
Neil Record

Photo: screengrab from YouTube Credentials Background Neil Record is Chairman of Net Zero Watch (formerly the Global Warming Policy Forum), the campaign arm of the UK’s principal climate science denial organisation, the Global Warming Policy Foundation. Record was also the Chairman of the Institute of Economic Affairs until […]

Michael Gove

Photo: Wikimedia Commons | CC3.0 Michael Gove Credentials Background Michael Gove was the Conservative MP for Surrey Heath between 2005-2024, having announced he would not stand for re-election in the July 2024 general election.1Peter Walker. “Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom to stand down at general election,” The Guardian, May 24, 2024. Archived June 23, 2024. […]

Matthew Elliott

Photo: The TaxPayers’ Alliance via Flickr | CC.20 Matthew Elliott Credentials Background Matthew Elliott is the founder and former chief executive of the Taxpayers’ Alliance, a British lobby group which campaigns for a low tax society. Elliot founded the group in 2004 with his wife Florence Heath, a former petroleum geologist.1“Matthew Elliott,” Brexit Central. Archived […]

Liam Fox

Photo: Number 10 via Flickr | CC2.0 Liam Fox Credentials Background Liam Fox is a former Secretary of State for International Trade and former Conservative MP for North Somerset, having lost his seat to the Labour Party in the July 2024 general […]

Irish Climate Science Forum

The Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) Photo: DeSmog Background The Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) was founded in 2016 and initially launched at an event on May 4, 2017 in Dublin. According to its website, ICSF is “committed to identifying and disseminating […]

Graham Stringer

Photo: Wikimedia Commons | CC4.0 Graham Stringer Credentials Background Graham Stringer is a Labour MP for Blackley and Broughton and trustee of the UK climate science denial think tank the Global Warming Policy Foundation. Stringer is also part of a close-knit network of pro-Brexit climate science deniers, having served on the board of the official […]

Cuadrilla Resources

Cuadrilla Resources Background Cuadrilla Resources is a UK oil and gas exploration company. Founded in 2007, Cuadrilla has been at the vanguard of efforts to exploit Britain’s shale gas resources. The company’s CEO is Francis Egan. The company is owned, as of March 2016, partly by Australian engineering firm AJ Lucas (45 percent), Anglo-American equity firm […]

Boris Johnson

Photo: Number 10 via Flickr | CC2.0 Boris Johnson Credentials Background Boris Johnson is the current Prime Minister of the UK, having been elected to lead in the Conservative Party in July 2019. Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary a year before, holding the position since July 2016. Formerly Mayor of London, Johnson took a leading […]

Horace Cooper

* Profile image screenshot of Horace Cooper speaking on the O’Rielly Factor, via NCPPR on YouTube. Horace Cooper Credentials Background Horace Cooper is a senior fellow at the Heartland Institute. He is also a director of the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR), where he co-chairs Project 21’s National Advisory Board. According to his staff profile, Cooper is also an […]

Terence Mordaunt

Terence Mordaunt Credentials Background Terence Mordaunt is the owner and chairman of First Corporate Shipping, the trading name of Bristol Port. In December 2019, Mordaunt became chairman of the UK’s principal climate science denial campaign group the Global Warming Policy Foundation, after having served as director of its advocacy arm, the Global Warming Policy Forum […]