
William A. Dunn

William A. Dunn Credentials Background William A. Dunn is the founder of DUNN Capital Management, Inc., based in Stuart, Florida, which according to the company manages over $1 billion in investments.1 “About Dunn,” Dunn Capital Management, LLC. Archived December 8, 2017. URL: Before founding DUNN Capital Management in 1974, Dunn conducted research and […]

Philip Foster

Photo: DeSmog UK Philip Foster Credentials Background Philip Foster is a retired Church of England vicar, writer and long-time supporter of the Eurosceptic UK Independence Party (UKIP). 2“Vicar thanks God for EU results,” BBC […]

Bernie Lewin

Main image credit: Screengrab from GWPF TV interview, YouTube Bernie Lewin Credentials Background Bernie Lewin describes himself as a “historian of science” from Melbourne, Australia, and the author of climate disinformation blog, Enthusiasm, Scepticism, Science. The blog starts from the premise that “there is insufficient evidence to make the claim that CO2 emissions are causing […]

Mont Pelerin Society

The Mont Pelerin Society (MPS) Background The Mont Pelerin Society (MPS) was created in 1947 by the free market economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek and advocates “classical liberalism,” an ideology classified by small government and minimal regulation of business. It was named after the location of the group’s first meeting in Switzerland, and the […]

Jim Lakely

Jim Lakely Credentials Background Jim Lakely is the director of communications at the Heartland Institute. According to his Heartland profile before joining the institute, Lakely worked for 16 years as a journalist covering events on Capitol Hill. Lakely was a member of the White House Press Corps for The Washington Times during the George W. […]

Isaac Orr

Isaac Orr Credentials Background Isaac Orr is a former research fellow for energy and environment policy at the Heartland Institute. He currently works as a policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment. According to his Heartland profile, Orr specializes in writing, researching, and speaking on “hydraulic fracturing, frac sand mining, agricultural, and environmental […]

Oil and Gas Climate Initiative

Photo via OGCI. CEOs pictured include Helge Lund, BG Group; Bob Dudley, BPOGCI member CEOs not pictured: Mukesh Ambani, Reliance Industries; Ben van Beurden, Royal Dutch Shell). The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) Background The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) is a coalition of major oil and gas companies created to promote a climate-friendly image for some of the world’s largest polluters. Established in […]

University of Buckingham

Photo: Public Domain University of Buckingham Background The University of Buckingham is the UK’s first private university. Founded in 1973, the university was closely linked to the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the UK education secretary at the time. After retiring from politics, Thatcher was the university’s chancellor from 1992 until 1998.1 “History of […]

Peter Lilley

Peter Lilley Credentials Background Lord Peter Lilley is a former British Conservative Party MP and until April 2020, sat on the Board of Trustees of the UK climate science denying thinktank the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF). 2“Board of Trustees,” Global Warming Policy Foundation. Archived […]

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage Credentials Background Nigel Farage is the leader of Reform UK and an MP for the party in Clacton-on-Sea, having been elected in the July 2024 […]