at the VA and pushing through […]

NERA Economic Consulting

NERA Economic Consulting Background National Economic Research Associates (NERA) Economic Consulting was co-founded on April 10, 1961 by the late Jules Joskow and by Irwin M. Stelzer, senior fellow and director of the right-wing Hudson Institute’s Center for Economic Policy. In 2004, Stelzer was described as “right-hand man of Rupert Murdoch,” the CEO of News Corp., which owns Fox News. […]

Your Energy America

Your Energy America (YEA) Background Your Energy America (YEA) is a front group created in May 2017 by the American Gas Association (AGA) to promote natural gas use and undermine environmental advocacy campaigns against new natural gas pipelines and infrastructure.1 “About Us,” Your Energy. Accessed June 13, 2017. 2 “About Us,” American Gas Association. Archived […]

Ryan Zinke

Ryan Zinke Credentials Background Ryan Zinke was the 52nd Secretary of the Interior of the United States, nominated by Donald Trump and sworn in on March 1, 2017. Zinke announced his resignation on December 15, 2018, and would leave the administration at the end of the year.1“Secretary Ryan Zinke,” U.S. Department of the Interior. Archived […]

Fred L. Smith, Jr.

Profile image screencapture from C-SPAN video, Tobacco Regulation and Global Climate Change, January 24, 2004. Fred L. Smith, Jr. Credentials Background Fred L. Smith is the founder of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). He served as CEI’s President from 1984 until 2013, later working as the Director of CEI’s Center for Advancing Capitalism.1“Fred L. Smith, […]

Betsy DeVos

Elisabeth Dee “Betsy” DeVos Credentials Background Betsy DeVos is the 11th United States Secretary of Education, appointed under President Donald J. Trump. DeVos was nominated for the position on November 23, 2016.1Emma Brown. “Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary,” The Washington Post, November 23, 2016. Archived May 15, 2017. […]