
Sir James Spooner (Deceased)

Sir James Spooner (Deceased) Credentials Background Sir James Spooner was an honorary treasurer and trustee of the UK think tank the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), a group founded by climate science denier Nigel Lawson with the purpose of combating what Lawson has described as “extremely damaging and harmful policies” designed to mitigate climate change.1“Sir […]

Sammy Wilson

Photo: Wikimedia Commons | CC3.0 Sammy Wilson Credentials Background Sammy Wilson is an MP for Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) for East Antrim. He is a former environment minister and one of the DUP’s most controversial figures when it comes to climate change.1 “Sammy’s Biography,” Sammy Wilson. Archived December 7, 2018. URL: […]

Piers Corbyn

Image credit: YouTube video screenshot. Piers Corbyn Credentials Background Piers Corbyn is an astrophysicist who regularly speaks at climate science denial events. He is founder and director of the weather forecasting company WeatherAction.1Megan Darby. “Meet the sceptics: why science can’t compete with beachballs,” Climate Home News, July 11, 2014. Archived January 23, 2019. URL: […]

Owen Paterson

Photo: Wikimedia Commons | CC3.0 Owen Paterson Credentials Background Owen Paterson is MP for North Shropshire and a former environment secretary. He was appointed to the role in 2012 but was sacked by then prime minister David Cameron for fear his view that climate change was not a serious problem would cost the Conservative party […]

Michael Hintze

Michael Hintze Credentials Background Australian hedge fund manager Michael Hintze is one of the biggest donors to the UK’s Conservative Party and has been dubbed the godfather of Tory donors by some in the British press. He also donated money to the Brexit campaign and is one of the key funders of UK climate science denial thinktank […]

Lord Nigel Vinson

Lord Nigel Vinson Credentials Background Lord Nigel Vinson, a Conservative peer, is one of a handful of known donors to the UK climate science denial group the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF). Vinson retired from the House of Lords in July 2022.2“Lord Vinson,” Archive URL: […]

Lord Richard Hugh Cavendish

Image Credit: Chris McAndrew/Wikimedia/CC BY 3.0 Lord (Richard) Hugh Cavendish Credentials Background Lord (Richard) Hugh Cavendish has been a member of the House of Lords since 1990, having been appointed by then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. He sits on the EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee and was a member of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities […]

John Constable

Photo: Screengrab via Parliament TV John Constable Credentials Background John Constable is the Energy Editor of the Global Warming Policy Forum, campaign arm of the climate science denial group the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF). Constable was appointed to the position five months before joining the GWPF’s Academic Advisory Council.1 “Who we are,” Global Warming […]

Jim Ratcliffe

Photo: Wikimedia Commons | CC3.0 Jim Ratcliffe Credentials Background Jim Ratcliffe is chairman, co-founder, and majority owner of US petrochemical giant INEOS. He has described shale gas as a “saviour“ of the UK economy. He is known for his aggressive pursuit of industrial assets in the UK, […]

Jeremy Nicholson

Photo: Screengrab via Parliament TV Jeremy Nicholson Credentials Background Jeremy Nicholson is the former director of the Energy Intensive Users Group (EIUG), a lobbying organisation that “campaigns for secure industrial energy supplies at internationally competitive prices.” 2“Welcome to EIUG,” Energy Intenstive Users Group. […]